Nuclear power good or bad essay
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Dr Pepper free essay sample
Creating in coolers and candy machine. (Subtleties to persuade): In the United States, Dr Pepper Snapple Group doesn't have a total system of bottlers and merchants, so the beverage is some of the time packaged under agreement by Coca-Cola or Pepsi bottlers. At present, most of Pepsi and Coke bottlers packaging Dr Pepper are claimed by PepsiCo and The Coca-Cola Company after their buyouts of their significant bottlers. Directly, Dr Pepper Snapple depends all alone packaging gathering to bottle and disseminate its items in excess of 30 states. What's more, it is presently likewise sold in Europe, Asia, Canada, Mexico, Australia,New Zealand (as an imported beverage), South Africa (additionally as an imported beverage), and South America. Dr Pepper’s organization in US Promotion Free wellspring of correspondence was accomplished Secondary affiliations was additionally accomplished Support of unconventional characters, accomplish religion like status Use of genuine and regular correspondence implies Significant of having representative (Details to persuade) :In the 1960s, Dr Pepper discharged the Charge promotion The Be a Pepper arrangement alluded to devotees of Dr Pepper as Peppers, and regularly highlighted swarm move scenes with intricate, over-the-top movement. We will compose a custom exposition test on Dr Pepper or then again any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page This became grist for various mainstream society references and farces. ( ph? n nay tui co down clasp, khi nao lam powerpoint send sau cho) In the mid 1960s, Dr Pepper advanced serving the beverage hot with lemon cuts in winter. This thought showed up in the film Years after the fact, another model is in the computer game Pikmin 2, where one of the collectible fortunes is a Dr Pepper bottle top. Likewise, it showed up on the books. They likewise began an onpack advancement for nothing ringtones with up to 20 to gather. In 2010, Dr Pepper was a piece of a showcasing/special battle to advance the late spring blockbuster Iron Man 2 In 2011, rapper Pitbull showed up in a business with the trademark Lets have a genuine decent time.
Friday, August 28, 2020
Auditing and Assurance Business Research Opportunity
Question: Depict aout the Auditing and Assurance for Business Research Opportunity. Answer: Presentation This examination manages organization named as Wesfarmers Limited recorded in Australian Stock Exchange. In this specific task, accentuation has been given for understanding the review commitment report for the year 2017. The current investigation assemble data just as arrangement of report for meeting review teams up just as review chiefs. The main inquiry clarifies the operational parts of Wesfarmers Limited in territories like retail, alcohol just as home improvement and retail establishments. At that point, Wesfarmers Limited faces a portion of the issues with inspecting exercises adhering to related laws just as guidelines (Simnett, Carson and Vanstraelen 2016). It further gives data on getting major and minor contenders of Wesfarmers Limited. Subsequently, toward the end, quality and shortcoming are clarified for Wesfarmers Limited. 1. Wesfarmers Audit Engagement 2017 Section A Regions in which Wesfarmers direct its activities Wesfarmers Limited is an Australian-recorded organization situated in Australia. This specific association directs its business activities in regions, for example, markets, inns, home enhancements, retail establishments just as alcohol and comfort stores. It is one of the biggest private area utilizing around 220000 staff individuals and investor base of 530000 on rough premise (Redmayne 2013). The fundamental goal of Wesfarmers Limited is giving acceptable come back to likely partners. Part B Distinguishing proof of laws and guidelines Wesfarmers Limited is submitted towards incorporating with laws just as guidelines for nations working its business in moral manner. This specific organization is predictable with standards of trustworthiness, reasonableness just as regard and respectability (Moroney et al. 2014). Pay off just as other related ill-advised alludes in the strategy considers as criminal offenses for organization and people simultaneously. This is introduced as conflicting in lining up with Wesfarmers Values. There are different laws denying with ill-advised installments covering in the approach in appropriate for all nations. Wesfarmers Limited who takes part in exchanging exercises works these exercises. A portion of the Laws and Regulations are as per the following: Australian Criminal Code US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act UK Bribery Act Rivalry and Consumer Act in Australia Hostile to pay off arrangement The primary reason for this strategy draws out the obligations of Wesfarmers Limited work force in seeing just as maintaining the restriction on pay off and other related ill-advised lead (Junior, Best and Cotter 2014). Despite what might be expected, Wesfarmers Limited gives data just as direction in perceiving and managing examples on territories, for example, pay off and defilement simultaneously. This strategy is appropriate to Wesfarmers Limited for all Directors just as workers. It is given in enhanced nature for Wesfarmers Limited working in and across Australia. Wesfarmers Limited embraces own enemy of pay off approaches in related with operational angles in the most fitting manner. Wesfarmers Limited Personnel comprehends just as consents to given approaches. Wesfarmers Limited doesn't energize tolerating or mentioning pay-offs, installment help just as tax evasion and mystery commission exercises (Hay, Stewart and Botica Redmayne 2016). Wesfarmers Limited doesn't affirm in mentioning for unpredictable installment for winning for settling on business choices in a compelling manner. Wesfarmers Limited conforms to detailing just as endorsement process in territories, for example, endowments just as amusement and friendliness. Wesfarmers Limited doesn't offer or get any kind of blessing by significant Anti-pay off Officer (Simnett, Carson and Vanstraelen 2016). Part C Essential Competitors in retail segment Wesfarmers Limited for the most part begins its rancher collaboration in and around Western Australia hardly any hundreds of years prior. In the ongoing scene, Wesfarmers Limited is the most various organizations and biggest retailers that focus on procurement of food and fluid retailing exercises under Coles Group. Wesfarmers Limited shows enthusiasm for far-running business including general product (Kmart and Target), Home improvement as Burnings just as office items retailing. Wesfarmers Limited additionally connects with its activities in coal mining, manures creation just as gas handling and wellbeing items (Hardidge et al. 2013). Wesfarmers Limited has faith in giving agrarian product just as administrations for future investigation reason Two Major Competitor of Wesfarmers Limited Woolworths Limited-Woolworths Limited is significant contender of Wesfarmers Limited as both work its exercises in retail part (Simnett, Carson and Vanstraelen 2016). Both the organizations are recorded in Australian Stock Exchange. Woolworth Limited works in Australia just as New Zealand including in excess of 1000 general stores. Expansion to that, Woolworths Limited sells fuel just as influences in type of dispersion organize. Accordingly, Woolworths Limited gives discount stock particularly to outsider general stores in the most suitable manner (Carson, Fargher and Zhang 2016). Metcash Limited-Metcash Limited is one of the discount staple providers just as alcohol appropriation in and around Australia. This specific business association has appropriation units serving in excess of 2500 markets. This organization works as Australian Liquid Marketers providing for in excess of 13000 fluid stores. Two Minor Competitor of Wesfarmers Limited Caltex Australia Limited-Caltex Australia Limited possesses the highest situation in oil refining just as advertising organization with around 30% offer particularly in retail fuel showcase (Simnett, Carson and Vanstraelen 2016). This specific business association participates in refining just as advertising of energizes and greases in and the nation over with system of in excess of 2000 brand service stations. Caltex Australia Limited possesses just as works 11 beach front stockpiling terminals just as oil based commodities and oil mixing plants. In the year 2015, Chevron mostly offered its stake of half to Caltex Australia Limited (Botica?Redmayne 2013). Myer-Myer Limited is one of minor contenders of Wesfarmers Limited working in retail area. Myer Limited sections into cost cognizant gathering focusing to departmental stores. Myer Limited targets working class just as upper white collar class people. Myer Limited positions its items in styles just as quality in the most fitting manner. Myer Limited is an Australian chain for upscale of activities from high scope of departmental stores (Moroney et al. 2014). Myer Limited has stores in the Australian States just as Australian Capital Territory. Myer Limited offers huge assortment of brands at reasonable costs for rendering customers. Myer Limited has solid brand nearness just as notoriety in and around Australia. 2. SWOT investigation for Wesfarmers Qualities Shortcoming Wesfarmers Limited set up in the year 1914 delineating as amazing brands heritage Wesfarmers Limited accentuation significantly upon network improvement activities Wesfarmers Limited conveys comfort just as client administrations (Moroney et al. 2014) Wesfarmers Limited has significant key significance in quality just as execution Wesfarmers Limited has numerous stores just as solid workforce of in excess of 200000 staff individuals (Moroney et al. 2014) Wesfarmers Limited targets giving unique proposals just as limits for drawing in clients beyond what many would consider possible Wesfarmers Limited deals with the assistance of online organizations Wesfarmers Limited renders assortment of suits in value focuses. Wesfarmers Limited is a market chief in retail division and this is the explanation that this organization stays under investigation for undertaking any basic choices Wesfarmers Limited has low land nearness. End Toward the finish of the investigation, it is reasoned that Wesfarmers possesses the highest situation in the retail area. This specific business association follows center standards and set of accepted rules for meeting the destinations sooner rather than later. It has solid brand nearness in and across Australia. Laws and guidelines are clarified above with appropriate defense. Wesfarmers Limited acquires requires endorsements particularly for gifts just as sponsorship. As it were, Wesfarmers Limited keeps up precise records for managing outsider. Wesfarmers Limited ought to be cautious in revealing any break of agreement for a dubious conduct in connection with strategy. Reference List Botica?Redmayne, N., 2013. Reviewing and Assurance Services in Australia: An Integrated Approach. Pacific Accounting Review. Carson, E., Fargher, N. what's more, Zhang, Y., 2016. Patterns in Auditor Reporting in Australia: A Synthesis and Opportunities for Research. Australian Accounting Review, 26(3), pp.226-242. Hardidge, D., Abeysekera, I., Chew, T.G., De Santi, R., Egan, T., Ghandar, A., Jakubicki, P., Lee, A., Luckins, J., Ridley, C. what's more, Shying, M., 2013. A manual for comprehension evaluating and affirmation: recorded organizations. Feed, D., Stewart, J. furthermore, Botica Redmayne, N., 2016. The Role of Auditing in Corporate Governance in Australia and New Zealand: A Research Synthesis. Accessible at SSRN 2838066. Junior, R.M., Best, P.J. what's more, Cotter, J., 2014. Maintainability detailing and confirmation: a recorded investigation on an overall marvel. Diary of Business Ethics, 120(1), pp.1-11. Moroney, R., Campbell, F., Hamilton, J. what's more, Warren, V., 2014. Evaluating: A Practical Approach. Wiley Global Education. Redmayne, N.B., 2013. Inspecting and Assurance Services and Ethics in Australia: An Integrated Approach. Diary of Accounting Organizational Change. Simnett, R., Carson, E. what's more, Vanstraelen, A., 2016. Worldwide Archival Auditing and Assurance Research: Trend
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Chapter 30 Ap Euro Outline free essay sample
Section 30: The West at the Dawn of the 21st Century~. The twentieth century development of individuals: The Soviet communists’ constrained evacuation of the Russian workers and the Nazi’s expulsions and execution of European Jews were just the most sensational instances of this turn of events. Many moved from the field to the urban communities. Other tremendous constrained developments because of the legislature caused a huge number of Germans Hungarians, Poles, Ukrainians, Bulgarians, Serbs, Finns, Chechens, Armenians, Greeks, Turks, Balts, and Bosnian Muslims to be dislodged. This constrained dislodging changed pieces of Europe. Removal through War: WWII made a gigantic outcast issue. An expected 46 million individuals were dislodged in Central and Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union alone somewhere in the range of 1938 and 1948. The Nazis had move hundred of thousands of outside specialists into Germany, million more were POWs, some came back to their country, other were constrained, hundreds discovered asylum in W. Europe. Changes in fringes after the war additionally removed numerous individuals. Interminable and Internal Migration: 1945-1960: Half a million Europeans left Europe every year. Decolonization in the after war time frame prompted numerous European colonials to come back to Europe from abroad. Decolonization likewise drove non-European occupants of previous states to move to Europe. This flood end up being a drawn out wellspring of social pressure and strife. In Britain, radical pressures were intense during the 1980s. France confronted a comparable issue, which added to the development of the National Front, that looked to abuse the hatred numerous specialist felt toward North African laborers. The developing Muslim nearness in Europe had created probably the most genuine ethnic and political strains. The New Muslim Population: The movement of Muslims into Europe, and especially Western Europe, emerged from 2 boss sources: European monetary development Decolonization After WWII, a work lack created, Western Europe imported workers, numerous who were from Muslim countries. The result of decolonization and the journey for a superior life drove Muslims from East Africa and the Indian subcontinent to settle in Great Britain. The Algerian War carried numerous Muslims to France. - These Muslim settler networks share certain social and strict qualities. Neither the outsiders nor the host nations really thought about to digestion. With the exception of from Great Britain, European governments made it hard for Muslim, or some other, settlers to participate in city life. The Muslim people group in this way stayed independent and absorbed. As European financial development eased back, European Muslims have become the objective of lawmakers, for example, Le Pen in France, who look to reprimand the outsiders for a large group of issues from wrongdoing to joblessness. The radicalization of parts of the Islamic world has likewise contacted the Muslim people group in Europe. Ex: 2005 Immigration youth revolts in France European Muslims are not a homogenous gathering. These Muslim people group have become a significant worry for European social specialists who differ among themselves about how their legislatures ought to react to them. European Population Trends: The number of inhabitants in European, estimated as far as birthrate, has balanced out in a way that has upset numerous onlookers. Europeans are having scarcely any youngsters that they are done supplanting themselves. There is no agreement on why the European birthrate has decay. Conceivable explanation: Women as delaying having kids later in their childbearing years. Governments have been attempting to constrain movement into Europe when it might require new specialists. - The falling birthrate implies Europe will confront the possibility of a maturing populace. This implies it is far-fetched that it will give an ascent to financial development. The interior European market will contract. Europe will have less Europeans, it’s portion of the world’ populace will decay, and it will lose impact. Close to the Welfare State Society: During the Cold war time, the countries of Western Europe accomplished financial success and looked after autonomous, liberal law based governments. The finish of WWII saw huge established changes in quite a bit of Western Europe. The development of steady, liberal, equitable political systems turned into a significant objective of their after war political pioneers, just as of the U. S. The Great Depression had indicated that majority rules system requires a social and financial base, just as a political structure. Most Europeans came to accept that legislatures should guarantee financial thriving and government managed savings. Christian Democratic Parties: Except for the British Labor Party, the vehicles of the new after war arrangements were not, as might have been normal, the popularity based communist gatherings. Outside Scandinavia, those gatherings for the most part didn't thrive after the beginning of the Cold war, they were mistreated by socialists and traditionalists. Or maybe, different Christian popularity based gatherings presented the new approaches. - The after war C. D Ps of Germany, France, Austria and Italy were dynamic and invited non-Catholic individuals. Popular government, social change, financial development, and anticommunism were their trademark. The occasions of war years to a great extent decided the political initiative of the after war decade. After 1947, in any case, in a strategy that U. S normally preferred, socialists were efficiently rejected from Western European governments. The Creation of Welfare States: The Great Depression, the ascent of tyrant states in the wake of financial disengagement, and WWII, which included more individuals in a war exertion then ever previously, changed what number of Europeans contemplated social government assistance. Governments started to spend more on social government assistance than they did on the military. The migration of assets was conceivable on account of the NATO resistance umbrella, which the U. S essential handle and subsidized. The 2 fundamental models for social enactment were the German and the British. In both the German and British frameworks, laborers were safeguarded uniquely against the dangers from illness, injury at work, and mature age. After WWII, the idea developed that social protection against unsurprising dangers was a social right and ought to be accessible to all residents. In Britain, William B. Beveridge put forward this idea in 1942. The first significant European country to start to make a government assistance state was Britain under the work service of Clement Attlee. The most significant component of this early enactment was the making of the National Health Service. France and Germany didn't embrace comparable wellbeing enactment until the 1970s. The spread of government assistance enactment inside Western Europe was identified with both the Cold War and household political and monetary strategy. The socialist conditions of Eastern Europe were promising their kin standardized savings just as full business. [Fake] The entrepreneur states came to accept they needed to give comparative security to their kin. Protection from the Expansion of the Welfare States: Western European perspectives toward the Welfare state reflected 3 periods that have checked monetary life since the finish of the war. The first time frame was one of reproduction from 1945 however the mid 1950s. It was trailed by a second time of 25 years of for the most part consistent and extending monetary development. The third time frame brought initial a period f expansion in the late 1970s and afterward one of generally low development and high joblessness from the 1990s to the present. From the 1970s, more individuals came to accept the market ought to be permitted to direct itself and that administration ought to be less engaged with however not totally pull back from, the economy. - Most persuasive political figure was Margaret Thatcher of the British preservationist party who likewise filled in as Prime Minister. She and her gathering were resolved to move back numerous communist polices that were nationalized. She additionally controlled the intensity of the worker's or ganizations. Her objective was to make the British economy progressively effective and serious. This was questionable, however figured out how to push through parliament. This was known as the Thatcher Revolution~. Government assistance spread, yet the expense of those administrations had risen. The decrease in populace development mess-up the advantages of the government assistance state. Joblessness expanded Welfare installments. Low ripeness rates mean the following working age will have less individuals to help the resigned old populace. White collar class citizens have gotten hesitant to help the frameworks. The general development of trust in the capacity of market powers instead of the administration intercession to continue social pressure has likewise spread in the previous 25 years had has brought up issues about the current government assistance structures. New Patterns in the Work and Expectations of Women: In every single social status, ladies have started to accept bigger monetary and political jobs. In spite of colossal increases and the breakdown of those tyrant governments, sex imbalance stayed a significant quality of the public activity of Europe at the opening of the 21st century. Progressively Married Women In The Work Force Many more ladies working. Ladies from center and regular workers, and wedded ladies. Move changes and better human services and childcare made it simpler for wedded ladies to work Children were not, at this point expected to add to family salary More time in school Frequently the two guardians worked New Work Patterns More predictable work design for ladies Entered the work power subsequent to tutoring, halted to think about little youngsters, at that point entered again after their kids started school Large factor: expanded future Child raising was currently a littler extent of their lives Other things turned out to be progressively significant Women (particularly urban ladies) had less kids, and had them later. Some chose not to have kids at all Women In The New Eastern Europe Under socialism, ladies had equivalent rights and gov. benefits Over half worked No women’s developments, anyway New gov had gave financing for wellbeing and government assistance for ladies and youngsters Limited maternity benefits
ZEBRA COMPANY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
ZEBRA COMPANY - Essay Example which they have to orchestrate tagging, organize individuals from the organization are currently with respect to buying wristband printers so as to make their own wristbands. The hidden targets behind such a choice are to spare expenses on tagging, give a wellspring of work and henceforth, salary for arrange individuals, offer a network or revenue driven help for singular system individuals engaged with sorting out extra occasions. Notwithstanding that, the association additionally plans to stretch out their tasks to different networks who are occupied with comparable exercises. With such a basic target in their psyche, the association has moved toward us with an enquiry to buy wristband printers so as to make their own wristbands and from now on, cut down the expenses of tagging. Along these lines, this interior report will fill in as a proposition featuring the diagrams of CNL just as possibilities of our organization concerning working with CNL. CNL is a little and neighborhood occasion the executives association. They are yet to accomplish a strong foundation and acknowledgment. Taking into account that they are a novice in this specific field, there are different issues related with the association. As a matter of first importance, for an organization who isn't considerably settled, pooling money related assets remotely turns into somewhat of an issue. This puts an impediment to the degree to which they can direct their activities deftly. Staff enrollment is another issue that they much of the time face. As a general rule, faculty take a shot at a transitory premise in such organizations and leave without a notification looking for better chances. This disturbs the company’s stream of activities and furthermore, break down the nature of administration that they give. The way to arrange an effective occasion is to allot the correct assets with the suitable aptitudes. Organizations like, CNL, don't have an exact exper tise of proficient asset portion. This frequently drives the organization to bring about considerably more expenses than that is envisioned.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Computer Security And The Law :: essays research papers
I. Presentation You are a PC chairman for a huge assembling organization. In the center of a creation run, all the centralized servers on a critical system granulate to an end. Creation is postponed costing your organization a large number of dollars. Upon researching, you locate that an infection was discharged into the system through a explicit record. At the point when you stand up to the proprietor of the record, he asserts he neither composed nor discharged the infection, however he concedes that he has circulated his secret key to "friends" who need prepared access to his information documents. Is he at risk for the misfortune endured by your organization? In entire or to some extent? Also, if to a limited extent, for how much? These and related inquiries are the subject of PC law. The appropriate responses may very depending in which express the wrongdoing was submitted and the appointed authority who manages at the preliminary. PC security law is new field, and the legitimate foundation presently can't seem to agree on may key issues. Advances in PC security law have been blocked by the hesitance on the piece of legal advisors and judges to ponder the specialized side of PC security issues[1]. This issue could be relieved by including specialized PC security proficient in the improvement of PC security law and open strategy. This paper is intended to help scaffold to hole among specialized and legitimate PC security networks. II. THE TECHNOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE A. The Objectives of Computer Security The head target of PC security is to ensure and guarantee the secrecy, trustworthiness, and accessibility of mechanized data frameworks and the information they contain. Every one of these terms has an exact significance which is grounded in essential specialized thoughts regarding the progression of data in computerized data frameworks. B. Essential Concepts There is a wide, top-level agreement in regards to the significance of most specialized PC security ideas. This is somewhat a result of government association in proposing, organizing, and distributing the meanings of fundamental terms[2]. The implications of the terms utilized in government mandates and guidelines are commonly made to be steady with past use. This isn't to state that there is no contradiction over the definitions in the specialized network. Or maybe, the scope of such contradiction is much smaller than in the legitimate network. For instance there is by and by no lawful accord on precisely what establishes a computer[3]. The term used to set up the extent of PC security is "automated data system," regularly curtailed "AIS." An Ais is a gathering of electronic gear, equipment, programming, and firmware designed to gather, make, impart, scatter, procedure, store and control information or data. This incorporates various things past the focal handling unit and related
Slavery, the Civil War Reconstruction
Chapter by chapter list Slavery Civil War Reconstruction Conclusion Works Cited The American history is characterized by various variables, which may incorporate subjection, the common war, and the recreation among others. Eric Foner, in his book ‘Slavery, The Civil War Reconstruction’ presents an away from of how these elements have impacted America after some time. Promoting We will compose a custom report test on Slavery, the Civil War Reconstruction explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Social developments have additionally contributed in motivating the American history in the previous 20 years by covering the â€Å"consensus†vision that commanded verifiable composition. Social equality development is proposed to be at the focal point of social change in post World War II America. In common war time, liberation and subjection were a portion of the focal issues. Also, the blacks molded the era’s history by being dynamic specialists. Bon dage According to the creator, history specialists recommend that early U.S. subjection was arranged in a transoceanic framework. This was because of the connection that United States had with Africa and the Caribbean. Regardless of the introduction of the principal president, a fiery slave exchange proceeded for a long time. In any case, the dialects and the social types of the African slaves stayed lively and continued by implantation of the new individuals showing up in the United States. Likewise, Intellectual Privacy was supported by the capacity of the captives to communicate in dialects the proprietors didn't comprehend; while inborn personalities were additionally continued by communicating in these various dialects (Foner, 45) The legitimate fundamentals of bondage were lost during the 1780s in the North because of the expression â€Å"all men are brought into the world free and equal†which was deciphered by a Massachusetts court as just banning servitude (Foner 43) Civil War John Shy portrays common war as â€Å"a social procedure of political education†(Foner 48). As indicated by the creator, the war started as a mass opposition of the group yet later moved to military. Market unrest, which was pivotal to the American lives added to new segments of awareness, governmental issues and public activity, which thus realized Civil War. The creator additionally takes note of that in Lincoln’s second debut address, he implied that bondage was the reason for the common war, albeit a few students of history contrast with this (Foner, 91)Advertising Looking for report on history? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Reconstruction An enormous number of liberated dark men figure out how to peruse and write in the military before turning out to be understandable political pioneers during the Reconstruction time (Foner, 93). Previous slaves were pushed into a no-man’s land which was among opportunity and subjection before the finish of reproduction. This thusly was viewed as a joke of equivalent citizenship (Foner, 102). Besides, larger part of the blacks in the reproduction time frame bolstered the Republican Party, which is said to have won their eminence during that period (Foner, 111) Conclusion The three factors that have been talked about above were a portion of the primary columns that formed the American history. Social change in the American history was realized because of the endeavors of social equality developments. The Republicans were viewed as abolitionist hence adding just as they would prefer by the dark network. Also, the northern culture of America was against bondage in inconsistency to their southern partners that despite everything clutched subjection. Works Cited Foner, Eric. Servitude, the Civil War Reconstruction. Philadelphia: TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 1997. This report on Slavery, the Civil War Reconstruction was composed and put together by client Shockwave to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; in any case, you should refer to it as needs be. You can give your paper here.
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Magoosh + CollegeXpress High Schoolers Guide to the Future
Hey there, college-bound high school students! Were excited to announce our new High Schoolers Guide to the Future eBook that we made just for you. We teamed up with our friends at CollegeXpress (they know a TON about college applications!) to produce this eBook. And combined with our expertise on test prep, were confident that this resource will guide through all the ups and downs of preparing for college while youre in high school. The eBook is written like a timeline with tips for what you should do during each year of high school. Youll learn all you need about: * AP Tests * Extracurricular Activities * Managing Stress * Choosing Schools * Financial Aid * Working with your Parents ..and lots more! If youre ready to start preparing for your exciting college future, download the free eBook here. You can also read the entire eBook on Slideshare here: High Schoolers Guide to the Future from Magoosh We hope you find this helpful! If you have any questions or comments about this resource, feel free to leave them in the comment box below. Wed love to hear from you. 🙂
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