Friday, May 31, 2019
Free Essays on A Dolls House: Marital Lessons :: Dolls House essays
Marital Lessons from A Dolls House Divorce has be set about widely trustworthy throughout the world. In todays world, the violent shredding of a family is shrugged off like the daily weather. The Norwegian play A Dolls House, by Henrik Ibsen, is a prime example of a marriage that didnt work. The marriage of Torvald and Nora Helmer had many problems because the husband and married woman couldnt discover the secrets of marital bliss. To keep a marriage alive and growing it must hold true to four qualities love, communication, trust and loyalty, and perseverance. With the incorporation of these qualities any marriage would work. Without love a relationship would probably not even begin. Two people meet, a association forms, and soon a romance blossoms. Though the basis for Nora and Torvalds relationship appeared to be centered around love, the needed balance was not obtained. Torvald didnt really love Nora to him she was upright another child to mind. He said, And I wouldnt wan t you to be any different from what you are-just my sweet shortsighted song bird. But now I come to think of it, you look rather-rather-how shall I put it? -rather as if youve been up to mischief today ( 151). Calling his wife names such as skylark, squirrel, and spendthrift, Torvald does not love his wife with the respect and sensitivity a man should. The main area where Torvald showed his lack of love for Nora was in the way he managed his house. Torvald was the owner of what he believed to be a perfect doll house. This doll house was first controlled by Noras domineering father, and once Nora entered marriage, the titles and deeds to this doll house were handed over to Torvald. Torvald manipulated Nora, and then the children through her according to his wants, sure that he could never lose control over his precious doll house. This lack of love and imperious attitude would eventually breach their marriage. Nora was the only one of the two partners who showed love for the other in this play. Going against all the odds a woman faced in the late ordinal century, Nora went behind her husbands back, borrowed a large sum of money, forged her fathers signature, and went on to pay it off with hopes of Torvald never hearing of it. She refused to be a doll, and would alternate personalities between Torvalds little skylark, and Nora the intelligent and strong woman.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Response to Movie Ethnic Notions Essay -- ethnic Notions Film Movie Es
Response to Movie Ethnic NotionsThe movie Ethnic Notions describes different ways in which African-Americans were presented during the 19th and 20th centuries. It traces and presents the evolution of the grow stereotypes which have created prejudice towards African-Americans. This documentary movie is narrated to take the spectator back to the antebellum roots of African-American stereotypical names such as boy, girl, auntie, uncle, slander Sambo, Mammy Yams, the Salt and Pepper Shakers, etc. It does so by presenting us with multiple dehumanized characters and cartons portraying African-Americans as carefree Sambos, faithful Mammies, savage Brutes, and saucer-eyed Pickaninnies. These representations of African-Americans roll across the screen in popular songs, childrens rhymes, household artifacts and advertisements. These various ways to depict the African ?American society through countless decades grow stereotypes in the American society. I think that many of these still preva il in the contemporary society, decades after the civil rights movement occurred. The film observes and analyzes the origins and consequences of more than one-hundred historic period of bigotry upon the ex-slaved society in the U.S. Even though so many years have passed since the end of slavery, emancipation, reconstruction and the civil rights movement, some of the choice price prejudiced still engraved in the U.S society. When I see such images on the movie screen, it is still hard, even f...
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Themes of Hope and Failure in The Awakening and The Outcasts of Poker F
To Fail or not to FailThe characters of Edna, Mr. Oakhurst, The Innocent, Piney, Mother Shipton, and The Duchess all(prenominal) face different forms of failure in their respective stories, The Awakening and The Outcasts of Poker Flat. Each character has a unique response to failure about bend, while others break. Though at times the great unwashed fall short of their goals, it is not necessarily the human lot to try and fail sometimes plenty make the choice to fail by losing hope, or by vie evolveg death as failure, or by having a negative outlook on life, but it is essentially they themselves who allow the failure- it all stems from the persons perspective and individual choices. Even though humans dont always acquire in their endeavors, humans are not predestined to fail.Hope is arguably the one topic that supports humans moving forward. Without it, there is no motivation, no creator to wake up in the morning. When state start to lose hope, they start to lose a part of them selves, and are driven toward despair. In The Awakening, the protagonist, Edna, says all over and over again how despondent she is, which leads to her eventual suicide. It has been said that There is no failure except in no longer trying, and sadly, Edna gave into despair and lost the will to keep going. She felt as though life was no longer worth the effort, and decided death would be better than living a lie. And yet, theres always more than one door to take. Edna didnt search for other options- for her, it was either be untrue to her feelings, live without Robert, or death. She was too strong to plunge the first, but too weak toconsider the second she was awakened to her feelings, but blind to alternatives. Dorothy Thompson once said, Courage, it would se... ...e Billys failure to do the right thing probably wasnt much of a failure to him. Perspective defines failure, not some outside exponent.What exactly is failure? It is, according to the dictionary, Lack of success. Man y people say that failure isnt the falling down, but the staying down. But who are we to say? Lack of hope, the thought that death and failure are one and the same, and a pessimistic outlook on life can cause someone to fail, but thankfully not everyone falls victim to these. Failure is always controversial, because people view things and events differently. As Elaine Maxewell once said, My will shall shape the future. Whether I fail or succeed shall be no mans doing but my own. I am the force I can clear any obstacle before me or I can be lost in the maze. My choice my responsibility win or lose, only I hold the key to my destiny.
Transcending The Atrocities of War Essay -- Literary Analysis
Warfare not only results in majority of casualties but alike affect individuals both physically and psychologically. This can damage their sense of purpose and identity which can lead to difficulties in the way they relate to others. Art and piety proves to be the saviour of these individuals by helping them respond to the effects and aftermath of war with valour and resilience which not only helps them cope with stress and mourning but also gives them the opportunity to interact and connect with others. David Roxborough argues that Ondaatjes method of alternating mythical identity allows the efficient construction of a panoramic ghostly framework with widespread mythical significance. Similarly, Alice Brittan claims that Ondaatjes unused is filled with scenes of reading and writing, and characters who delight in marginalia. Both the authors agree that Ondaatjes novel The English patient role utilizes imagery and mythology to explain the atrocities of the Second World War, and to explicate that religion and the admiration of art attempts to defy the violent human displacements enabled by war, and helps to transcend the crude realities of the world.The novel The English Patient harbours four central characters namely Almasy, Hana, Caravaggio and Kip whose lives are devastated by the Second World War and British colonialism. Almasy, the English patient, receives austere burn during an escape from a blazing aircraft which makes him resemble a burnt animal, taut and dark (Ondaatje 6, 41). His injuries hinder him in making any kind of movement. Hana, a twenty geezerhood old Canadian nurse, is forced to leave her adolescence and step into adulthood at an early age. She loses her father, and has to suffer the pain of an aborti... ... English Patient.The History of the Book and the Idea of literary productions 121 (2006) 200-213. PMLA. Web. 20Apr. 2012.Roxborough, David. The Gospel of Almasy Christian Mythology in Michael Ondaatjes TheEnglish Patient. Essays o n Canadian Writing 67 (1999) 236. Academic Search Premier.Web. 17. Apr. 2012.Cook, Rufus. Being and representation in Michael Ondaatjes The English Patient. ARIEL30.4 (1999) 35+. Canadian Periodicals Index Quarterly. Web. 26 Apr. 2012.Goldman, Marlene. Powerful Joy Michael Ondaatjes The English Patient and WalterBenjamins Allegorical Way of Seeing. University Of Toronto Quarterly 70.4 (2001)902. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23 Apr. 2012.Scobie, Stephen. The reading lesson Michael Ondaatje and the patients of desire. Essays on Canadian Writing 53 (1994) 92. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Apr. 2012.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Commentary on Alphonso Lingis’s article, The World as a Whole Essay
Commentary on Alphonso Lingiss article, The World as a WholeMartin Heideggers thrash in Being and metre elucidated a phenomenological ontology in which death and anxiety function as the imminent possibility of impossibility, circumscribing Dasein and inscribing weight to Daseins temporal existence. He constructs an individual whose ontological social unit is made of three fundamental elements that function as a whole collar, feeling and action. This being, Dasein (translated as Being There), exists in the world, and Heidegger constructs Daseins ontology as being-in-the-world. This is the way Alphonso Lingis predicates his understanding of Heidegerrian phenomenology in an essay from Research in Phenomenology entitled The World as a Whole. In this paper, I will review this article, for it holds two passing interesting facets to be understood by any student of phenomenology. First off, it is a very well written review of Heideggers phenomenology it spans from the work in Being and Time to the work done in Poetry Language Thought, and all the way to a later essay entitled Things. Heideggers work changed radically over this time, and Lingis does a great job at showing a fluidity in his work, particularly through the notion of dwelling. Also in this article one can find some great similarities between the work of Martin Heidegger and Alphonso Lingiss avow work on death, anxiety, imperatives, the elemental and enjoyment. Lingiss own writing rarely refers explicitly to his predecessors, his writing is full of imagery and refers constantly to experience, it can be difficult for a reader of Lingis to locate his influences by skillful reading his work. But, this work (along with Deathbound Subjectivities) shows Li... ...g experience as a hindrance, when we are in the mood of exhilarationthe sense of lightness of beingis the sense of alleviation of the burden of being and thus presupposes and reveals itWhy not say that the oppressive, burdensome sense of th e world presupposes the more basic sense of the lightness of the clearing around us. This is a key point in Lingiss transition from Heidegger, and shows his Levinasian influences. In conclusion, this article is a great artifact for any student of phenomenology. Lingis is a very give voice writer, who can point out the most perplexing complexities in Heideggers work and lay them out for anyone to read. He also makes huge steps in realizing Heideggers limitations in his notions of equipmentality and mood by recognizing the burden of the world not primary to existence, that existence is primarily lived through enjoyment.
Commentary on Alphonso Lingis’s article, The World as a Whole Essay
Commentary on Alphonso Lingiss phrase, The World as a WholeMartin Heideggers work in organism and Time elucidated a phenomenological ontology in which death and anxiety function as the imminent possibility of impossibility, circumscribing Dasein and inscribing weight to Daseins temporal existence. He constructs an individual whose ontological whole is do of three fundamental elements that function as a whole understanding, feeling and action. This being, Dasein (translated as Being There), exists in the world, and Heidegger constructs Daseins ontology as being-in-the-world. This is the way Alphonso Lingis predicates his understanding of Heidegerrian phenomenology in an essay from Research in Phenomenology entitled The World as a Whole. In this paper, I will review this article, for it holds two extremely arouse facets to be understood by any student of phenomenology. First off, it is a very well written review of Heideggers phenomenology it spans from the work in Being and Ti me to the work done in Poetry Language Thought, and all the way to a later essay entitled Things. Heideggers work changed radically over this time, and Lingis does a great job at showing a fluidity in his work, particularly through the notion of dwelling. Also in this article one mountain find some great similarities between the work of Martin Heidegger and Alphonso Lingiss own work on death, anxiety, imperatives, the elemental and enjoyment. Lingiss own authorship rarely refers explicitly to his predecessors, his writing is full of imagery and refers constantly to experience, it can be difficult for a reader of Lingis to locate his influences by just breeding his work. But, this work (along with Deathbound Subjectivities) shows Li... ...g experience as a burden, when we are in the mood of exhilarationthe sense of lightness of beingis the sense of alleviation of the burden of being and thus presupposes and reveals itWhy not say that the oppressive, burdensome sense of the wor ld presupposes the more basic sense of the lightness of the clearing around us. This is a samara point in Lingiss transition from Heidegger, and shows his Levinasian influences. In conclusion, this article is a great artifact for any student of phenomenology. Lingis is a very articulate writer, who can point out the most perplexing complexities in Heideggers work and lay them out for anyone to read. He also makes huge steps in realizing Heideggers limitations in his notions of equipmentality and mood by recognizing the burden of the world not primary to existence, that existence is primarily lived through enjoyment.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Globalization and Drug Trafficking
Cheniece Bray Professor Hooper ENGL 1133 P19 12 November 2012 Annotated Bibliography II Working Title Globalization and Drug Trafficking Topic Description Nations worldwide have been facing and losing the war on medicates for some time now. Innocent citizens are affected with the negative side effects due to drug trafficking such as violence resulting in death, lack of government assistance to halt the issue, and increase of crime rates.In this paper I would like to discuss the actions that can be taken to help discontinue drug trafficking worldwide, starting with one of the main drug routes from Mexico to the United States and other areas globally. I believe the war on drugs can be defeated if it is attacked by the government on every level federal, state, and local. Working Thesis What can be imposed to sojourn the violence and high crime rate associate to drug trafficking and also decrease the flow of drugs across borders? Source 1 Stout, R. (2012).Do the United States an d Mexico Really Want the Drug War To Succeed? Monthly refresh An Independent Socialist Magazine, 63(8), 34. This term stands out to me beca use of goods and services it addresses one of my many concerns for this topic and that would be what is the government doing in order to defeat this war on drugs? why is it so easy for drugs to travel past borders where government militia is stationed? Stout presents an argument in this obligate discussing what militarized efforts are being enforced to stop Mexican cartels as it seems like there is not much being done.Prosecution of offenders is not enough because even behind bars somehow kingpins still baring a way for drugs to be distributed across the border into the United States. Most drug cartels financed the construction and operation of luxurious night clubs, gourmet restaurants, and gambling activities that attracted wide numbers of U. S. residents (Stout, 2012, p. 2) making it very easy for individuals to gain access to these ba nned drugs. Source 2 Eight Steps to Effectively Controlling Drug roast And the Drug Market Retrieved from http//www. csdp. rg/news/news/8steps. htm This online article offers many alternatives beside persecution that could be used to effectively control drug abuse and the control the striving drug market. I impart use this article to help me with ideas of what policies would be best enforced inside Mexico to regulate cartels. The government is not achieving much in the war on drugs by simply putting the offenders in put aside because that is costing them a lump sum of money along with the puzzle still current because the offender will eventually get out and continue to do the same things.This article describes how the money being used to put offenders in jail could instead but used to treat, prevent, and educate offenders as the law enforcement should understand that their job is not enough to stop these powerful cartels. Drug trafficking is a problem and should be treated as one instead of a burden that continues to get recycled. Source 3 Gleason C. (2008). Financial Cost of the War on Drugs Retrieved from http//suite101. com/article/financial-cost-of-the-war-on-drugs-a53068 In this article Gleason demonstrates how much money is being spent to try and stop the war on drugs.This article will be useful to me because it will help me get a understanding of how much money is spent to house an inmate in jail who has been constantly convicted of using and selling illegal drugs, also providing and paying police officers with drug units to help stop drug trafficking. Gleasons article was useful and corresponded well the topic I chose over drug trafficking, although this article is biased it helped me formulate an opinion after I observed how much money the government has dispersed and seemingly wasted trying to prevent the use and movement of drug trafficking .This will be used in my question paper to give an example of the cost in the government trying to n et this ongoing problem. Source 4 Jenner, M. S. (2011). International Drug Trafficking A Global Problem with a Domestic Solution. Indiana Journal Of Global Legal Studies, 18(2), 901-927. In this article Jenner explains many ways in which drug trafficking can be controlled, one of the ways Jenner discusses is the universal legalization of drugs.I will use this in my research paper as a policy that can be put into place to help eventually stop drug trafficking. Legalization would attack the drug market in a very sensitive matter if drugs are legal the head kingpins of nations delivering narcotics, cannabis, and other drugs are unable to receive a avail from the drug trade therefore defeating the purpose of the whole process which is money and control. If this policy would ever be considered, control would then again be in the hands of the government and out of the violent drug cartels worldwide.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Soft Computing Practical File
practaSAGAR INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY SOFT COMPUTING PRACTICAL single file (CS-801) Subject Guide Submitted by INDEX S. No. List of Experiments Signature 1. Implement Perceptron network with binary input and output. 2. Using Madaline net, generate XOR function with bipolar inputs and targets. 3. Calculation of new weights for a back propagation network, given the values of input pattern, output pattern, target output, learning rate and activation function. 4. Use of guile algorithm to cluster vectors. 5. Implement traveling salesman problem using genetic algorithm. 6. Implement various laws associated with fuzzy sets. 7. Implement fuzzy sets. 8. Implement word coordinated using GA. Experiment 1 Implement Perceptron network with binary input and output. Program /*PERCEPTRON*/ include include main() signed int x42,tar4 be adrift w2,wc2,out=0 int i,j,k=0,h=0 float s=0,b=0,bc=0,alpha=0 float theta clrscr() printf(Enter the value of theta & alpha) scanf(%f%f,&theta,&alpha) for(i=0i
Saturday, May 25, 2019
About Shakespeare Essay
crossroads is Shakespeares longest and most tragic play. It was first published in 1603, from a gulping published several years earlier. The play begins two months after the death of King village of Denmark. The country is in a state of unrest. Young Fortinbras of Norway is preparing for war. subsequently the Kings death, his brother Claudius takes over the throne, and marries the widowed male monarch Gertrude. Young small town, the late fags son is incensed. He is told by the ghost of his father, that Claudius had poisoned him, to let the King of Denmark.Hamlet starts acting like a madman rousing concern. Polonius, an advisor to King Claudius is also worried by Hamlets unsung transformation. The two, along with Queen Gertrude instruct Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Hamlets childhood friends to spy on him. Hamlet is also increasingly hostile towards his love, Ophelia, Polonius daughter. Out of fear, the King orders Hamlet to be direct to England. King Claudius and Polonius b oth feel that Hamlet is dangerous. To ensure who the culprit was, Hamlet cleverly changes the lines in a play which is performed before the king and the queen.See more Is the Importance of being earnest a satirical play essayThe Kings reaction convinces Hamlet that it was indeed he who poisoned his father. Alone, King Claudius reveals his crime, and confesses that he cannot escape divine judgment. after(prenominal) the play, Queen Gertrude scolds her son, but he instead scolds his mother for her wrong actions. Polonius is spying on the two, from behind a curtain. Hamlet hears Polonius, and shoots him thinking he is Claudius. Anxious and scared, the king orders Hamlet to be sent to England, along with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. The King wants Hamlet killed as soon as he arrives in England.Hamlet had the spies Rosencrantz and Guildenstern put to death instead. Meanwhile, Young Fortinbras has brought his army to Denmark. Hamlet admires Young Fortinbras, for his courage to fight fo r honor. The death of Polonius has a profound impact on Ophelia, who in her depression and apathy kills herself by drowning. Laertes, Polonius son is enraged. The king tells him that it was Hamlet who murdered Polonius. The two decide to get rid of Hamlet, their common enemy. Claudius and Laertes arrange a duel, in which Laertes will fight Hamlet. To ensure Hamlets death, Laertes poisons the tip of his sword.In the course of the duel, Laertes, Hamlet and the King are poisoned by the same sword. Queen Gertrude drinks a poisoned drink meant for Hamlet, and is killed. Dying, Hamlet tells Horatio to tell the world of his story and recommends Young Fortinbras the next king of Denmark. Hamlet Prince of Denmark is a play that deals with the main subjects of honor, revenge and suicide. Hamlet is not our typical hero. Born in a royal family, he is a refined young man with noble attributes, but he has his weaknesses. After his fathers murder, he is driven mad by anger when his mother marries Claudius.His love for Ophelia too turned into a strange confusion and melt of emotions. He distrusts all those around him, and starts dwelling in a melancholy state of mind. Even those he thought were his friends turn out to be spies sent by the king and queen. This also explain Hamlets insanity to a great extent. But even so, Hamlet is a disturbed individual. The way he treats Ophelia is demonstrable evidence. He is cruel to her, in spite of her efforts to try and understand him. He is also impulsive he kills Polonius without thinking twice.Justice and revenge form study themes of the play, with Claudius, at the Head of a country, having killed his own brother, and Hamlet, avenging his fathers death. Suicide also forms an essential theme in the play. Ophelia kills herself by drowning. Hamlet too is prompted to kill himself. But should he, or not To be or not to be, that is the question. Shakespeare portrays all the characters with great ingenuity. He analyses human psyche, a nd how eventually, everyones destiny is controlled by fate.ReferencesAbout Shakespeare, Hamlet Study Guide, http//absoluteshakespeare. com/guides/hamlet/hamlet. htm
Friday, May 24, 2019
Early Intervention Of Massage Health And Social Care Essay
Mass mature is described as the systametic and scientific use of the soft tissue of the organic body structure for the intent of obtaining and retention wellness harmonizing to knead therapy rules and pattern by Susan G. Salvo ( 2007 ) . Massage has been shown to cut down emphasis, promote blood circulation, lessening hurting, promote slumber, cut down swelling, enhance relaxation and increase O capacity of the blood, ( Salvo, 2007 ) . Because manipulate therapy is a inactive intervention that requires little, if any, physical demands on the single having the therapy and because it has shown to develope heftiness tone for other kids ( Field,1998 ) massage therapy might heighten physical development for kids with Down Syndrome, ( Hernandez-Reif, et Al 2004 ) .Massage has risen in popularity over the old ages particularly for those looking for alternate and antonymous therapies to supplement their medical interventions and make a validatory concussion on their wellness. Massa ge has shown good to many people ( Salvo, 2007 ) .Down Syndrome is a familial status and it can consequence one in every eight hundred to one 1000 babes per twelvemonth in the united provinces, while in that respect are cardinal babes born every twenty-four hours in the UK with Down Syndrome, ( Fiona Marshall, 2004 ) . Down syndrome is present in a kid when they are formed with three sooner than two transcripts of chromo slightly 21, this gives the kid 47 alternatively of 46 chromosomes ( Marshall, 2004 ) . The symptoms vary from individual to individual and can run from mild to severe, but they can be patrician recognised because of the visual aspect. The caput whitethorn be smaller than normal and abnormally shaped. For illustration, the caput may be round with a level rude on the dorsum. The interior corner of the eyes may be rounded alternatively of pointed, ( Neil K. Kaneshiro, 2010 ) . People with Down Syndrome can endure from typical physical characteristics much(p renominal) asReduced muscle toneA little olfactory organ and level seventh cranial nerve characteristicsA little oral cavity and a big looking linguaBroad hands with a individual fold across the thenarShorter than usual in acme( Marshall, 2004 ) .Down syndrome is a familial upset impacting 1000000s of people worldwide ( National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 1997 ) its cognitive defects characterise the status ( Nichols et al. , 2003 Seung & A Chapman, 2004 ) including motor and perceptual developmental jobs ( John et all. , 2004 Kearny & A Gentile, 2003 ) .There is no specific intervention for Down Syndrome as it is a familial upset, nevertheless, collectible to this there is a opportunity the sick person may accept surgery for GI obstructions and certain bosom defects, ( Neil K. Kaneshiro, 2010 ) . Since there is no intervention for Down Syndrome often can be done to better quality of life and minimise development holds, ( Marshall, 2004 ) . Fiona Marsh all ( 2004 ) , sites from Patricia Winders book, Gross Motor accomplishments in kids with Down Syndrome A porter for parents and professionals ( 1997 ) , that the motor development can be affected by four factors deficiency of brawniness suppress, shirker ligaments taking increased flexibleness of the articulations, less musculus strength and short weaponries and legs. The NHS Direct ( 2010 ) , believe that an early intercession plan can supply support to babes and kids with Down Syndrome from the minute they are born until the age of five these plans provide health care, instruction and interventions for illustration address therapy and physical therapy.Harmonizing to Marshall ( 2004 ) , early intercession can antagonize the inclination to hapless musculus tone and so be good for the kid to take to heart pattern new accomplishments such as sitting and walking. A physiotherapist uses physical methods to kick out wellness and wellbeing utilizing use, A kid with Down s syndrom e will frequently hold physiotherapy from a immature age because it can assist them to better their scope of motion. Babies with Down s syndrome may hold hapless musculus tone, so a physical therapist can assist them to develop to turn over over, sit up or walk, ( NHS Direct, 2010 ) . Due to the hapless musculus tone of people with Down Syndrome it is harder to execute undertakings which need a class of physical co-ordination such as eating and dressing, the NHS ( 2010 ) determine that an occupational healer can assist by interrupting down the undertakings into little stairss to assist supply an easier mien to finish the undertaking, step-by-step.Harmonizing to Marshall ( 2004 ) , early intercession and physical therapy needs to maintain the long-run motor accomplishments in head and non merely the short-run. Besides physical therapy may non rush up the rate of motor development but it could assist to forestall following unnatural compensatory motion forms, for illustration hap less position, walking with the pess bountiful apart or unnatural spine curvature.Harmonizing to the National Down Syndrome Society NDSS ( 2011 ) , references that some of the alternate therapies are aimed at handling the whole organic structure non merely the disease of symptom. It at any rate states that Most of these therapies shake up non made claims for people with Down syndrome that study been any different from the claims they have made for the general population. However, some therapies have claimed to better motor and cognitive maps every bit good as growing and overall activity specifically in individuals with Down syndrome. both(prenominal) have claimed to alter some of the physical characteristics of Down syndrome to a more normalized visual aspect and to change by reversal rational disablement. NDSS merely recommends interventions that have gone through scientific tests for people with Down Syndrome. Harmonizing to Susan Mumford ( 2009 ) , massage can assist th e musculuss by exciting normal organic structure processes. Waste merchandises such as lactic acid are released from the musculus fibers, enabling them to travel more freely, this returns the musculus tone to an optimal degree. It besides helps to better circulation and conveyance foods to the musculuss and anatomy meats and have a good consequence on the bosom rate.Case Studies- Applying Theory to patternThe focal point of this is on whether massage therapy can assist with the progression of musculus tone and motor development in kids with Down syndrome.In 2004, Hernandez-Reif, Field, Largie, Mora, Bornstein and Waldman decided to mensurate the, if any betterment in the motor map and musculus tone of people who suffer from Down syndrome, with the early intercession of massage. Twenty-one kids with moderate to high working Down syndrome received early intercession where elect at random to have two half hr therapies, either massage therapy or a reading session. This went on for a p eriod of two months.The kids s operation degrees where assessed on both the first and last twenty-four hours utilizing the Developmental Programming for Infants and teen Children graduated table ( DPIYC ) and musculus tone was assessed utilizing a new preliminary graduated table ( ALT ) . During the initial first twenty-four hours the kids s motor maps where measured by utilizing the following shaping characteristics, perceptual/fine motor, gross motor, self-care ( feeding etc ) social/emotional, linguistic communication and knowledge. This was used to demo any strengths and failings and to demo which developing accomplishments were emerging. The CPIYC was used in this trial for thingmabob and because the kids were already accustomed to it as they had been routinely administered by the professionals the kids already working with. A basal degree had been found and the watch over could get down. The therapy Sessionss where for half an hr twice a hebdomad for the two months where a full structured massage therapy was given and the reading Sessionss were done on the alike clip agenda and the reading Sessionss consisted of the healers merely preventing the kids as they read the books.The consequences show that the ALT tonss reflected the original informations nevertheless, Mann-Whitney U-tests on certain musculuss show a tone alteration in the tonss uncovering that there was an betterment in musculus tone for the massage therapy group. For the DPIYC, measurings reflected outlooks and showed a greater addition for the massage therapy group on all ripe motor operation and gross motor working. They besides showed a small betterment in the group for linguistic communication development.However, the alterations might non reflect what should be shown as the developments the kids have revealed in the trials might non really be from the massage Sessionss or the go steady reading session but could really be due to modify over the two months. To mensurate which coul d be due to the intercession or to the ripening of the kids with Down syndrome hereafter research would be needed on with other give group entering how a massage session comprising of light stroking alternatively of a force per unit area would impact the same organic structure countries as the massage therapy group. This would besides decide any cultural issues which could originate from keep backing intercessions from some of the kids.In malice of this harmonizing to Pardew and Bunes ( 2005 ) it is discussed that through research preformed, Field and co-workers in the Touch Research Institute ( TRI. N, D ) . Despite positive findings from other beginnings there is still a world to be cautious with the usage of intercession of massage to babies as a method to advance mental, motor and /or social-emotional development in immature kids who have disablements. Up until now there have merely been three different reappraisals upon infant massage techniques ( i.e. Gallagher, 2003 Ott enbacher, Muller, Brandt, Heintzelman, Hojem & A Sharpe, 1987 Vickers, Ohlsson, Lucy & A Horsley, 2004 ) . Ottenbacher and co-workers conducted and analysis and admitted that the trial groups did better than the control groups nevertheless there was the recognition that there where design flaws with the surveies and where more likely to bring forth positive results for the survey group. The other two reappraisals found that although the surveies provided positive consequences the credibleness was compromised by methodological defects. While Gallagher ( 2003 ) finalised that the infant massage can non be recommended as grounds for the positive effects on cognitive, motor or social-emotional development in high kink babies.Harmonizing to McWilliam ( 1999 ) Therapeutic, educational and medical are three countries of early intercession controversial interventions. Silver, ( 1995 ) considers discoursing intervention with kids with larning disablements controversial if ( a ) the beset was presented before any surveies were available or when pilot surveies had non been replicated, ( B ) the presented intervention went further than the information, or ( degree Celsius ) the intervention was used in an stray panache when a multimodal appraisal and intervention attack was needed. Any curative patterns can be seen every bit controversial as they are described to necessitate a certain sum of clip per hebdomad, McWilliam ( 1999 ) . Whereas the more-is-better phenomenon is seen as a subject in the surveies about service use ( McWilliam, Tocci & A Harbin, 1995 ) and service integrating ( McWilliam, Young & A Harville, 1996 ) . This besides explains why in a therapy service the early intercession squad plans a therapy on the footing of a kid s diagnosing alternatively of be aftering it to back up the ends of the survey ( McWilliam et al. , 1996 ) .Validity and RecommendationsThe cogency of this trial might be discussed as there were so few patients touch in the test there were merely 21 patients who received merely two 0.5 hr therapies a hebdomad for eight hebdomads ( Hernandes-Reif, et Al, 2004 ) . It could hold been due to ripening effects that the consequences had shown that massage was effectual in the early intercession and to analyze this, another control group would hold to be involved to find if the consequences were right. This control group would dwell of kids with Down Syndrome who would non have early intercession services to find if the consequences were affected by ripening, nevertheless this would be seen as unethical to with keep the intercession for research intents. ( Hernandes-Reif, et Al. 2004 ) . Although a 2nd control group might hold been added with a assumed massage that merely received stroking to the same organic structure parts alternatively of using force per unit area, this would be a one manner of deciding the ethical issue and would besides be a control for attending and prove the effects of moderate poetries lig ht force per unit area massage effects, ( Hernandes-Reif, et Al. 2004 ) .Another restriction of this survey was that the DPIYC profiles a kid s age scope ( in months ) and non the development age in months, due to this the cogency of the tonss is unknown. A recommendation for this is to utilize another step to change over the information into age tantamount tonss, for illustration the Peabody Development Motor Scales ( Folio and Fawell, 1983 ) for gross and all right motor appraisals, ( Hernandes-Reif, et Al. 2004 ) . It is of significance to observe, nevertheless, that none of the reappraisals indicated that infant massage was an uneffective intercession for immature kids but instead that to day of the month surveies have been conducted in a mode that adequately paperss efficaciousness. ( Pardew and Bunse, 2005 ) .R. A. McWilliam ( 1999 ) in Controversial patterns The demand for a re-acculturation of early intercession Fieldss believes that physical and occupational therapy h ave questionable research as there are no published true experimental surveies demoing the effectivity of one signifier of intervention over another as nil adequately separates the intervention from the control.DecisionThe consequences show that massage therapy could assist in bettering the motor map and musculus tone of kids with Down Syndrome, nevertheless, with the restrictions and the recommendations added by those who created the tests and perceivers this could merely be a computing machine mistake, trial mistake, or even happenstance. To turn out that this would really work other factors would hold to be tested alongside the chief trial country as control groups to restrict any false consequences.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
How does Shakespeare introduce themes in these acts both verbally and visually?
6th January in Shakespeares twenty-four hour period, this was a day of comedy where people swapped roles and dressed up for the day before going back to normal life. The play name toilette be related to this Twelfth Night. The play is developed as you go in domainy ways and information is given to add to previous or past moments. The play starts as a shipwreck and twins are mangled apart for each other by the brutal sea. The female of the twins is rescued and is left on her own non knowing if her brother be dead or alive she is left to take care of herself.In this essay I will be focusing on who I estimate are the main characters and in what ways they contribute to the themes in the first 2 acts both ocularly and verbally. The audience will be able to pegleg point easily where and what the humour means but there are more jokes which need to thought about deeply to get them. Love that is a theme and that is what is being developed first to give the audience a better understand ing of events to come. Orsino who is deeply enthused by Olivia the Fair, cruel maid will do what incessantly it takes to get his bed. Orsino is a pertrachan as well is Olivia he will spare nothing to get what he wants.Orsino likes his music If music be the food of love play on, give me excess of it. But he gets bored of the tune as fast as he ordered it. Orsino is withal enticed when he hears that Olivia refuses to remember his messenger he just gets more passionate about getting her. Orsino sees himself as the perfect lover but really just fancies himself being in love. The theme further develops because Viola needs a job and the only way she can get one is by disguising herself as a man. Her impudently name being Cesario. The audience know Viola is in costume but Orsino doesnt.This is now where the play is further developed because no one can get what they want all the characters have different obstacles to overcome. Viola then realises she likes Orsino Ill do my best to w oo your lady. A incline Yet, a barful strife Whoeer I woo, myself would be his wife. consequence she wants to be his wife this is love in cover. I am not what I am. Viola says this and this is true she no longer is Viola she is Cesario. Which we would expect because twelfth Night is about dressing up and deceiving others. Disguise is a massive part of the theme in 12th Night, why? Because everybody is hiding behind a mask or costume.Olivia mourning her brother always behind a veil, Viola trying to fit in and Feste the jester who alas is wise and comfortably aware of the situation is always changing his attitude and his costume. The audience know by now the danger that is brewing from the disguises and know both personalities of one person. Feste the countenance who is no fool at all is responsible for a lot of verbal wit and more. The proof of this is that he exposes Olivia for mourning her brother. I think his intellect is in hell, Madonna. Olivia-I know his soul is in heav en, fool, The more fool you Madonna to mourn for your brothers soul being in heaven. Feste has tricked her exposing in the process. The he uncovers the disguise of Viola saying Jove in his next commodity of hair send thee a beard. The songs that Feste sing come from the heart and this helps to reveal his character he speaks the rightfulness in the words that he sings. He also fools with Sir Toby and Andrew. There is falseness in other characters like Sir Toby and Sir Andrew. These two characters are not what they seem for behind closed doors they are like children in an adult world. Sir Toby when in company is a gentlemen a person of dignity and antecedent but his behaviour does not show this.He likes to drink a lot and is far from quiet. He likes to sing and dance not sit and be formal he likes to be different. To hear by the nose, it is dulcet in contagion. But we make welkin dance indeed? Shall we rouse the night horn in a catch that we will draw three souls out of one weaver ? Shall we do that? (Drink until the sky spins round). This is not what a formal apt would do. Malvolio woken up in the night by their drunkenness announces My masters are ye mad or what are you Malvolio is not pleased him being a man of normality.Sir Andrew too is one for drink but without a brain likes to have fun and be too as loud as Toby. All of this is visual appearance and Shakespeare wants you to notice this. Malvolio is also one for deception but he is only deceiving himself. Malvolio is a steward and nothing more and has ideas way above his invest as Toby points out. The plot to fool him is well deserved for his arrogance, but we wait to see where it ends. Olivia clearly states, he is Sick of self love and cannot relax in any situation. The next theme developed is that if bewilderment or foolishness.This theme is not particularly big in the early stages of the play but from what is accident you can tell it will be a main theme later to come. People in the play are not what they seem nor what they rightfully are, and then an element is developing chaos. We the reader or audience knows who is who at the moment but the actors do not for example no body knows that Cesario is really genus Viola in disguise although Feste has his suspicions but that is the whole point the element of surprise the day of trading places 12th night that is what is meant by the name.The audience also know that her twin brother Sebastian is still alive and has not perished and even more surprising he is in the land as her. You can dissemble what might happen there. The potential to confuse between these two people is massive, as they look so similar. This is a big visual aid as we wait for their paths to cross. Shakespeares whole point in the play is to provide visual or verbal jokes whether they are slapstick comedy for less intellectual or complicated situations that look like trouble.The whole Shakespeare motive is not funny, comical nor fun. It is drama and sadness. S hakespeare is decideting a drama through comedy the play is set around trust, who can you trust. No one in the play every person has there own little secret. Disguise is treacherous as viola points out, Disguise through art a wickedness wherein the pregnant enemy does much. Therefore comedy is not what it seems it itself is a disguise for a much darker side to life a much bleaker and unimaginable side nothing we could have thought of.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Communication Changes Essay
How did we arrive here? I ask that question after pondering the thought of how communication has changed near in my lifetime. I was born in 1970 in a sm all Idaho town. Party lines were still being used by most of my neighbors along our boorish gravel road, and collar tone dialing wasnt even thought of at least not in my county. Two black and white televisions were in our kinspersonone 14 in my parents room and a larger 19 in our family room. Cable tv? Not a chance. Four channels was all that was available, one of which was PBS so unless Sesame Street was on, that didnt count. That was just forty three years ago. Ouch.Writing that number makes it seem like a much longer time than it is, I still feel young. However looking back at all of the changes in the last four decades mess be mind boggling. I watched new technology arrive and often thought wow.this is it, they get out never invent anythingthat loafer outdo this. The touch tone phone, it allowed us to call someone so muc h faster than before. Soon after the VCR was the succeeding(prenominal) best thing to come into our home base and although not a communication device it would eventually evolve into an interactive communication tool. Communicating with someone in an another(prenominal) town, state, or country was restrain to either telephone or postal mail, which my grandparents at the time still commented on how amazing it was to be able to speak with someone on the other side of the planet. But it was expensive, very expensive.While brainstorming for this paper only a few methods of communication came to mind, oral, written, and electronic. During my research I found that communication technologies can be classified into eight different stages according to Walter Ong (Source Theo 2011)1. Orality (talking only)2. Early Writing (pictorial writing and then eventually phonetic alphabets, craft literacy, parchment). 3. Later Writing (scrolls then early bound books i.e. codices) 4. Early Print (Gute nberg and friends)5. Later Print (the mass market begins) 6. Electric (Telegraph, Telephone) 7. Electronic (TV and radio) 8. Digital (Internet, cell phones) After initially reviewing this run I was astounded at how communication progress was extremely slow in the first five stages consisting of tens of thousands of years between one stage to the next however in my lifetime alone I have controled the last three stages evolve. I wonder, will this happen again? Will my son witness communication evolve three, four, five times in his lifetime? Or was this technology evolution an anomaly.Fast forward to current day, we have so many another(prenominal) choices available to communicate with others it is often difficult to choose which method we want to use. Should I eMail my friend in San Francisco, call him using my house or cell phone, send him a text with an attachment of my wife and Is wedding, or would he prefer a hand written fluff sent via the US Postal Service? Not only am I fa ced with which method works best for me in these situations but I also need to consider my recipient. It is generally very easy for adults to choose the appropriate method of communication however teenagers struggle more than ever.Often they will choose the simplest form of communication for their generation texting. They even have their own new language while texting, SMS language or otherwise known as textese. This type of language is very similar to those used when the telegraph was in use over a hundred years earlier. The SMS language utilizes the fewest number of letters to produce words and sentiments in their correspondence, mostly driven by space, time and cost restraints.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Justice In “To Kill a Mockingbird†by Harper Lee Essay
in this country our courts are the abundant levellers, and in our courts all men are created equal. Describe and explain how justice and injustice are represented by cockeyeds of events and characters in To obscure a Mockingbird.Justice, what is right and fair by all of societys standards and morals, is represented, along with injustice, through events and characters in To Kill a Mockingbird. in this country our courts are the great levellers, and in our courts all men are created equal. (Atticus, pg227). One fiber of justice is the judicial kind, the kind in our courts, where men are found hangdog or innocent. The other is any right or just act. The one thing that doesnt abide by majority rule is a persons conscience. (Atticus, pg116). In To Kill a Mockingbird these justices and injustices are represented through Atticus, gobbler Robinson, Arthur Boo Radley, and through the prejudices of people.In To Kill a Mockingbird Atticus Finch represents the epitome of justice, throug h his belief in equality. He has a great belief in the legal system, and a belief that it will be fair and equal to all. Our courts have their faults, as does any hu worldly concern institution, but in this country our courts are the great levellers, and in our courts all men are created equal. Im no idealist to believe in the integrity of our courts and in the jury system that is no ideal to me, it is a living, working reality. (Atticus, pgs 226-227). Atticus Finch, a lawyer by profession, has a deep rooted belief that the court system will be just and fair, as that is what it stands for. Atticus is alike just in that he is non prejudice he does not think himself above another man based on skin colour.The fistful of people in this town who say that fair play is not marked White Only the handful of people who say a fair trial is for everyone, not just us the handful of people with enough humility to think, when they look at a negro, there but for the Lords kindness am I. (Miss M audie, pg261). Miss Maudie shared the same beliefs as Atticus, the belief that everyone is equal. Through Atticus there is also an injustice shown, not in how he treats others, but by how he is treated. Mr Cunningham is basically a skinny man, he Atticus said, he just has his blind drifter along with the rest of us. Jem spoke. Dont call that a blind spot. Heda killed you last night when he first went there.(pg173). Because of his belief that tom turkey Robinson deserved a fair trial, he was a target for anger, which is an instance of injustice. Atticus shows that treating everyone equally is the right thing to do, and that is justice.On the other hand, Tom Robinson is a perfect example of injustice. He had a good character, and was a kind-hearted person who got accused, and convicted, of rape because of the basis that he was black. He tried to help Mayella Ewell, but was looked crush upon because of this. Yes suh. I felt sorry for her, she seemed to try moren the rest of em - Yo u felt sorry for her, you felt sorry for her? Mr Gilmer seemed ready to rise to the ceiling. (pg218). It was unhearable of in the 1930s whitened society that this book was set in to have a black man feel sorry for a white woman, and this added to the reason why Tom got convicted. Given, said Atticus. Tom Robinsons a slanted man, Jem. No jury in this part of the worlds pass to say, We think youre conscience-smitten, but not very, on a charge like that. It was either straight acquittal or nothing. (pg242).Tom was found guilty on the sole account of him being black. As a result of this conviction, Tom gave up hope and lost all reason to live. Atticus leaned against the refrigerator, pushed up his glasses, and rubbed his eyes. We had such a good chance, he said. I told him what I thought, but I couldnt in truth say that we had more than a good chance. I guess Tom was tired of white mens chances and preferred to take his own. (pg260). Tom couldnt live with being found guilty of a di sgust he was innocent of solely based on the fact that he was black, so he decided to try escaping, ultimately resulting in his death. That is one of the greatest injustices shown in To Kill a Mockingbird.Prejudice, a main theme of To Kill a Mockingbird, is another representation of injustice in the novel. racialism is the most obvious type of prejudice, and this is shown through the trial and the outcome of it. Well, coming out of the court-house that night Miss Gates was she was goin down the steps in comportment of us, you musta not seen her she was talking to Miss Stephanie Crawford. I heard her say that its time somebody taught em a lesson, they were getting way above themselves, an the following(a) thing they think they can do is marry us. Jem, how can you hate Hitler so bad an then turn around and be ugly closely folks right at home ? (Scout, pg272). In the 1930s, beingracist was seen as normal.Atticus, for example, was seen as unusual because he thought that whites wer ent above blacks. exclaim about the simple hell people give other people without even thinking. Cry about the hell white people give coloured folks, without even stopping to think that theyre people too. (Dolphus Raymond, pg222). The prejudice of racism is shown throughout the book, and because of Atticus views, Scout begins to see it as unfair and unsporting. Another type of prejudice that is briefly touched upon is that of sexual discrimination. For one thing, Miss Maudie cant serve on a jury because shes a woman. You mean women in Alabama cant ? I was indignant. (Atticus and Scout, pg244). Like racism, sexual discrimination is seen as common practice.The third type of prejudice is the most basic kind, the kind where one has formed an opinion of something or someone before knowing all the facts, such as what happened with Arthur Boo Radley. Inside the house lived a malevolent phantom. People said he existed but Jem and I had never seen him. People said he went out at night and when the moon was high, and peeped in windows. (pg9). Jem and Scout had a preconceived idea of what Arthur was like because of what they had heard from other people, but they had never themselves met, or even seen him. The way in which he was seen was unjust most people would not have accepted him because of their preconceptions. In the end, however, Scout and Jem realise what kind of person Arthur really is. Atticus was right. One time he said you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them. Just standing on the Radley porch was enough. (pg308).Whether or not Arthur getting away with killing Bob Ewell is justice or not is a debatable one. On one hand, Boo was defend the children, so it was a right deed. I never heard tell thats against the law for a citizen to do his utmost to prevent a crime from being committed, which is exactly what he did, (Heck Tate, pg 304). Arthur is also a solitary creature, so if the fact that he killed Bob Ewell came int o light, he would be in the limelight. To my way of thinkin, Mr Finch, victorious the one man Arthur whos done you and this town a great service an dragging him with his shy ways into the limelight to me, thats a sin. Its a sin and Im not aboutto have it on my head.If it were any other man itd be different. But not this man, Mr Finch. (Heck Tate, pg 304). Even Scout seems to understand Heck Tates arguments. Well, itd be sort of like shootin a mockingbird, wouldnt it? (Scout, pg304). On the other hand, Boo did kill a man, and according to the law he committed murder, even if it was in self-defence. its my duty to tell the town all about it and not hush it up. (Heck Tate, pg304). In either case, the murder of Bob Ewell, and Arthur Radley being let off for it, is an example of justice, whether it is for the good of justice, or for injustices sake.Throughout To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus, Tom Robinson, his trial and subsequent death, the treatment of Arthur Radley and Bob Ewells deat h, and the prejudice of people, whether it be racial, sexual, or a misconception show the issues of justice, injustice, and how they are represented throughout the novel.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Project Management Company
1.0Introduction. prudence Consultancies atomic number 18 a relative slack to initiate dividing line to descend up since they be knowledge establish and do not require expensive tools and specialist equipment. Forming such a friendship requires only a base, radiation diagram office equipment such as lap eliminates, printers, telephones, and internet r let oners, and competent employees to apply their knowledge to the particular business niche. However, decent because it is relatively easy to form any kind of anxiety consultancy while appreciating that there is a apostrophize involved with setting up any corporation it does not simply hap that because a individual can, they should.Creating a conjunction takes time, drive, and of course, finance, and should only be calculateed by those who are ready to do so. There are three signs that someone is ready to set up any kind of management consultancyThey stick the indwelling background, experience, and qualifications i n their field, and can consider themselves an expert. They rich person developed a rich ne bothrk of peers, like-minded individuals, and potency clients who they can call upon to help the business grow. They energize a stable financial background and have at least some knowledge of business management.With those elements in place, if a person has the leave behind, they are credibly to be able to launch and meet a successful company, but there are static plenty to think ab push through, and that is where a mentor is invaluable.2.0 Different types of organizational structure.In setting up a sore business, one of the most fundamental decisions is what kind of business it depart be. There are a number of different options available, ranging from sole proprietorship, done a partnership, and onto a small corporation or as but a trammel company (Gov. UK, 2015).2.1 Sole Trader.This is the easiest type of company to set up and run, and brooks easy account statement and tax interpretation, but can be seen as less professional than some other business types.The sole trader business gives the haveer full control over business decisions and are easy to set up and run. They also give the owner full control of the profits but they are not a separate business entity, divided from the owner, and the owner is liable for any debts or indebtedness actions mounted against the company.2.2 Partnership.A partnership is also a popular business structure among smaller companies and form when two or more individuals decide to share a business and become co-owners. A partnership is own in the same counselling as a sole trader company, but the liability is scattering over the two or more muckle who form the partnership.2.3 Limited Company.This form of business greatly increases a companys credibility and makes it the kind of professional entity that other businesss assist to realize with. The main issue with a special company is the very formal procedures that ar e employ to form and control them, and the need for a professional accountant to help keep on top of what can be complex spend and investment.Because a limited company is detached from those who own and run it, there is only a limited liability should it go wrong.2.4 Recommendation for a Project Management Company.Because of its professional connotations and ability to attract investment, it is suggested that the new flip management company starts as a limited company, with Charles as the sole shareholder.3.0 Management Overview.3.1 Definition of modern management.Management is fundamentally a people-orientated venture that is used to unionise a police squad, and accomplish aims for that team and a wider company in general (Robbins and Judge 2014). However, over young years, there has been focus on what Deming (1993) identified as the seven deadly diseases. These areLack of labor of purpose Emphasis on short-term profits Evaluation by performance, merit rating, or yearly rev iew of performance Mobility of management Running a company on visible figures alone Neglecting long-range planning Relying on quality inspection rather than improving product qualityDeming countered all of these by identifying a system that countered all of these failures by devising what has become known as Total whole measuring Management, with the intention of helping the management of better products or services, creating product uniformity, improving product testing and, ultimately, greater sales (Stoner et al, 2003).Following the reimaging of management in light of Demings intervention, focus has shifted from the simple organisation of people to a make for of producing and maintaining an environment that allows the efficient accomplishment of influence and selected aims. These are achieved by managers using what have been identified as the four functions of managementPlanning Identifying the steps needed to achieve a pre driven goal.Organising Bringing unneurotic all t he resources needed to achieve the planned goals.Leading Motivating those on the team to achieve the set goals.Controlling Ensuring that team members stay on track done open and bonnie reporting from and to the team.Achieving these goals means that managers must be adept at organisation skills and have the trust of both their own team and senior management. The goal of all managers is to deliver their assigned lying-ins on time and to an concord budget, while ensuring that their team members are fulfilled and with due consideration to quality of product or service. Furthermore, a good manager will enact their assigned tasks using the minimum of resources, thereby maximising gainfulness for the company while satisfying the customer.3.2 Leadership Styles.The effectiveness of a manager depends greatly on their ardor and how they interact with their team (Adeniyi, 2007). The three fundamental leadership styles are identified asAutocratic leader. This manager type melts to instr uct the team on what needs to be achieved without consultation, and expects the team to deliver as required. classless Leader. This manager seeks the input of the team, and discusses the way forward with them, making joint decisions as they arise. Laissez-f cinche Leader. The opposite of the compulsory leader, the Laissez-faire manager supplies resources but otherwise allows the team to function almost autonomously.Due to the flexible yet well- catch up withd nature of project management, it is suggested that Charles adopt a democratic leadership style with his sub-managers, since they will have customer-set goals and only really require resources and to feedback.4.0 Organisational Culture.Organisational socialisation has been likened to the personality of the business, and the overriding feature that defines how a company plant and its interactions with suppliers, employees, and customers (Alversson, 2013). There are several types of organisational culture (Drafke & Murtaugh, 2009), of which the main ones areClan culture. These are family like and tend to focus on mentoring, nurturing, and creating a workforce that feels comfortable and works well together. Power Culture. Key to this is satisfying control by a few high ranking members, and tends to be found in both smaller companies or discrete sections of larger companies, since it would be difficult to run a large company with such a culture. Key elements mean that decisions can be made quickly making the culture highly reactive. Adhocracy culture. Sometimes referred to as forward looking cultures, these tend to be entrepreneurial and dynamic, and promote an air of risk taking and first appearance. Companies with this culture tend to pride themselves on being market leaders and judge to do something new ahead of possible competitors and the market in general. employment Culture. This type focusses on designate individuals specific roles with a current job description and does not allow much sco pe to step out of that role. They tend to be rigid and are renowned for being very task-focused. Cultures such as this are found in companies that specialise in high technology or businesses where roles are determined by knowledge, making it difficult or someone without specific skills to be able to step into certain roles. Market culture. The market culture companies are highly results-driven organisations that concentrate on achievement and completing the task in hand. Hierarchical Culture. These are high structured and controlled businesses that concentrate on creating an efficient company that does the right thing. They tend to be run with a well-defined management structure which feeds information down by means of it and accepts reporting back through the same lines.The project management company planned by Charles will start with a smaller number of employees but they will have highly specialised tasks to acquire out such as detailed project management therefore the Role culture is likely to be the best fit for his business.Since there is only a few employees to start with, the feeding out of information can be handled via team meetings, making communications easy and fluid.Business perception relates to the way in which people either employees, competitors, or customers relate to a company, which can affect how they interact with that company (Schnaky, 2008). How a company is perceived may impact on how others work with the company which in bending can affect their long-term profitability and their ability to operate in the market.5.0 Organisational Strategic Objectives.This report has sketch some of the areas that Charles, the business owner, should examine in order to establish a successful company and gives index of the type of culture he should aim for. However, rather than simply indication certain aspects of the business, it becomes important to define particular strategic objectives for Charles to establish.It has been suggested in section 2.4 that Charles strongly consider establishing his business as a limited company, as that will give him extra credibility in the business world, and he is likely to be able to attract the right calibre of technical staff to5.1 Strategy Roadmap.Charles company is expected to follow a specific pathway to success, built on his companys specialist knowledge of project management and modernistic work systems. This means that the corporate strategy needs to be based on a culture of innovation and the highly-desirable skillset that his employees have. The structure of a corporate strategy built on innovation is shown in figure 1, below.Figure 1 Charles Corporate Strategy.With the company firmly seated in the high-skills, technology, and innovative work streams, Charles can build up a suitable processes that reflect the kind of business that thrives in highly specialist markets such as detailed project management. The second layer of the strategy is based on the fundamental pr ocesses that the company will employ every day to deliver customer excellence. These processes will encompass innovation in deliverables in which the project management element will keep au fait with the current practices in the field, and project management practitioners kept fully trained as appropriate. Operations process will dictate how the technical staff will interact with customers, while business growth will be the focus of sales and marketing processes.The goal of the sales and market department will be to grow the visibility of the company and create a customer experience that entices return custom through a positive experience in all dealings with the company. Customer feedback will further allow the company to innovate and to modify their services based on what customers actually want rather than their own perception of what customers need. By delivering the correct product and service, Charles company can experience substantial growth through returning customers as well as picking up new business through the correct marketing strategy and customer recommendations.5.2 Managing the Strategy.With the correct strategy in place, the management becomes easy since all members of the company understand what is required of them and departments that they deal with to streamline all operations. As already stated, it is suggested that Charles adopt a Role culture into the company so that people are aware of what they need to achieve within their work sphere, but are able to take direction on other tasks as necessary. This means that self-management is carried out to the greater extent, with Charles and his senior management team which is expected to comprise himself as chairman, a Finance Director, and a Sales//Operations Director offering overall direction for the company, leaving day to day management to area managers and individuals, empowering them to stretch goals (Vandeveer and Menefee, 2010). This will add a flexibility to the company that is attractive to potential customers, which, together with the obvious innovative ethos of the company, will help boost sales enquiries.The management system and strategy set out for this company does not have to be binding, and with future growth, it may be necessary to consider different strategies and management styles that will be more befitting the organisation as it grows. This means that Charles will need to assess the company on a regular basis to assess whether a new direction in strategy and style may be of greater benefit.6.0 ReferencesAdeniyi, M. (2007) Effective Leadership Management. Authorhouse, Bloomington, Indiana.Alversson, M. (2013) discernment Organizational Culture. Sage Publications, London.Deming, W. (1993) The New Economics for Industry Government, and Education. MIT Press, Boston, Massachusetts.Drafke, M. and Murtaugh, J. (2009) The Human Side of Organizations. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.Gov. UK (2015) charter a legal structure for your business. Online Avai lable from https// Accessed 11th December 2016.Robbins, S. & Judge, T. (2014) Essentials of Organizational Behaviour. Online Available from http// robbins__timothy_a_judge_pdf_qwerty.pdf. Accessed 11th December 2016.Schnaky, K. (2008) Perceptions of Organizational Culture by Employee Level A human face Study. Online Available from http// &rep=rep1&type=pdf. Accessed 11th December 2016.Stoner J., Freeman R., and Gilbert, jr. D. (2003) Management. Prentice-Hall of India, New Dheli.Vandeveer, R. & Menefee, M. (2010) Human Behavior in Organizations. Prentice Hall, New Jersey
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Dead Poets Society †Responsibility Essay
Exposition Dead Poets SocietyNeils suicide was more his sticks fault than that of Keating. Do you agree or disagree? The movie Dead Poets Society produced in 1989 by Peter Weir unfolds many detection of animation during the 1950s. The Welton Academy, the place where the movie was filmed, sets a great model as it articulates the regimented conduct of legion(predicate) male students who suffer from pressure, lack of freedom, and high expectations of their parents and teachers. Many of these adolescent boys are considered rebellious instead of subsequent, for taking risks. However, the roles of these students are fundamental as they file the actual individualism throughout the movie.The students also show existing individualism through the encounters that they had with one another, with their parents and with the school staff. However, if individualism is taken to its extent, things can either go decline or for instance, Neils suicide it can also go horribly wrong. But moving on to the topic, Yes, Neils death was a tragedy, many people believe only himself was held trustworthy. But if you look at the greater depth of the movie, there are other rea watchwords why Neil chose to reverse his life. And if there is anything to blame for Neils death, there are strong possibilities that Neils father and Mr Keating are highly responsible. Who do you think is responsible for Neils death? Mr Perry, Neils dad, a traditional, persuasive, strict father who requires high expectation of his son or Mr Keating, Neils charismatic and inspirational teacher, the one who opened the students mind? Mr Perry can be blamed continuously of Neils suicide if Neils death was based on, basically, the lack of freedom Neil had during the time when he was nonoperational living. Mr Perry is a very traditional father who has high expectations of his son and just like any regular father in the film, he is forceful and aggressive towards his sons educational life.He is highly domineeri ng and believes that deciding for his son was the best idea. It was a tough challenge for Neil to get along with his father as he couldnt overcome the difficult relationship he had with his father. One example would be when Neil decided to change his fathers will of him doing a career in medicine and alternatively, he chose to follow his dreams and do a career in performing arts. However, Mr Perry showed atrocious response in what Neil has done. Neils performance was rather aggravating than delighting to him. Mr Perry insisted to do nothing but decide for his son. Neil, thinking hes had enough, stood for himselfand tried to communicate with his father to tell him his own perspective. However, the traumatized boy whos stuck in agony was unavailing to do so.Neil believed that there was no way out of this horrendous imprisoned-life so his overall choice was to end everything by pull of a trigger. It was the only way for Neil to show independence to his father, the only way to show tha t hes seizing the day. Mr Perry, who was unable to understand the state of event, was horrifiedbut if he listened and communicated decent with NeilNeil would still probably, be breathing. Though there was no precise reason of Mr Keating getting involved with Neils suicide, Mr Keating was also, somehow, blamed for Neils death. Many audience of the film believe that Mr Keating did not present his philosophy of life clearly therefore causing the boys to interpret it incorrectly. This mightve been during the time he opened his students mind and filled them with hopes and dreams, or the time when he told them to look at things in a contrasting way, or the time when he told them to enjoy life to the fullest (aka Carpe Diem Seize the day).Though, he encouraged his pupils to stand up for themselves, to be independent, he also pushed them away from conforming to the schools policy. One boundless example of Mr Keatings inspiration, through the way he teaches the boys, was when he told them to rip out the introduction page of the poem books. As he wanted them to gain the ability to have their own response, to build their own mental picture of what poetry is all about. And throughout the movie, Mr Keating would constantly tell his students to Seize the day though, he meant to live life to the fullest, he did not theoretically mean to suicide. Unknowingly, Mr Keating taught his students, the opposite message he was trying to get to them. Overall, the absolute majority of reasons for Neils suicide was caused by Mr Perry, though Mr Keating can also be blamed as he lacked of explanation in his inspirational words to the boys, if he had explained his theory properly to his students, then they wouldve fully understand including the consequences it would bring. However, it is Mr Perry that has caused extreme destruction in Neils identity. Even from the start, Neil and his dad never had a proper father-and-son relationship. Mr Perry never gave Neil a chance to do something he wanted to do, instead he was eager of controlling his sons life. He treated Neil like as if his son was imprisoned, no freedom, no choice and he was full of restrictions against his son.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Graded Assignments Essay
You go away learn how to match common risks or threats within the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure with solutions and hitch actions.Assignment RequirementsThis is a matching activity. You will receive the Match Risks/Threats to Solutions worksheet, which contains a numbered list of common risks and threats build in a typical IT infrastructure. You must enter the letter for the correct solution or intervention action in the blank to the slump of each risk or threat.InstructionsYou be presented with a list of some risks and threats associated with the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure. Below the list, the solutions or preventive actions to manage those risks and threats are listed.Write the letter of the correct solution or preventative action in the blank to the aright of each risk or threat.Risks or threats1. Violation of a security policy by a userc________2. Disgruntled employee sabotagei________3. Download of non-business videos using thea________Inte rnet to an employer-owned calculating machine4. Malware infection of a users laptopl________5. Unauthorized physical approach to the local area networkn________6. LAN server operating system vulnerabilitiesf________7. Download of unexplored institutionalise types from unknown sources by local usersb________8. Errors and weaknesses of network router, firewall, and network h________appliance configuration filem________9. WAN eavesdropping10. WAN Denial of Service (DoS) or Distributed Denial ofd________Service (DDoS) attacks11. Confidential entropy compromised remotelyk________12. Mobile worker token stoleng________13. Corrupt or lost informatione________14. Downtime of customer databasej________ ITT Educational Services, Inc.All Rights Reserved.-2-02/12/2012NT2580 Introduction to Information Security school-age child COPY Graded Assignment RequirementsSolutions or preventative actionsA. Enable content filtering and antivirus s basening at the origination and exit points of the Internet. Enable workstation auto-scans and auto-quarantinefor unknown file types.B. fancy file transfer monitoring, scanning, and alarming for unknown file types and sources.C. Place employee on probation, review unimpeachable use policy (AUP) and employee manual, and discuss status during performance reviews.D. consent filters on exterior Internet Protocol (IP) stateful firewalls and IP router WAN interfaces.E. Implement daily data backups and off-site data storage for monthly data archiving. Define data convalescence procedures based on delimitate Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs).F. Define vulnerability window policies, standards, procedures, and guidelines. Conduct LAN domain vulnerability assessments.G. Apply real-time lockout procedures.H. Define a strict zero-day vulnerability window definition. Update devices with security fixes and software patches right away.I. Track and monitor abnormal employee behavior, erratic job performance, and use of IT infrastructure during o ff-hours. Begin IT access picture lockout procedures based on AUP monitoring and compliance.J. Develop a disaster recovery plan (DRP) specific to the recovery of mission-critical applications and data to maintain operations.K. Encrypt all confidential data in the database or hard drive. L. physical exertion workstation antivirus and malicious code policies, standards, procedures, and guidelines. Enable an automated antivirus protection solution that scans and updates individual workstations with proper protection.M. Use encryption and virtual private network (VPN) tunneling for secure IP communications.N. Make sure wiring closets, data centers, and electronic computer rooms are secure. Provide no access without proper credentials.Assignment RequirementsYou are a networking medical intern at Richman Investments, a mid-level financial investment and consulting firm. Your supervisor has asked you to draft a brief report that describes the interior(a) Use Only data classification s tandard of Richman Investments. Write this report addressing which IT infrastructure domains are impact by the standard and how they are affected. In your report, mention at least three IT infrastructure domains affected by the Internal Use Only data classification standard. Your report will become let out of an executive summary to senior management.User humankind is where only one user will confuse access to it. This can be configured to internal use only. By default, the IT department tries to maintain a certain level of Security for this, so that nobody can accessfrom the outside, only the IT Department can grant access privilege for Remote Access Point. The User ambit will enforce an acceptable use policy (AUP) to define what each user can and cannot do with any company data that he or she has access to.Also, every user on the company is responsible for the security of the environment. Workstation Domain is where all the users work. Before a user can log into the machine, he/she will need to be verified in order to gain access. At Richman Investments, we provide very secure access for the employee workstations with a username and password. A security protocol requires the password to be changed every 30 days. All computers maintain reparation updates and continuous antivirus protection for monitoring. Additionally, no personal devices are allowed on the network.The Local Area Network (LAN) Domain is a group of computers all connected to a single LAN domain. The LAN Domain is a collection of computers connected to one another or to a common medium. All LAN domains accommodate data closets, physical elements of the LAN, as well as logical elements as designated by authorized personnel. It requires arduous security and access accommodates. This domain can access company-wide systems, applications, and data from anywhere within the LAN. The LAN back off group is in charge maintaining and securing this domain.The biggest threat to the LAN domain is Un-authorized access to any matter (the LAN, the systems, & the data) on the network. One thing we can do is requiring strict security protocols for this domain, such as disabling all external access ports for the workstation. This would prevent any user within the company from bringing an external jump drive, and connecting it to the workstations. This way, we can control company intellectual property, and prevent viruses on the LAN network.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Marries Is Better Than Being Single
ed is MARRIED IS BETTER THAN BEING SINGLE thither atomic number 18 lots of discussion and arguments ab protrude to universe angiotensin-converting enzyme or getting matrimonial nowadays. The virgin generation might not willing to bound into marriage life and they wish to remain in single life so they can present much(prenominal) privacy, freedom and the cargo of responsibilities. However, marriage is objet dart and wife ordained by God and it is excessively a wonderful union of two plurality in love. It is unique, opposite-sex union with legal, neighborly, economic and spiritual dimensions. Getting married does bring a lot of advantages to a soulfulness either family.The biggest advantage for getting married is emotional stability. Married people treat their own family as shelter and they can feel secure and relax when staying together with their family. Family provides a peace and comfort regulate for those married people to restore their energy. Marriage can helps the couple to become to a greater extent tolerant, unselfish, caring and more responsible. Its provide a chances for the husband and wife to grow with and sharing their lifes challenges, rewards and sorrows with a person who actually knows and understand what you going through and feels the same frequency.There are a lots of difficulties involve to study by marriage people as that is not easiest to living with someone for the rest of their life. They have to scourge all the problems facing by them and to learn how to take care of another(prenominal)s feeling, patience, emotion control, temper, time management and mental attitude towards their family. In a marriage life, there are always someones to hear your companions. It is full(a) to have someone there to have a share, to bounce ideas or to have a humorous exchange of remarks.Companionship among the married peoples alike offers support and can be particularly important at clock of trouble or stress. At such times, marrie d people have distinct advantages over macrocosm single. The other advantage for marriage is that allows couples to pool their both incomes to share the cost of living and debts, save more coin for retirement and doing investment. The married people can also sharing a house, car and fodder so they can enjoy save cost for basic living conditions compare with a single person.Therefore, people who are married become less poverty just now more wealth and their money goes further. It is because, they tend to specialize, exchange, and share roles and functions in ways to generate higher earnings, encourage savings, helping each others to restrain from impulse spending, and generally leave the family financially pause off. Marriage can also leads to better health and greater longevity for people. There are more likely to enjoy better physical health. The spouses are intimately aware of and impacted by their spouses choices.In a sense, couples have a significant vested interest in wat ching out for one another and encouraging hefty choices and behaviour. For example, the wife might not allow her husband drinking, smoking or other unnecessary risk-taking and also control his weights. Compared to single, divorced or widowed people, the married people experience less depression, anxiety, and other types of psychological distress. Besides, the married people will have active, satisfying and safety sex lives compared with single people. The married people tend to have more sex because it costs them less in time, money and psychic energy.They have find it more satisfying because their sex partner is more available, less distracted, more eager and more secure and able to please. The higher levels of satisfaction for married couples is related to the fact that marriage adds meaning to the cozy act because it symbolizes a union that is based on sexual fidelity, stronger commitment and emotional intimacy. It had increased their commitment and their sense of responsibilit y, and had generally strengthened their relationships. In addition, the married life can brings greater safety towards the married people and expand their social network.Its because, the married people have companion to run across places together, visit friends or holiday together. For the single person, that is far more difficult as often modern social life is geared around couples and the single person can often feel left out or sometimes, simply not invited. At times, perhaps, having children might seem to impede their social life but it just brings a change in your social life and much of that social life involves being with your children. Lastly, married people will create a family with a novel and challenging life rather of boring life compared with single people.Families are created and held together by the lifelong commitment of a man and a woman who live cooperatively and raise and nurture the children born to them. Families are the building head off essential to the fo rmation of a community, and strong social structure arises from the foundation many families provide. A well-off society and culture depend on stable marriages. For example, as marriage declines in a culture,the call forth must spend more money and care for children who less of the financial stability with divorce family background.Strong marriages statuses are at the heart of thriving family and community. In conclusion, getting married is better than being single as there married leads to emotional stability, financial stability, train the couples become more independent and responsible, better health and greater longevity, have wonderful sexual life, light(a) to expand social networks and have a new challenging life instead of boring life compared to single people. Getting married is not an easy but it does bring a lot of meaningful to individuals, family and the community.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Community Corrections Essay
IntroductionProbation and release ar two alternatives to incarceration. Many jurisdiction are looking more to probation as an alternative to incarceration and ahead of time release through parole to reduce the size of the prison population. Probation and parole officials are there to athletic loseer offenders parry to society and ensure compliance with the terms of the offenders release. What are the primary goals of using community department of corrections watch for probation as an alternative to incarceration? What are the primary goals for parole or correctional supervision following release from jail or prison? Primary goals of probation. There are many goals for using community corrections supervision for probation as an alternative to incarceration however, the main goals are to reduce the invest of crime. According to Families against Mandatory Minimums (2013), over 40% of offenders leaving prisons will commit an other(a) crime and return to prison within three year s. Understanding the problem and getting help for the offender with prevent saucy crimes. Other goals are Strengthening families and the community, savings to taxpayers as well as giving the court dodges other options for sentencing (Alternatives to Incarceration In A Nutshell, 2013).Primary goals of parole. The primary goal of parole and correctional supervision is to leave individuals to re-integrate into society without any catchyies. Many times after an individual has served enough time in prison, the parole board may determine that an individual may be released. When an individual is released they are given the luck to finish serving their sentencing in the community under controlled conditions parole/correctional supervision is part of the reclamation program, it is a mechanism to manage the risk of parolees to the community, and its an incentive to continue good behavior. Rehabilitation and re-integration are the main focus to everything. How important is it for offender s who are no longer incarcerated to have the ability to work to put up themselves and to support their families? For many years the main focus of correctional systems has been the offenders during incarceration.One major concern at a time is how the offender will support themselves and their families after incarceration. When offenders are released from incarceration it is very challenging for them to become interconnected within the community and families. Many offenders face personal challenges such(prenominal) aslow self-esteem, low motivation, acquisition deficits, lack of training, mental illness, substance abuse and lack of stable accommodations. They also face social challenges such as negative peer influence, an absence of family support and poor employment records (Visher, 2005 Rakis, 2005 Graffam, 2004). These challenges can make it difficult for ex-offenders to support themselves or their families. The challenges must be addressed to keep the offender from returning t o jail. That is why the system provides alternative programs to assure the ex-offenders a better way to return to society and be productive individuals.Should a convicted offender released from incarceration be worthy for public assistance? Should their familya spouse and childrenbe eligible? Public Assistance. Yes, currently depending upon each state, ex-offenders are eligible for different kinds of public assistance. If the assistance is already approved it can be because it was properly studied and evaluated. I consider that public assistance can be provided on a case-by-case basis with restrictions, and be monitored often. Ex-offenders should first participate in a rehabilitation program before they qualify for assistance programs. Some ex-offenders deserve a second opportunity in the community (Serving People from Arrest to Reintegration, 1999-2004). An offenders family member should not be punished for the crimes of the offender. They should be allow to receive public assis tance if the meet the qualifications.ConclusionThere are many challenges for occasion inmates returning to society. Re-entry is the primary focus on parole officer to ensure that the offenders return to society is a productive one. It is important for offenders to have the appropriate resources in order to obtain the necessary training and support upon their release from incarceration to be able to support themselves and their families and become productive members of society.ReferencesAlternatives to incarceration in a nutshell (2013).
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Business in India Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Business in India - Essay workoutIn case of the urban areas, traffic congestion is common especially during peak hours (Gesteland & Gesteland, 2010, p. 23). Therefore, an American man of affairs should have enough endurance when dealing with Indian employees lack of punctuality, late deliveries, and issues regarding missed deadlines (pp. 24 25). Basically, decorous impatient with their lack of punctuality can only trigger misunderstanding between the business possessor and the Indian counterpart.With regards to religion, an American businessman should know that on top of Hinduism, there are some Indians who are Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, and Sikhs (Fox, 2008, pp. 293 294). Since Muslims are forbidden to eat pork, an American businessman should revoke offering pork meat when passing out for a lunch meeting with an Indian Muslim.The business behavior of Indians vary depending on their age, educational attainment, type of industry they belong to, knowledge about the busine ss practices in the West, and specific region where they came from (Gesteland & Gesteland, 2010, p. 16). To avoid conflict with Indian employees, an American businessman should know that all Indians are different from one some other depending on their cultural background. Therefore, the inability of an American businessman to modify his behavior and business approach when dealing with a potential business partner will lead to poor business operations one by one (Fox, 2008, p.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Legislation on Cost Containment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Legislation on Cost Containment - Essay exercisingThis aspect is particularly relevant to acres-level policymaking. No universal exist containment measure is adopted in the joined States and, instead, states were free to pursue their own models, tailored according to their specific needs, targets and circumstance (e.g. political and economic). This is not rattling surprising because 1) states have been active players in health reform and, 2) the health reform law is well(p) of state obligations as well as opportunities for state innovation (Teitelbaum, and Wilensky, 2012, p.180).Back in 2003, the National multitude of State Legislatures (NCSL) Standing Committee released a white paper outlining possible cost saving ideas that state legislators could enact. These were composed of many possible ideas classified into nine categories, which include direct cost containment prescription medicine ideas cost shifting ideas workforce expansion health insurance reform subsidy and uninsu red bring off medical error and medical malpractice preventive and public health ideas and, Medicaid ideas. The ideas were numerous and many states, thereafter, adopted an idea, a part of some or a combination of ideas for their own cost containment initiatives.One of the most fundamental of these ideas, in my opinion, is that framework that seeks to cut cost by addressing medical errors and medical malpractice. In the NCSL (2003) compilation, initiatives within this cost containment classification include the legislation of laws that will ensure the regulation of the payment for damages (VII-1) the elimination of light lawsuits (VII-2) as well as the establishment of mechanisms to ensure quality and compliance to health and safety standards (VII-4, VII-5, V-II-6). The NCSL has provided a lean list of ideas in this particular area. But I think that this is one of the most executable models that could easily pass the process of legislation.In policymaking, public opinion is
Monday, May 13, 2019
Cognitive Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
cognitive Learning - Essay ExampleMany factors that include but are not limited to culture, nurture, education and religion impart intimacy to the individual and influence his/her behavior. Cognitive learning comprises an understanding of the way an individuals behavior is influenced by the aforementioned factors. The information indeed retrieved can be used for formulating learning programmes. Cognitive learning hands an individual gain the necessary knowledge himself/herself by making use of his/her senses. One does not have to be told to learn something particular or behave in a particular manner. Instead, the message is conveyed to the individual without having him/her realize that it was purposefully done. There are numerous ways to achieve this. For example, when a tyke is appreciated for having behaved in a good manner, he/she will realize that such behavior invites positive response from the adults. So he/she will make it a habit. Likewise, when a child is scolded for h aving behaved wrongly, he/she would tend not to repeat the act in the future. Companies principally have a reward and punishment system in place to make the employees behave right in the workplace. Part 2 Cognitive learning commences as soon as a child begins to gain the sense of the world. In my early childhood days, I was fond of meddling with the switches. Where ever I found a plug, I would put my fingers into it.
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Speaker Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Speaker - Essay ExampleVanchiere would give a language that would be largely compar fit to nearly all the other speeches that I have heard over the years, I was pleasantly impress to find that the speech was quite interesting and could easily be analyzed using the five cannons of elaborateness. elaborateness is mainly seen to be divided into five key categories that mainly include arrangement, style, invention, delivery and memory, it is these five categories that fundamentally comprise of the five canons of rhetoric. An analysis of the speech granted by Dr. Vanchiere reveals that that he used the five cannons of rhetoric as follows.Invention This cannon is defined as being the art through which the speaker is able to successfully find a number of appropriate rhetorical arguments that can be presented in a given rhetorical situation. In using this cannon of rhetoric, Dr. Vanchiere started off the lecture by pointing out that the HPV vaccine is one of the most successful vaccine s that is currently being administered. Dr. Vanchiere then went on to compare the successes of the HPV vaccine as compared to other vaccines such as the flu vaccine. By using the flu vaccine as a comparison against the HPV vaccine, the doctor was able to successfully create a reference point that resonated with his audience as most members of the audience could easily relate with the flu vaccine as nearly all of them had been given the vaccine at some point in their lives.Arrangement The rhetorical cannon of arrangement is seen to be concerned with the arrangement of a speech in a manner that will enable the speech to have the maximum level of persuasion that it can possibly have. In this regard, after Dr. Vanchiere had commenced his speech by arguing that the HPV is actually the most successful vaccine to have ever been created. He went on to authorise his claims by providing empirical data on some of its successes such as the fact that an estimated 80 one thousand thousand doses of the vaccine have already
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