Monday, September 30, 2019
Rainbow’s end-belonging
Relationships and experiences shape an individual's sense of belonging Belonging means the idea of being part of something where you are accepted without compromise, conditions or limitations. Relationships with people around ones environment and experiences through one's life have a strong connection to shape an Individual's sense of belonging. The play Rainbows End by Jane Harrison demonstrates that relationships and experiences affect Individuals to shape their sense of belonging.Relationship between females usually has a great Influence on shaping Individual's sense of belonging. In the play, Rainbows End, It Is shown through contrasting Dolly and Errol. â€Å"But†¦ A real home? A real home Is where there are people looking out for each other In this part, Dolly pauses for a moment In which punctuation is used to indicate that she is confused and disagree with Errol. While Errol thinks the ‘home' is where he physically belongs, Dolly thinks the ‘home' is where h er family belongs together. This difference refers to their cultural background.Aboriginals believe that they are all closely related so that they always have to be together. However, Whites are usually individualists who just care about their ‘own' family thus; they haven't had to consider the place where they belong. Dolly and Roll's relationships with their own community has shaped their different perception about ‘home'. Furthermore, the play conveys that the sense of belonging can be divided by relationships people are involved. When Dolly goes to the Miss Moorland-separator Ball, she is the only person who is an Aborigine. Thieve cooking at us†, Dolly is an unwelcome guest in the Ball between Whites. Then Nancy, who is also a White, says â€Å"Love your dress, Dolly. Love your fabric [with a giggle]†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. L thought we took them to the tip. †sarcastically in a derogative tone. As the White is in higher status than the Aborigine, they used to i solate and discriminate them in Australia even though originally Aborigines were living in Australia. In the same way, Dolly was insulted by Nancy Just because she wasn't belonging to the white but belongs to Aborigines.The Rainbows End emphasizes that the relationship In group an have different sense of belonging to other groups and sometimes It does not get along together. An individual's sense of belonging can also be affected by the experiences they have had. Nan has a strong desire to go back to her hometown as she was obliged by the White to leave her hometown. â€Å"They forced us to leave. Forced us to leave Counterargument. Our home. †By repeating ‘forced us to leave', Nan exposes her strong sense of resentment towards Whites. Nan's sense of belonging Is reinforced through this experience.The more she has got forced, the more she Is offensive about her family. Gladys used to admire the white society and had strong desire to fit in there. â€Å"†¦ The QUE EN pulls her into a hug. The lights come back to reality. Gladys is holding a bunch of weeds. †The weed is the symbol of poorness which is her reality. She had many daydreams. However, by experiencing the rejection from the bank manager, the blocked out from the Queen's visit and the isolation from housing problem, she begins to realism that the Whites would not accept her; the Aborigines.So she starts to approach to the reality and consider the way to change. We demand the right to make our own decisions. †Finally, Gladys makes a speech in the petition, represents the development of indigenous voices. The experience has changed Gladys sense of belonging more respectfully. According to the relationship and experience, individuals can shape one's sense of belonging. This is well demonstrated in the play, Rainbows End. Relationships can have an influence on shaping one's sense of belonging and can be divided into each group. Also the experiences make changes or strengthe n one's sense of belonging. Rainbow’s end-belonging Relationships and experiences shape an individual's sense of belonging Belonging means the idea of being part of something where you are accepted without compromise, conditions or limitations. Relationships with people around ones environment and experiences through one's life have a strong connection to shape an Individual's sense of belonging. The play Rainbows End by Jane Harrison demonstrates that relationships and experiences affect Individuals to shape their sense of belonging.Relationship between females usually has a great Influence on shaping Individual's sense of belonging. In the play, Rainbows End, It Is shown through contrasting Dolly and Errol. â€Å"But†¦ A real home? A real home Is where there are people looking out for each other In this part, Dolly pauses for a moment In which punctuation is used to indicate that she is confused and disagree with Errol. While Errol thinks the ‘home' is where he physically belongs, Dolly thinks the ‘home' is where h er family belongs together. This difference refers to their cultural background.Aboriginals believe that they are all closely related so that they always have to be together. However, Whites are usually individualists who just care about their ‘own' family thus; they haven't had to consider the place where they belong. Dolly and Roll's relationships with their own community has shaped their different perception about ‘home'. Furthermore, the play conveys that the sense of belonging can be divided by relationships people are involved. When Dolly goes to the Miss Moorland-separator Ball, she is the only person who is an Aborigine. Thieve cooking at us†, Dolly is an unwelcome guest in the Ball between Whites. Then Nancy, who is also a White, says â€Å"Love your dress, Dolly. Love your fabric [with a giggle]†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. L thought we took them to the tip. †sarcastically in a derogative tone. As the White is in higher status than the Aborigine, they used to i solate and discriminate them in Australia even though originally Aborigines were living in Australia. In the same way, Dolly was insulted by Nancy Just because she wasn't belonging to the white but belongs to Aborigines.The Rainbows End emphasizes that the relationship In group an have different sense of belonging to other groups and sometimes It does not get along together. An individual's sense of belonging can also be affected by the experiences they have had. Nan has a strong desire to go back to her hometown as she was obliged by the White to leave her hometown. â€Å"They forced us to leave. Forced us to leave Counterargument. Our home. †By repeating ‘forced us to leave', Nan exposes her strong sense of resentment towards Whites. Nan's sense of belonging Is reinforced through this experience.The more she has got forced, the more she Is offensive about her family. Gladys used to admire the white society and had strong desire to fit in there. â€Å"†¦ The QUE EN pulls her into a hug. The lights come back to reality. Gladys is holding a bunch of weeds. †The weed is the symbol of poorness which is her reality. She had many daydreams. However, by experiencing the rejection from the bank manager, the blocked out from the Queen's visit and the isolation from housing problem, she begins to realism that the Whites would not accept her; the Aborigines.So she starts to approach to the reality and consider the way to change. We demand the right to make our own decisions. †Finally, Gladys makes a speech in the petition, represents the development of indigenous voices. The experience has changed Gladys sense of belonging more respectfully. According to the relationship and experience, individuals can shape one's sense of belonging. This is well demonstrated in the play, Rainbows End. Relationships can have an influence on shaping one's sense of belonging and can be divided into each group. Also the experiences make changes or strengthe n one's sense of belonging.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
The nineteenth century was brought by a great emergence of music that would change history. In the late 1980’s a change in rhythm evolved in playing piano music. Ragtime piano was introduced as a new popular way to play the piano fast and shallow. The measures were used to sixteen beats just like European counterparts although the music was said to be the â€Å"afro-American†version of the polka. In this thought the stereotype is drawn as â€Å"ragtime†being associated with African American people.Based on the beats in the music which produced a sousa style march, ragtime became the melody used to perform the cakewalk dance. In this article the description of the cake walk is â€Å"an Afro-American dance initially based on an elegant, stylized parody of southern white courtly manners†, the dance is stereotyped as being made for one group of people, and that being African Americans. The first African American composer to produce ragtime music was Tom Turp in which also brought along singers to become the voice of this musical form of ragtime.Following the sensation of this music, the cakewalk was always performed which then opened doors for other types of dances and songs later known as jazz. The article â€Å"Cake Walk, Shimmy, and the Charleston†the descriptions emphasis how dances performed by African American women brought unity among white and black audiences. Dancers were referred to as â€Å"Babylon girls†who expressed a positive way in which African American women were being recognized for their gender and race. They expressed themselves in these musical forms to show black freedom and feel a part of popular music.The stereotype made in this article was based upon the sexuality presented in the cakewalk dance by African American women. Many described them as to be â€Å"sexually frank and opinionated, to be figures of independence. †In reality the African American women were just a generation removed f rom slavery in which they had to deal with stereotypes from both from white people about their sexuality and black people about black repression for respectability. Dancing just allowed them to celebrate their freedom and express themselves freely.This era of dancing and music in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s helped bring European styled music mixed with African American rhythm to beginning the jazz era to come. The picture on the sheet music doesn’t show any negative criticism. In the imagery women and men are dressed very nicely with tall top hats and long dresses. Perhaps the women are dressed more conservative than normal women that dress in shorter dresses. The men show very wide and large lips probably indicating an African American race.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Social Impact of Technology
The Social Impact of Technology There is no doubt that technological change brings about social change. The Industrial revolution saw many people displaced from their land, to find work in crowded city factories. Serfdom was abolished and the population shifted from villages to the cities. Strong family ties, self sufficiency and the right to occupy land were replaced with uncertain tenancy of land, dependency on trade and a weakening of the family unit. Economically, goods and money abounded, and trade flourished.The merchant class profited from the wealth that was generated on the backs of the displaced population of urban workers. Children were sent to work in factories, in order for families to make enough money to live. The peasant class worked long hard hours in poor conditions with no security. The Industrial revolution led to the alienation of the working class and although many union battles have since led to the adoption of better working conditions, the effects of the Indu strial revolution remain.The family unit is even more vulnerable today with soaring divorce rates, high rates of teenage suicide, most of society are either heavily mortgaged to banks or paying high rents, and no one can be self-sufficient in a world governed by free wheeling free trade. Advances in technology, is generally not equitably shared within society. People with money have more opportunity to aquire technology, which enables them to acquire even more wealth. It is also important to remember that war has been and will continue to be the driving force for technology and innovation. Power and wealth are intrinsically tied together.Technology leads to greater social economic division. Laborers are viewed as commodities and expendable. Technology leads to alienation because it can create jobs that require no specialist knowledge. To date, since the industrial revolution we have seen technology used to the detriment of society. The right to occupy land has become a privelege tha t must be worked for and earned and now the battle is on to control all the world's food and textiles through genetically modified seeds and animals. The insidious part of GM is that there is no recall once it is released into the environment.Salmon that will grow ten times faster than normal salmon will destroy river systems, as their unfair genetically modified advantage will see all smaller life forms extinguished, and genetically modified crops that are dependent on pesticides will contaminate organic, heritage seeds that have sustained people for thousands of years. Seeds will no longer be able to be harvested and replanted but the farmer will have to buy new seed every year from GM seed makers. This fight is more important that the fight over open source because it involves the right of people everywhere to have clean, safe food that has not been genetically altered.Essentially GM is a tax on everyone because a patent will be on every seed and seeds are made to be sterile the following year. This is something to become angry about. The greedy corporations and individuals that want control over our food, water and land, do not care about the irreversible damage to the environment. people and animals that they cause. We have the right to eat tomatoes that are free of fish DNA, meat and milk that is free of human DNA, pigs that haven't been grown to harvest anthrax antibodies. They will never be able to prove the safety of GM food and no long term studies have been done.Nor will GM solve the problem of soil erosion, and pollution of rivers from artificial fertilizers and pesticides. Only a return to responsible organic and biodynamic farming practices will solve these problems. The 50 harmful effects of GM food Courts are not keen to pursue pesticide makers for poisoning farmers, or GM seed makers for monopolizing the world's seeds through patents, (through genetic engineering that not only renders the seed worthless for replanting the next year but also co ntaminates non-GM crops by cross pollination.Already the majority of the world's seed stock is controlled by a handful of corporations – see http://www. cqs. com/50harm. htm and http://www. seedsavers. net ) The internet in its current form was developed as a free exchange of information, unregulated by any one government or owned by any one person or company. In its raw form it was the playground of hackers and computer geeks, who challenged the status quo. It brings about a new era, the technological revolution.The free flow of information, has brought about technological advances at an unprecedented rate and has made many rich and brought companies who failed to adapt to a standstill. How will this technological revolution impact on our society? If the industrial revolution is any thing to go by, there will be winners and losers to technological revolution. E-commerce will affect the middle man and allow direct trade with consumers. Efficiency brings about lower prices for the consumer, but it is more accurate to argue that efficiency brings about greater wealth for shareholders, directors and owners.The intrinsic weave of social interactions of trade, can be disentangled and made into a horizontal supply chain. E-commerce will create efficiencies that effectively remove the need for a long supply chain but at the expense of social relationships. The effect of e-commerce, and the internet will impact on every society on the earth. Already, the barriers of trade between individuals in different countries are non-existent. Company contact details are searchable through powerful search engines, and trade can commerce between two individuals who would otherwise never have met.The internet dissolves national boundaries, and the consequences for cities that have developed as centers of administration and trade will be disastrous, if they do not embrace the technological advances in communication and trade that the internet brings. While at the same time, f ree trade means fierce competition without the protection of award wages. People are reduced to consumers and suppliers. Resisting the tide of technological change is impossible. Of course it is possible to do business without a website or email or mobile phone or a fax machine.People have been doing business well before any of these gadgets were invented. But business today is about competition, and technology is about leverage. Technology can lead to alienation if it is not widely dispersed in society. The Industrial age saw the concentration of technology in the hands of the rich and powerful, allowing them to dominate and subdue the population into harsh working conditions and the social impact of the internet and computers is only just beginning, will it challenge the status quo or will it lead to greater population control?The latter is probably more likely, and many will look on this time as the golden age of the internet. Already technology like digital TV is being pushed in the guise of better quality but the benefits to those who own the systems is that they will be able to track what you watch, when you watch it, whether or not you switch off an ad, and perhaps even whether that pizza ad makes you pick up the phone and call for a pizza.Knowledge is power, and with access to tapping phone lines, reading emails, reading your credit card statements, knowing by GPS where you are by tracking your mobile phone, it can be a scary world, if all that knowledge and power were to be used to oppress and control. On the upside, technology has made the developed world a richer place to the detriment of the environment. Machines have allowed people to move away from physical work, so that now in Australia there is 100,000 accountants and 85,000 farmers.Perhaps, technology has gone too far, and there are more people counting beans than growing them ! Impact of technology on government The legal system is dependent on local jurisdictions under common law. Historical ly, one has to remember that before the age of the internet, airplanes and telephones, the vast majority of business was done locally. Technology has rapidly changed the way people do business but there has not adapted to the changes. There is no one body that governs international trade. What are the implications?If you buy a product from a local supplier in your State, and it turns out that the item is faulty, you can go back to your supplier to work out repair or replacement and if they don't help you, you can take the matter to local Trades office or file legal action in your state. If however, you buy a product outside your jurisdiction, you must file a claim in the State, where the supplier is located. You can only use a lawyer in the State where you file your action, your local llawyer can only act as a consultant and has no authority to represent you in court or to serve papers.Therefore, we have a world which is governed by local laws and yet the businesses and individuals are now actively trading outside of their local area. Governments are trying to make laws about content on the internet but have no jurisdiction to enforce those laws. This has created havens in small developing countries, that are happy to accept companies that want to run online gambling websites that may be outlawed in their jurisdiction or companies that wish to reduce their tax liabilities by opening up bank accounts in developing countries.We see arising now a homogenizing of local laws on issues like SPAM, and even sending a international letter from anywhere in the world involves the completion of almost identical forms, Governments are making agreements, in an attempt to be relevant in a world where people are able to trade more freely and where digital communication has enabled businesses to work, almost without physical boundaries. Business names and the Internet In the beginning, it was easy to start a new business.You would go to your local business registration office in your State and apply for a business name. If it was taken, you would choose another name. Most people do not realize that a business name is only valid for the State that it is registered in and the only way to protect your business name is to incorporate a company. In Australia, you would lodge forms with ASIC to incorporate a company and you then have rights to use your business name exclusively in Australia and its territories.However, with the birth of the internet, your Australian company name may be the same as the name of a company overseas. This has resulted in legal action being taken, as companies tussle of business names and the rights to use those names and a court system that is unable to deal effectively with international disputes over business names and has resulted in greater costs to people who want to start a business as they must register multiple domain names, take about international trademarks and find a name that has not already been taken.Even if they con tact lawyers to register all the domain names and trademarks to avoid disputes(both local and international), legal action can still be taken against them. And when it comes to justice, money wins almost every time, unless companies want to relocate to safe havens in developing countries where they cannot be pursued in court. Conclusion Technology has allowed man to move from manual labour of the fields to cities and machines. It has allowed huge cities to arise, because of the urban poor that have migrated to cities for improved services and job opportunities.Technology has spawned the growth of modern society but it is also now used to control the population, in a way the Roman Caesars could only have dreamed of The economic impact of information technology has been a subject of a great deal of debate. For business economists, it is useful to identify how information technology (IT) is likely to impact the economy, because IT (defined as computer and communications technology and its applications) is likely to have a substantial impact on the economy's growth during the coming decades.The reason for this is the use of IT by nearly all industries in the economy's base, so that IT becomes a universal input to nearly all other outputs. If IT costs decline, they can create substantial economic gains for many of the industries that use IT, because money spent on IT can be invested in other inputs and improvements in production or services. Furthermore, because business relies upon IT to do a wide range of tasks and to create competitive advantage, by facilitating these tasks for end users, important gains are achieved that are difficult to measure in a classic input-output framework.In addition, IT, seen in a larger context, should have even wider impacts on the economy, because new channels of communications, such as the Internet, cellular television, and broadband applications, will provide business with new channels to reach customers and suppliers. In the pas t, the economic impact of IT has been subject to much debate. The productivity paradox was first proposed by Steven Roach, the chief economist at Morgan Stanley, who found that BLS data on investments in computers had a clear negative rather than a positive impact on productivity gains in several major industries.Roach's paradox appeared to be valid because quite a few service industries had negative productivity gains between 1977 and 1984. Some tried to explain this paradox by noting that it was difficult for workers to adjust to computers. Others noted that few computer applications made significant improvements in the amount of work most workers could do. Still additional commentators felt that the paradox was a product of poor statistical measurement.Because this paradox was driven by the negative productivity results for several service industries, one approach was to see if the service productivity figures were accurate. One study, by Joel Popkin and Company for IBM,(1) found that the BLS productivity statistics Roach used for several service sectors had important shortcomings. Most importantly, the BLS productivity data relied on output measures that did not truly reflect the changes in the nature of work in some service industries. If these are corrected in several important service industries, two things could be shown.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Diabetes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Diabetes - Essay Example Glucose is the main source of fuel for the body. The pancreas, an exocrine gland automatically produces the right amount of insulin to move glucose from blood into the cells. In diabetes, the blood glucose level increases beyond the optimum level which results in a cascade of pathologies in the body. The blood glucose level is normally controlled by the hormone Insulin secreted from the Pancreas. Diabetes has been broadly classified into two categories: Diabetes Type I & II. In Type I diabetes, the body is unable to synthesize enough Insulin hormone and in Type II diabetes, which is more common in occurrence than the former, the body either does not produce enough Insulin or is unable to properly utilize the available Insulin There is a third type known as gestational diabetes which occurs during pregnancy in women. Pancreas is a large elongated exocrine gland located behind the stomach and secretes pancreatic juice as well as insulin. Pancreatic juice plays an important role in the digestion of food while the insulin controls the glucose levels of the body. The discovery of insulin was a dramatic event in the history of medicine (Kahn C.R.& Sechter Yoram). In 1869, Paul Langerhans, a German medical student discovered that the pancreas contains two distinct groups of cells. The acinar cells secrete the digestive enzymes while cells clustered in islets had a secondary function. A hint to the functioning of these islets, which were later labeled as ‘Islets of Langerhans’ became somewhat clear when Oskar Minkowski and Joseph von Mering (1889) showed that dogs in whom pancreas was removed suffered from a syndrome similar to diabetes mellitus in man (Kahn C.R.& Sechter Yoram). Banting and Best, two Canadians were successful in extracting insulin from the pancreas in 1922 and treating a patient successfully. The ß cells of pancreatic islets synthesize insulin from a precursor molecule called proinsulin which is
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Field Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Field Research - Essay Example There is no denying the fact that a majority of the top models were affiliated to a few select brands like HTC, Samsung, Apple, Nokia and Blackberry. The Smartphone available at this store evinced a range of features and applications. The Samsung Galaxy S4 happened to be a really top end phone that offered varied flexible possibilities like the option to use microSD to expand the phone memory. This model was virtually an Android powerhouse. The phone came with an eye tracking and Smart Scroll feature that allows scrolling while looking at the screen while keeping the phone a little tilted. There is a smart pause features that pauses the video being played if the user is not looking at the screen. The Air View feature allows implementing advanced functionality by holding or swiping a finger or a hand slightly over the phone. Group Play feature allows for an ad hoc sharing of files between Galaxy phones as is the case in multiplayer games and also facilitates music streaming specifical ly in Galaxy S4 phones. Truly speaking this phone came with a range of advanced features. Apple iPhone 5 also happened to be a top class phone that promised multiple advanced features. ... With its advanced wireless technology, Apple iPhone 5 connects to more networks around the world. The speed is remarkable that allows for a hassle free browsing, streaming and sharing. The phone comes with the new A6 chip that is very powerful, without taxing the battery anymore. HTC One happened to be a Smartphone that came with a range of features not available in other Smartphone. It came with a 4MP UltraPixel Camera that happened to be the best in its class. HTC One runs on Android 4.1 (jellybean) however its user interface is way apart from the regular Android user interfaces. This model has done away with the standard Android hardware button layout and the device could be readily navigated with the help of only two keys. The BlinkFeed feature is really unique as it indeed boosts content sharing, and social media integration. The phone comes with two powerful frontal speakers. The phone comes equipped with an infrared based blaster that allows it to act as an extension to the us ers’ TV. The price of the Smartphone available at this retail outlet varied from as low as $97 for the Blackberry Bold 9650 (without contract) to as high as $605 for Galaxy S4 (without contract). No wonder the price variation in the market for Smartphone is high and a consumer really gets confused as to the brand one can chose. The special thing that was noticed in case of most of the Smartphone models was that packaging and display evinced a hallmark of marketing astuteness. In most of the models the packaging happened to be sleek and was mostly intended to enhance the aesthetic appeal and to allow for easy display and stacking in the stores. In terms of the packaging, most of the brands made it a point to appear innovative and unique. In the Smartphone market there
Postmodernism and Consumerism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Postmodernism and Consumerism - Essay Example The essay "Postmodernism and Consumerism" explores the definition of postmodernism and analyzes consumerism. Post-modernism defines our current state of existence and encompasses ideas, attitudes, lifestyle and intellect that mark the contemporary world. However, there is widespread debate as to the definition of post-modernism. Some view it from the lens of defining it as a mere condition or state of existence whereas others view it as a constant movement and development. Those who believe in the second school of thought often tend to link post-modernism with consumerism, globalization, the birth of transnational corporations and the boundary less transfer of ideas, technology, products and information across the world. Some theorists even go as far as stating that the era of postmodernism does not parallel our current era. For instance, some theorists suggest that the society in which we dwell today is â€Å"post traditionalist†and not postmodern. This view is further advan ced by some researchers who label today’s world as pseudo-modern and by claim that the postmodern era does not exist. Despite the widespread debate regarding the existence of postmodernism, the way in which identity creation is altering and giving birth to a post-modern mode of life of great interest to us. It is interesting to note that consumerism has been directly or indirectly associated with the identity creation phenomenon in postmodern times. This can be explained by the viewpoints of various theorists.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Accounting for Costa Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Accounting for Costa Company - Essay Example expenses 4,500 Property taxes 6,500 Rent 22,000 Operating Income 84,100 1. The case of Costa Company reflects a case having one error in the valuation of closing inventory recorded in the company’s books and one omission of sale transaction. Both types of mistakes made by the company can have significant impact on the true reflection of the company’s financial position. As in the case of incorrect valuation of inventories being overstated has a negative impact on the book value of the company and at the same time it causes costs of goods sold to be understated. The understatement of cost of goods sold has a positive impact on the company’s profitability (Weygandt, Kimmel, & Kieso, 2010). This is often done by managers in order to fictitiously boost the company’s profits in the short term to gain certain financial benefits and later on losses are recorded in books, which would ultimately have a negative effect on shareholders’ value invested in the c ompany. Moreover, companies are often involved in changing methods of inventory valuation i.e. FIFO, LIFO, and Average Costing between accounting periods, which if performed without proper scrutiny could lead to major change in the value of the company’s closing inventory and hence, making the financial statements incorrect reflections of the business position. It is therefore necessary for businesses and regulators to ensure that companies maintain uniformity in the selection and application of the accounting standards. If it is deemed necessary then previous accounts must also be revised to reflect the true position of the company’s business (Fridson & Alvarez, 2011). On the other hand, omissions are regarded as certain transactions or amounts deliberately or non-deliberately left out of the company’s books and no entries are made by the company (Warren, Reeve, & Duchac, 2012). In the case of Costa Company, although the amount of sale transaction was not signi ficantly high, but certain transactions could surely mislead the company’s financial position reported to shareholders. This would cause understate profit of the company and hence, it would affect the equity position of the company which is reported as retained earnings in the company’s balance sheet (Porter & Norton, 2010). 2. From the income statement of Costa Company as prepared above it could be indicated that the company is generating a gross profit of $211,790 which is arrived at after deducting costs of goods sold after making adjustment to the closing inventory value from the company’s revenues, which are also adjusted for the missing transaction of $5,000. This reflects that the company is operating at high gross profit margin of almost 34% in the year 2012. After deducting all operating expenses and property taxes the company has generated a net income of $84,100. This is lesser than before which was recorded without taking into account errors and miss tatements. This indicates that if companies fail to take into business transactions or wrongly value and report an entry then this could lead to falsification of the entire financial statement and incorrect information passed onto shareholders who rely on the financial statements for their decisions (Fridson & Alvarez, 2011). This reflects that the company has a net profit margin of 13.5%. All these indicators reflect that the company is a profitable entity and shareholders can expect good returns on their investments in the company. 3. Costa Company 31-Dec-12 Balance Sheet Current Assets Accounts receivable 18,000 Cash 41,500 Inventory
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Organization context of practice in nursing Essay
Organization context of practice in nursing - Essay Example This paper will comprehensively analyze the fall prevention program at Oilfields General Hospital in Black Diamond, explaining its relevance, roles and responsibilities of various parties in the program, as well as its strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, the QA/QI models and principles underlying the program will be explicated to ultimately enable the derivation of recommendations on how the program can be improved to take care of the Canadian aging population. According to Zerwekh and Garneau (2014), fall prevention programs are best suited for the prevention of fall-related deaths and injuries that cost Canada over $3 billion every year. In its broadest and vaguest form, a fall is an unanticipated occurrence where an individual or patient suddenly comes to rest on the floor, ground, or any other lower level. The fall prevention program is thus the consultation with a nurse, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, and geriatrician where the client’s health is assessed to determine their probability of falling thus aiding in providing apposite safety nursing care and guidance (Capezuti, Malone, Katz & Mezey, 2014). The hospital outlines that anybody who is over 65 years of age, and experiences falls or is likely to experience a fall, those in a position to walk for 25 metres, and those who can securely take part in a controlled exercise program should participate in the program. After enrolling in the program, individuals are expec ted to attend exercise and consultation sessions twice a week for a duration of six weeks. The hospital’s commitment to plummet fall-related deaths is seen through its provision of consultants including nurses and physiotherapists who are often ill-equipped, but enthusiastic to guide participants through the program (Zerwekh & Garneau, 2014). The depression, confusion, grander sequestration, loss of independence, and mobility resulting from falls among the seniors is more devastating, a factor that reiterates
Monday, September 23, 2019
Multinational Corporation Now and Then Research Paper
Multinational Corporation Now and Then - Research Paper Example A virtual team is therefore hard to manage because it sorts out things on its own. In fact, what is deemed as pivotal here is to have a better know-how of the headquarters which is leading the virtual team in the first place. The results have to be drawn up in such a way that there is a win-win relationship for both these parties. From an economic stance, it means that the funds are being allocated in the right direction as far as understanding the team progress realms are concerned. This is an important consideration because the economic implications suggest a great deal, and more so within the aegis of the MNCs today and in the times to come (Patnaik, 2011). Within the political sphere, this would mean that the team progress is being supervised by the most appropriate people possible. It will make sure that the concerned authorities would know beforehand how to get the job done and then measure and monitor the progress accordingly. This is something that decides the basis of the MN Cs in the present day and age and it will get more competitive in the times to follow. Monitoring the team progress by making use of technology is conducive for the Multinational Corporation (MNC) today and even tomorrow. This is because it allows the team to be consistently kept a check upon from a political, economic and technological stance. It has helped shape up the different dimensions of the business of a MNC by making use of varied pointers which assist in understanding the strengths and opportunities that lie within the team and which shall solve the quandaries of the organization in the long run (Briggs, 2011). This has been the case within most of the renowned businesses and MNCs of today and it will continue to be like this in the coming times as well. Monitoring the team progress is always a Herculean task but then again it has to start off from somewhere in entirety. When team progress is monitored using technology, this means that many a tasks are being handled proper ly. This also implies that the team progress knows where it is being headed, i.e. in the right direction. What is even more interesting to note is that the people responsible for making sure that the team progress remains supreme are the ones who remain answerable for all these tasks in the first place. The environment within the MNCs of today is such that there is a lot of competition for giving in the best possible efforts and hence the reason that team progress remains a much desired proposition. Also what is most significant under such domains is how well the team progress has been measured (Martins, 2011). If this team progress is understood to be the best possible yardstick for finding out future possibilities, then it would mean that the organization is doing something worthwhile and indeed the monitoring is being carried out in the most apt manner possible. Seldom are a few issues cropping up which destroy the basis of finding out the team progress and these need to be check ed upon time and again. There is a dire need to understand the basics behind evaluating and monitoring the team progress because it is the force upon which the sanity of the organizations rest upon. In essence, monitoring the team progress is fundamental towards understanding the dynamics of the MNCs.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The Merchants Tale Essay Example for Free
The Merchants Tale Essay The merchants tale presents a thoroughly cynical view of women and marriage How far do you agree off such a statement as an accurate general description of the Merchants Tale. It is true to say that the merchant presents a thoroughly cynical view of women and marriage but it is not an accurate general description of the tale. The cynicism is apparent at the very beginning in the Merchants Prologue. The outburst by the merchant even before the tale opens sets the scene for what is to come: a parody of women and marriage. I have a wyf, the worste that may be; For thogh he feend to hire ycoupled were, She wolde him overmacche, I dar wel swere Although the Merchant prepares his audience for a story about a shrewd wife, he begins the Tale with an extended debate about the pros and cons of marriage. The beginning of the tale serves as a warning against marriage. Justinus prophetically warns January that Or wheither hire thoughte it paradis or helle. There is also a mounting criticism towards women that is inherent in the way Justinus argues his point that a wife, especially a young wife will be his purgatory: Where she be wys, or sobre, or dronkelewe, Or proud, or elles ootherweyes a shrewe, a childestere, or wastour of thy good, or riche, or poore, or elles mannish wood. This promotes an overall negative view of women even before May comes into the tale. However it is not only the merchant and January that present a cynical view of women and marriage but also Justinus; the supposedly just voice of the tale. Justinus tells January Ne take no wyf and to take a servant instead because a trewe servant dooth moore diligence. The merchant himself intervenes to say that scholars, including the well-known classical misogynist Theofraste, recommend a reliable servant as being more use than a wife, who is `only after thy good. Justinus concludes gloomily that `nis no so greet felicitee in marriage. However despite Justinus warnings about women and marriage, January ignores his advice and instead listens to the voice of the sycophant, Placebo. We are also reminded later by Pluto of the tresons whiche that women doon to man. The merchant is not only cynical towards May but also cynical of women in general. The merchant is cynical of women in the Bible as well as the Greek goddess Proserpine and Griselda in the initial outburst of the merchant. Pluto tells his wife of her untrouthe and brotilnesse. The tale concentrates on women who have been unfaithful to their husbands such like Rebekka and Sarra to promote the deception of May and women in general. It is also ironic when Justinus requests for May to be lyk Sarra and Rebekka. The merchant is also skeptical towards Proserpine who gives May the gift of persuasion. Pluto further disparages women: Amongst a thousand men yet foond I oon, But of women alle foond I noon.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Html Stands For Hypertext Markup Language Information Technology Essay
Html Stands For Hypertext Markup Language Information Technology Essay Create a form as display below. The form should be able to have the input tag as together with the option to be chosen from and radio buttons as an option as well. Finally the email should be able to send an email to any respective mail address Design the following diagram with the needed element include in it. It should consist frames and shadow as per display. Introduction Before I start my assignment which is based on the subject that has been listed in the assignment, I would give a brief introduction about the subject that I learn know. The subject that I want to introduce is web programming. Many developers and programmers face the dilemma of how to start a web development project. While many developers can create large desktop applications easily, they are not proficient in creating web applications. Most of the developers have some level of familiarity with HTML and the deployment of static pages on the web server. HTML stands for hypertext markup language, and it is the language in which, until recently, virtually all web pages were written. Now, dont break out in hives when u hear the word languange.You dont need complex logical or mathematical formulas to work with HTML, and you dont need to think like a programmer to use it. Computer programming must think through the tasks that they want their programs to perform, and then develop an elaborate. Hypertext refers to the way in which web page HTML documents are linked together. When you click a link in a web page, you are using hypertext. It is the system of linking documents that has made the World Wide Web the global phenomenon it has become. The first step toward understanding and working with HTML is learning the basic term that describes most of the function of this language. You will come across these terms repeatedly as you use HTML and if you understand them, you will have progressed a long way towards comprehending HTML. The question 1 is about HTML form is section of a document containing normal content, markup, special elements called controls as checkboxes, radio buttons and menus. Also labels on those controls. Users generally complete a form by modifying its controls like entering text and selecting menu items. Then it will before submitting the form to an agent for processing. Example like to a Web server and to a mail server. The question 2 is about the HTML Tables with the In my second question of assignment that ask how design the following diagram with the needed element include in it and it and should consist frames and shadow as per diagram. Than on the diagram that show Olympia college centres in on big rectangle box and the side with small rectangle boxes of the campus such as Kuala lumpur, Penang, Kuantan and other, following with the shadow boarder.Next,the codes I create for this diagram is start with .Cell spacing is the pixel width between the individual of the data cell in the table. The thickness of the lines making in the table grid and the default is zero, even if the boarder is set at zero, the cell spacing lines will be invisibles. Than, cellpadding is the pixal space between the cell of the contents and the cell boarder. The defaults of these properties also zero, furthermore, this feature is not used often, but sometimes comes in hardly when you have your boarders bit for make easy viewing. In additional,cellpadding is invisible, even with the boarder properties turned on. The width is make sure how size of the width that we can adjust the diagram.Moreover,the second codes line i create is Olympia college centres ,row span is set how many rows a cell span can get a little confusing because its requires our to think through how the cell affect the rows after the row it start in and its particular useful in this situation to add boarders to the table during the design process, even if the table wont early use boarder. HTML frames allow authors to show the documents in a variety of views, which may be independent windows or sub windows. Some views offer designers a way to keep certain information visible, while others display a scrolled or replaced. For example, in the same window, one frame might display a static banner, a second a navigation menu, and the third the main document that can be scrolled through or replaced by navigating in the second frame. One other hand In HTML, frames allow you to present some of the HTML document in the same window. For example, you may have left frame for navigation and the right to the main content. In additional frame all by making the networking sites and defining each frame of the page. Site is in fact the network does not contain any content just a reference for each frame. HTML frames are used to determine each frame in the frameset, all tagged frames with tags nested frameset. moreover, if you want to create a web page with 2 frames, you will need to create three files one file for each frame, and a file to determine how they fit together.Finaly,the following codes will be the campus central. Conclusion After completing my assignment, I have finally come into a conclusion in the end. I now know what is the purpose of a html and the role that a web page cheeks used in web programming. In HTML I get more knowledge about that, so I also understand the creations of html when used for the web page.Furtermore, in this assignment I know the method of html what is the radio button, text box, email by url. On the other hand, my second question is I study and understand about the how to display the table and from this question i search some web to helpful my question to create this diagram to show the output of the diagram in web page other than that my lecture also help and guide me in this assignment. In additional get more knowledge idea to create this assignment. As a result we need to upgrade the html time to time to make sure our work will be done successful without any problem.Finally, in this assignment makes me clearness more detail about html and web. Appendix
Friday, September 20, 2019
Media Propaganda Hides American Terrorism Essay examples -- September
Media Propaganda Hides American Terrorism  An article in this month's "Stuff" magazine for men, titled "Die American Scum" tells us that the world sucks. It sucks because while Americans have given other countries "Mickey Mouse, burgers and gum, won wars for them, kept the peace and disposed of dictators," all we have gotten in return is terrorism. The article, by John Parrish, goes on to discourage Americans from traveling to 10 "terrorist" countries including Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Colombia and Mexico.  While the article attempts to further the notion that evil terrorists in the rest of the world are out to get innocent Americans, like many other sources of contorted propaganda, it fails to look at why. Through the news, movies and magazines such as "Stuff," we are constantly bombarded with images of Middle Eastern terrorists, Colombian guerrillas or Mexican Zapatistas, all out to hurt Americans. But a look at the United States' own record and at the stereotypes bred by the media reveal that America's actions and policies generate hatred abroad. Furthermore, the image we have of a typical terrorist must be revealed for what it is - pure racism.  Ask any American what country poses the biggest threat to the United States today and most will say Iraq. Even little kids know that Saddam Hussein embodies all that is evil in the world. We see pictures of American flag-burning Iraqis and shudder with fear and confusion. But what do we expect? U.S. sanctions have caused the deaths of millions of Iraqis. How are these deaths different than those caused by so called "terrorists?" Our selfishness gives birth to a dangerous cycle. Sanctions create animosity toward the United States. This hatred may lead to terrorism... ...ontradictory actions that either further or exact terrorism. Obviously, any and all terrorism is bad. But we must open our eyes to America's own terrorist actions and look critically at why countries harbor hatred towards us. I remember watching TV and seeing Serbian youth in the streets last year angrily chanting against Americans as they tore up our country's flag. I felt afraid, but I also felt extremely guilty.  I believe that the citizens of other nations do not want to hate the American people. But when we sit quietly as our government attacks them, either with bombs or sanctions, what can we expect? We must actively resist the stereotypes and untruths that the media have the power to generate. In doing so, we can begin to show the people of other nations that we are on their side and we can decrease some of the hatred that underlies terrorism." Â
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Womens Control in Ken Keseys One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest :: One Flew Over Cuckoos Nest
Women's Control in Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" by Ken Kesey is about a man named Chief Bromden. He is half Indian and is locked up in a mental institute. He has led everyone in the ward to believe that he is deaf and dumb; instead he is just quiet and observant. Big Nurse is the head of the ward and mentally controls every patient she has, not allowing them to become better. McMurphy is a transfer to the ward and loosens up the atmosphere. He is a very relaxed, outgoing, funny guy that loves to joke around and be loud. When he too notices the Big Nurse's mental control on everyone, he sets out to help the patients become sane and not be influenced by the Big Nurse. One of the possible themes for this story is that women, although not physically stronger than men, can mentally be stronger than men and can control them with that alone. In the following paragraphs I will show how Kesey portrays women's control. The Big Nurse was the first women introduced in the novel, and she definitely has the most overpowering characteristics. She is the main woman with power throughout the novel. She is introduced and described by Kesey through the eyes of Chief Bromden. Ken shows her overpowering nature by writing, "She dips a nod at me as she goes past. I let the mop push me back to the wall an smile and try to foul her equipment up as much as possible by not letting her see my eyes-they can't tell so much about you if you got your eyes closed"(10). From this passage you can tell that the Big Nurse terrifies Chief and has a mental advantage over him. She keeps him scared and willing to do what she wants. A man named Harding is also in the institute. While at a meeting, Mrs. Ratched, The Big Nurse, starts talking about Mr. Harding's wife. She is a beautiful woman that receives many stares from other men. Because of this Harding is afraid that his wife is cheating on him. Ratched shows her mental superiority by asking the other patients to comment on the subject, which further embarrasses Harding making him even more intimidated by the nurse. Kesey shows his embarrassment when he writes, "Harding shuts his eyes, and nobody says anything" (44). Women's Control in Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest :: One Flew Over Cuckoos Nest Women's Control in Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" by Ken Kesey is about a man named Chief Bromden. He is half Indian and is locked up in a mental institute. He has led everyone in the ward to believe that he is deaf and dumb; instead he is just quiet and observant. Big Nurse is the head of the ward and mentally controls every patient she has, not allowing them to become better. McMurphy is a transfer to the ward and loosens up the atmosphere. He is a very relaxed, outgoing, funny guy that loves to joke around and be loud. When he too notices the Big Nurse's mental control on everyone, he sets out to help the patients become sane and not be influenced by the Big Nurse. One of the possible themes for this story is that women, although not physically stronger than men, can mentally be stronger than men and can control them with that alone. In the following paragraphs I will show how Kesey portrays women's control. The Big Nurse was the first women introduced in the novel, and she definitely has the most overpowering characteristics. She is the main woman with power throughout the novel. She is introduced and described by Kesey through the eyes of Chief Bromden. Ken shows her overpowering nature by writing, "She dips a nod at me as she goes past. I let the mop push me back to the wall an smile and try to foul her equipment up as much as possible by not letting her see my eyes-they can't tell so much about you if you got your eyes closed"(10). From this passage you can tell that the Big Nurse terrifies Chief and has a mental advantage over him. She keeps him scared and willing to do what she wants. A man named Harding is also in the institute. While at a meeting, Mrs. Ratched, The Big Nurse, starts talking about Mr. Harding's wife. She is a beautiful woman that receives many stares from other men. Because of this Harding is afraid that his wife is cheating on him. Ratched shows her mental superiority by asking the other patients to comment on the subject, which further embarrasses Harding making him even more intimidated by the nurse. Kesey shows his embarrassment when he writes, "Harding shuts his eyes, and nobody says anything" (44).
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
John Brown: Violent Abolitionist :: essays research papers fc
John Brown was born on May 9, 1800 in Torrington, Connecticut. When he was about five years old, his father moved the family to Hudson, Ohio. There, John was filled with the heavy anti-slavery sentiment that was present in that area. This, combined with personal observations of the maltreatment of blacks and the influence of Calvinism, started John Brown on his crusade to abolish slavery. In 1855, Brown and several of his sons moved to Kansas, a territory deeply divided over the slavery issue. Brown was captured after the raid, sentenced to death, and was hung on December 2, 1859 in a field near town. On October 16, 1859, abolitionist John Brown and several followers seized the United States Armory and Arsenal at Harpers Ferry. The actions of Brown's men brought national attention to the emotional divisions relating to slavery On Pottawotamie Creek, on the night of May 24, 1856, Brown and his sons murdered three men who supported slavery, although none actually owned slaves. Brown and his sons escaped. Brown spent the next three years collecting money from wealthy abolitionists in order to establish a colony for runaway slaves. To accomplish this, Brown needed weapons and so decided to capture the arsenal at Harpers Ferry. In 1794, President George Washington had selected Harpers Ferry, Virginia, and Springfield, Massachusetts, as the sites of the new national armories. In choosing Harpers Ferry, he noted the benefit of great waterpower provided by both the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers. Producing of weapons began in 1796. In 1817, the federal government contracted with John H. Hall to manufacture his patented rifles at Harpers Ferry. The armory and arsenal continued producing weapons until its destruction at the outbreak of the Civil War. In the summer of 1859, John Brown, using the alias Isaac Smith, too k up residence near Harpers Ferry on a farm in Maryland. He trained a group of twenty-two men, including his sons Oliver, Owen, and Watson, in military training. On the night of Sunday, October 16, Brown and all but three of the men marched into Harpers Ferry, capturing several watchmen. The first victim of the raid was an African-American railroad baggage handler named Hayward Shepherd, who was shot and killed after confronting the raiders. During the night, Brown captured several other prisoners, including Lewis Washington, the great-grand-nephew of George Washington. There were two keys to the success of the raid. John Brown: Violent Abolitionist :: essays research papers fc John Brown was born on May 9, 1800 in Torrington, Connecticut. When he was about five years old, his father moved the family to Hudson, Ohio. There, John was filled with the heavy anti-slavery sentiment that was present in that area. This, combined with personal observations of the maltreatment of blacks and the influence of Calvinism, started John Brown on his crusade to abolish slavery. In 1855, Brown and several of his sons moved to Kansas, a territory deeply divided over the slavery issue. Brown was captured after the raid, sentenced to death, and was hung on December 2, 1859 in a field near town. On October 16, 1859, abolitionist John Brown and several followers seized the United States Armory and Arsenal at Harpers Ferry. The actions of Brown's men brought national attention to the emotional divisions relating to slavery On Pottawotamie Creek, on the night of May 24, 1856, Brown and his sons murdered three men who supported slavery, although none actually owned slaves. Brown and his sons escaped. Brown spent the next three years collecting money from wealthy abolitionists in order to establish a colony for runaway slaves. To accomplish this, Brown needed weapons and so decided to capture the arsenal at Harpers Ferry. In 1794, President George Washington had selected Harpers Ferry, Virginia, and Springfield, Massachusetts, as the sites of the new national armories. In choosing Harpers Ferry, he noted the benefit of great waterpower provided by both the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers. Producing of weapons began in 1796. In 1817, the federal government contracted with John H. Hall to manufacture his patented rifles at Harpers Ferry. The armory and arsenal continued producing weapons until its destruction at the outbreak of the Civil War. In the summer of 1859, John Brown, using the alias Isaac Smith, too k up residence near Harpers Ferry on a farm in Maryland. He trained a group of twenty-two men, including his sons Oliver, Owen, and Watson, in military training. On the night of Sunday, October 16, Brown and all but three of the men marched into Harpers Ferry, capturing several watchmen. The first victim of the raid was an African-American railroad baggage handler named Hayward Shepherd, who was shot and killed after confronting the raiders. During the night, Brown captured several other prisoners, including Lewis Washington, the great-grand-nephew of George Washington. There were two keys to the success of the raid.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
How Does Steinbeck Use Setting to Present Key Ideas in ‘of Mice and Men’? Essay
When the enemy reached the trench, they soon realized that they could not break through the line that the trench provided. They also realized that the trench provided the Germans with shelter from their fire. Soon after, the allies began to dig their own trenches and, therefore, trench warfare began. Not very long after the first trenches of the war were dug, a network of trenches came up. This network spread across France and Belgium for many miles. Within the network, there were three different types of trenches: front line trenches, support trenches, and reserve trenches. The first line of trenches was called front line trenches. These were usually two meters deep and had a zigzag pattern to prevent enemy fire from sweeping the entire length of the trench. In order to prevent the trench form caving in, sandbags were stacked against the trench walls. Between the trenches of opposing forces laid no man’s land. This area between the opposing front line trenches was filled with barbwire and mines to prevent enemy crossing. If a soldier was ever injured in no man’s land, he usually was killed because of his vulnerability to enemy fire. The second and third types of trenches were the support and reserve trenches, respectively. These trenches were constructed to easily move supplies and troops to the front trenches. All of the trenches were linked to each other by other trenches, underground tunnels, or telephone communications networks. Barbwire was also stretched across the line to protect from enemy attack. While the design of the trenches and the network of trenches seemed like a great tactic, the reality of the life in the trenches was a different story. Life in the trenches took its toll on the soldiers involved in the war. 2. Trenches were built by the soldiers who had to fight in them. They had to dig these out with spades and other equipment. There was a very clever layout for the trenches. They were built in zigzags to prevent major loss of soldiers if enemy forces breached the trench, also if they were bombed this would prevent lots of loss of life. v
Monday, September 16, 2019
Nineteen Minutes
The nature versus nurture conflict has continuously been a controversial subject for the public. People want to know what effects our development, personality, and especially our behavior, which seems to overlap the two. The nature side of the argument believes that a human is developed by the genes that are hard-wired into them. In other words, the reason why this human behaves the way he or she does today is because of the genes he or she were born with. On the other hand is nurture, which says a person is formed into the person they are by the environment. This suggests that a person is born with no inborn tendencies and acquire traits off of the setting and the people they are around. In Nineteen Minutes, by Jodi Picoult, Peter Houghton, the main teenage character, suddenly snaps. Prior to Peter’s murders, he showed no aggression or violence whatsoever. Even his childhood best friend, Josie, who eventually became a member of the popular crowd in school, made efforts to back him up. The sudden outburst from Peter clearly demonstrated that his environment shaped him into the killer he became. An adolescent can be bent and twisted into a completely different person. Hostile environments, like Sterling for Peter, could distort any type of personality and shape the person in undesirable ways. A famous psychologist, by the name of Sigmund Freud, believed that there was evil built in us all. People, after his time, ran with this naturist belief and also said that it is in one’s human nature to do wrong. It is a pessimistic view on the matter, however, they also say that the evil, or wrongdoing, may be brought out with time. Nonetheless, this side of the debate still thinks people are born as thieves, criminals, or in Peter’s case, murderers. Josie‘s mother, Alex, has a strong first impression, from Peter‘s childhood, as she recalls the day when Peter and Josie were playing with the firearms. Alex states, â€Å"I keep thinking about him as a little boy†¦sometimes I can still see him handing you that rifle-â€Å" (Picoult 170). Alex references the time she walked in on Peter and Josie playing with the firearms, accidently left out by Peter’s father. She associates him as a little boy and relates it to why she thinks he killed his peers in high school. This is an easy way to blame Peter, despite the fact that he has been tested before by bullies, and never showed any aggression at the time. Also, instead of blaming Peter, the finger should be pointed at Lewis Houghton. He is the one who made Peter knowledgeable about the guns at a young age, and also was irresponsible by leaving them out with kids around. If Peter’s biological genes were a factor, his aggression should have been presented at a younger age, when the bullying was excessive then too. In contrary to Freud’s theory on human development, comes behaviorism. This theory, which was created by psychologist John B. Watson, essentially states that every infant is born with a blank slate. Meaning that any personality can be molded into what its educator or environment makes it to be. The most influential element of a child’s life is clearly the parenting. This makes the child-parent bond the most important relationship a child has. The way the child is shaped dictates how he or she will view the world, and more importantly themselves. The bullying was immediate for Peter. His first day, on the bus to school, resulted in a lost lunchbox and a few tears. The bullying continued and Peter’s parents were notified. How Lewis and Lacy Houghton handled the situation is vital. After the unpleasant incident, in a conversation with Peter, Lacy replies, â€Å"I know about the lunch boxes. I know what’s been going on with [the bullying]†¦The next time it happens, you have to stick up for yourself. You have to, Peter, or I†¦I’m going to have to punish you†(Picoult 73). The sudden change in Peter’s guidance is drastic. This new approach for Peter suddenly makes violence acceptable. Even though Peter doesn’t show it right away, due to shyness, a seed is planted which ultimately grows into the violence he displayed the day of the massacre at Sterling High. This type of shaping taught the child to become violent since he was not already. Due to the young age, the child will obey the parenting without question, or any conscious conflict. When a child reaches adolescence, physical maturity plays a major role in a human’s development. The dramatic changes of the body are a big change for any teenager. If one’s physical development becomes delayed like Peter’s, then it can become complicated to live an ordinary high school life. During adolescence is when one determines their identity, and with Peter’s difficulty to fit in, he had trouble finding who he was. With the stress and anxiety building for Peter, he can’t even decipher if he is straight or not. The narrator states, â€Å"He just wanted to know what it was like to be among guys who were gay, and totally okay with it. He wanted to know if they could look at him and know, instantly, that Peter belongedâ€Å" (Picoult 231). It’s not that hitting puberty late was a bad thing for Peter, it just made it harder for him to uncover himself. He had to resort to the extreme by surrounding himself with homosexual men. Also, a run in with Mr. McCabe, a gay teacher at Sterling High, aided the discovery Peter needed to experience that he was straight all along. The confusion and delay of puberty makes it easy for a low self esteem to take place. Bullying can be another significant factor in social development. A victim of bullying usually is incapable of having a high self esteem, and sustaining a healthy lifestyle. If bullying is suspected, it is important that the victim has someone to go to. In Peter’s case he had no one. He learned early in life that he had to stick up for himself, so his parents were ruled out the equation early. If a victim of bullying cannot seek help, the bullying can cause emotional, social, and even academic problems. Peter clearly had problems in these three areas. Combine the pressure built from the bullying with no one to talk to, and Peter was a balloon ready to pop. However, Peter shows no remorse after the incident. When talking to his lawyer he states, â€Å"Why is everyone so upset that those jerks are dead? I mean people are crying over them†¦and they were assholes, Every one’s saying I ruined their lives, but no one seemed to care when my life was the one being ruined†(Picoult 134). It is clear to see the damages given to Peter over time. What once seemed like a kid who wouldn’t hurt a fly, is now a kid who shows no remorse and is forced to play survival of the fittest. With Peter Houghton as a prime example it is evident that nurture takes its course. It’s not that Peter became one of the bullies, rather than he adapted to the dog eat dog world. Any parent imagines the potential their baby boy or girl can have when it is born. Some kids may be ignored, steered in the wrong direction, or bullied at school. No one can say what his or her child will be like before he or she is born. Nonetheless, every infant learns. What they learn makes up the world, but they must make up their selves first. The environment around a child is critical to the learning and shaping he or she endures.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Financial groups Essay
Today, Barclays is one of the most powerful financial groups in the world. But its origins can be traced back to a much more modest business, founded more than 300 years ago in premises close to the Group’s global headquarters in the heart of London’s financial district. In the late 17th century, the streets of the City of London were filled with goldsmith-bankers, who provided monarchs and merchants with the money they needed to fund their ventures around the world. One such business was founded by John Freame and his partner Thomas Gould in Lombard Street, London, in 1690. The name Barclay became associated with the company in 1736, when James Barclay – who had married John Freame’s daughter – became a partner. Private banking was common in the 18th century, bankers would keep their clients’ gold deposits secure and lend to credit-worthy merchants. By the 1890s there were some 100 private banks. In 1896, 20 of these companies came together to form a new joint-stock bank. The leading partners of the new bank, which was named Barclay and Company, were already connected by a web of family and business relationships. The new bank had 182 branches, mainly in the East and South East, and deposits of i 26 million – a substantial sum of money in those days. It expanded its branch network rapidly by taking over other banks, including Bolithos in Cornwall and the South West in 1905 and United Counties Bank in the Midlands in 1916. In 1918 the company – now Barclays Bank Limited – amalgamated with the London, Provincial and South Western Bank to become one of the UK’s ‘big five’ banks. By 1926 the bank had 1,837 outlets in its own name. The development of today’s global business began in 1925, with the merger of three banks in which Barclays held shares, the Colonial Bank, the Anglo Egyptian Bank and the National Bank of South Africa. The new Barclays Bank had businesses in much of Africa, the Middle East and the West Indies. Its name changed to Barclays Bank DCO in 1954, in response to changed economic and political conditions. It became Barclays policy to decentralise, away form London setting up locally-established banks, and 1985 called Barclays Bank. Today’s Barclays has tremendous global strength and a reputation for being first with innovative products and services. As of 30 June 2000, staff worldwide consisted of 70,300, of which 52,300 were in the UK. Today, Barclays has five business groupings that are managed as international businesses, reflecting changing customer needs and the developments taking place in global financial services. Barclays Barclays makes a direct and significant contribution to the well-being of the UK economy. The banking sector accounts for approximately 4. 2 per cent of the UK’s national output. In 1998, the financial industry contributed i 4. 6 billion to government revenues in mainstream corporation tax. Barclays alone paid a total of i 533 million in taxes in 1998. Around 30 million transactions are processed every day through UK clearing systems. The number of ways it is possible to access financial services is dramatically increasing for the benefit of customers. Telephone banking, increased accessibility to cash machines, means that millions of customers can use banking services 24 hours a day. Demand for these services is rising as an alternative to branch-based banking and, as a consequence of this the number of traditional branched will continue to decline. Due to the closure of branches there has been a decline in the number of jobs across the banking sector. Reasons for Change and Actions Taken The main reason for the change is the changing needs of the consumers. More people are working know, leading busier lives with longer days and travelling more and needing instant access to money without having to queue and wait. Customer tastes are becoming increasingly diverse, whilst some people want the immediacy of 24 hour electronic access to their money whilst others still prefer personal, face to face service from cashiers. Having seen that people want more instant access to their money Barclays have set up over 25,000 ATM’s, expanded their telephone banking service and offer the worlds leading internet banking service. They boast statistic of: â€Å"One million customers have signed up for our telephone banking service. Our call centres receive 25 calls every minute. †â€Å"The number of cash machined available to customers had more than trebled in the past five years. †â€Å"Barclays online banking has attracted more than 450,000 customers since it was launched in1996†Barclays has to keep its services in the public interest as they face serious competition from multinational banking corporation, supermarkets offering cash back, and even car manufactures can offer banking services. In the last six years the total number of credit card issuers has more than doubled. The recent advances in technology, particularly digital information, mean that many of the new competitors in the financial market do not need to maintain a nationwide chain of branches. It is possible, and much cheaper, to provide financial services over the telephone, PC or internet. Due to the increase of competition it has been important for Barclays to aim to lead the way for banking in the future, and also for them to be careful that they handle their customers needs and expectations. One of the biggest challenges for all financial services providers is to develop a new generation of more sophisticated, flexible products and services. Customers want and require straight forward easy access to their cash, whether it be through a cash machine, over that phone or the cash desk. At Barclays it is possible for customers to chose what kind of accounts they want, for example all in one accounts, such as those offered by Virgin One and Mortgage Trust or they can opt for savings accounts from building societies and insurance companies. Traditional banking providers are offering more advanced current accounts. The number of customers choosing Barclays more advanced current account is increasing. Services such as internet banking unheard of ten years ago, are now offered as standard by most banks. Barclays has a long history of innovation. They were the first bank in the world to install the cash dispenser, this was located at their Enfield branch in 1967 having previously launched the first credit card in Europe in 1966. In the 1980’s they introduced the UK’s first debit card. In October 1998, Barclays became the first bank to introduce instant banking, and to allow the credit card to offer customer access to their current account and credit card details over the phone. Barclays realises that to keep up with competition that they will have to continue their long history of investment in production and service innovation, increase the use of the technology available to them, ie the internet, e-commerce and telebanking. They also propose to provide business customers with full euro capabilities and offering their personal banking customers an even broader range of flexible savings, mortgage and loan plans. Barclays has spent over i 10 million on customer research programmes in 1999 to ensure that they have an in depth understanding of the needs of their customers and their expectations. In total they surveyed more than 1. 7 million personal customers during 1999. They found that customers were generally satisfied with their financial service provider. Customers said that they regarded Barclays as solid, safe and reliable in terms of the funds and business they entrusted in them. However it was noticed that customers wanted an improvement in the one to one service and for individual circumstances to be well received. Having heard this Barclays responded by launching a series of initiatives, many of these involved better use of customer data allowing them to anticipate customers needs and allowing them to pre-approve loans, overdrafts and mortgage arrangements. Barclays aims to make a contribution to the community, in September 1999 they announced proposals to contribute i 100 million to a new regional Venture Capital Fund, offering loans to growing businesses that are unable to gain conventional bank funding, this was part of Barclays aim to promote economic regeneration. Barclays has also developed three national sponsorship programmes, these include, Barclays New Futures, this is the largest educational sponsorship scheme worth i 8 million over eight years, run in conjunction with Community Service Volunteers. Barclays Sitesavers, this is the largest environmental regeneration sponsorship worth i 3 million over six years, this is a partnership scheme with Groundwork, they are aiming to turn derelict land into in to parks, gardens, play areas and sports grounds. Barclays Stage Partner aims to allow people who otherwise could not afford to go to the theatre, it will cost Barclays a total of i 4. 5 million over six years. However for Barclays to keep up with competition in the millennium it was necessary for them to widen their market and a merger with the Woolwich was proposed. Both the chief executive of Woolwich and Barclays realised that they had a shared philosophy, strategy and vision, as well as their views on the future of banking being similar. A deal between Woolwich and Barclays would double Barclays’ share of both the mortgage and savings market, provide access to the country’s second largest team of independent financial advisers and give it Open Plan, Woolwich’s all-in-one bank account, which was adding a further 8,000 customers a week. However, due to the merger taking place over 100 Woolwich branches were located within 100 metres of a Barclays, as these were now unnecessary these 100 Woolwich branches were closed, leaving the group with a combined total of 2,000 branches. Barclays said that the Woolwich name would be kept and would become the mortgage brand for Barclays products. The newly merged group now had more than 16 million customers, with both sets being able to attain the advantages from both Barclays and Woolwich. However Barclays continued closing banks, closing a further 171 branches across Britain. It was argued that to keep up with their plan and to advance in this world with new improved technology it was no longer necessary to have so many branches. If the bank was not to realise this and change its methods of banking it would go out of business. However as Britain’s second biggest bank it was still difficult for them to justify the closing of so many branches with little pre warning leaving 7,500 people with no job and over 40,000 customers, most from rural communities without there local banking service. Barclays said that even after the closure of the rural branches people living in those areas would still have a local branch within three miles. This however was not true as now many customers face round trips of twenty miles to alternative branches and fears have been raised for the safety of people carrying cash to be cashed into their accounts. In one case a 79 year old woman staged a sit in at their local Barclays Bank to protest against plans to close it. The locals were said to be ‘devastated and worried to be losing their local bank and the effect it would have on businesses. ‘ Protest groups across the country are planning sit ins and other forms of disruption to try to deter Barclays from closing their local branches. Barclays quickly picked up on the negative atmosphere towards them in the areas they had closed the branches and announced that they had agreed a deal allowing customers to pay cash and cheques and withdraw cash from their local post office. The bank arranged this in 155 of the 171 areas were they had closed the banks. Barclays said that they hoped that the deal with the post offices would help to keep them open in areas they were they too were under threat. However locals complained that the new service was no substitute for full time banking facilities. It is not just Barclays facing these problems, most banks have been closing their local branches and been changing to more modern methods of financial services and issuing money. With more people working, with less time to go to the banks it is necessary for them to be able to withdraw cash at any time of day of night. In the past, when less woman worked it was possible for the woman to go to the bank and to cash in cheques and withdraw money, however now, often with both members of the family working it leaves little time to get to the bank, thus the need for instant services, ie. Telephone, Internet banking and twenty- four hour cash dispensers. Though many jobs have been lost through the closure of all the branches a vast number of jobs have been opened up through telephone banking, with Barclays alone boasting more than twenty- five calls minute. It is often the people who are scared of change who resist to it, though it may inconvenience them at first, in the long run it will benefit them allowing them easier access to their money.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Dante s Daughter
Their family is then forced to leave their home town of Florence Italy by the co instant dueling of political groups in the cities, between the white Gulfs, who opposed the p papacy influence and the black Gulfs, who supported the papacy. Dante, her father, also a white Gulf supporter, went to Rome on â€Å"business†to see Pope Boniface VIII, when the black Gulfs take over the CIA TTY, the Aligner family knew that they had to escape the city in fear that they would all be killed by ca use of Dent's political standing and the fact that he was not present in Florence.Antonio was to fool w her brothers out of the city and their mother would meet them later, they had to run out of the city, s he saw many gruesome events of war while she was fleeing the city, she saw the true chaos that came from people during times of war. Their family had to disperse amongst their relatives and some of her b rooters even went away to become apprentices Gina went to their Uncle Francesco, while P itter and Jackpot became ablates with the Dominicans at Santa Maria.As for Antonio she went to stay and help with her father's sister, Deviant, and her family, Disco her uncle who was a painter, and her cousins Margarita and Foe in Siena. As for her mother, she had went to work on her mother's farms. Antonio lived with her aunt and uncle for nearly five years. Her mother visited her as often as she could. She worked along with Disco in his shop learning to paint, and hell peed out with the housework with Deviant, Margarita and Lecturer, Disco's sister. She had SSH eared a bed with Margarita who was only a couple of years older than her and got to know he r real well.One day Notation's father sends a letter to her, inviting her to come along with him to P arise France since he will e studying at the university there, he already offered her brothers to come w tit but they could not. Shortly after Antonio receives the letter her father. Dante arrived so soon that Antonio had barely got ten to make up her mind, but she decided to go along with her father on this DVD endure. Through their travels Antonio gets a new understanding of her father. Antonio along with he r inattentive father travel from city to city spending their nights in either inns or with nobles, in their cash tiles. Pond their arrival to Paris, Dante immediately goes to into his studies in search h of new knowledge, while in the first couple of days Antonio is just sitting around the an. Eventually, Antonio met up with an old friend of her fathers, at a Beguine, a community of sings e women living under Nun like conditions but could work to make a living and could break free of an y vows and leave if they like. Antonio decided to stay with the women of the Beguine while her father r studied at the university.The three ladies Antonio stayed with, Claire, Mated, and Assess, worked as illumination, an art form done to liven up a page of a book or a document, Antonio helped with her prior knowledge f pa inting. Events quickly went downhill for the group of girls, Assess died, and later her mother Claire. As for Antonio, Dante decided that the knowledge he had sought, could d not be obtained at the University and they decided to head back to Italy. Antonio had returned to Siena to stay with her Uncle Disco's family again, who ill Dante had left her to work with the emperor of Germany and Italy.Disco was on a new commission that had made them much wealthier, and of course everyone was much older than the y were previously. Margarita was soon to be engaged with Pitter, and Antonio had also begun t experience her share of romantic relationships, first with Seeing a loving apprentice to Disco, then Tit ere to Farina, a young man who lived in Florence, when she had moved there to live with her mother r and uncle. Yet neither one worked out, she left Siena forgetting about Seeing, and when the emperor r failed at capturing Florence, the Aligner name meant little and was hated in Florence, so Farina a didn't want to marry her.Notation's Family was reunited and continued to live on in a house of their owe n in Vienna. Antonio struggled with what the true meaning of her life was to be with god. S he had gotten malaria, which she was lucky enough to surpass. Imbroglio, on of her best friends fro m back in Siena had came to visit her in her State Of illness and wanted to marry her, Antonio agrees and they live happily, until Imbroglio dies of plague. Antonio then decides, knowing her fate, to join the c invent of San Stefan Dogleg Alive.The Historical fiction novel, Dana?s Daughter had gotten many things right with barely any wrongful descriptions, the author, Kimberly Houston surely did their homework. Not only did she write this novel accurately she did it in SST of the different aspects of the book. Whether it was from their lifestyle of different social classes, like what they ate, wore and how they lived, the way they traveled, the events that happened in the time p eriod of the early fourteenth century, their beliefs, and even the fact that most of the characters actually existed in this time period.The author portrayed the lifestyles of the people in the book very realistically. The roles of women in the 1300†² in actuality was to stay home maintain the household, cooking, cleaning and taking care of the children, which was the name roles the author portrayed, the mothers of different households always prepared their food and spent the day cleaning and tidying up the house. Younger girls like Antonio in the novel helped with such chores like the laundry. In the novel they did the laundry down at the river which was common in that era (McKay, John P. ). Antonio mother wore a turban when she would clean, which was also accurately explained.Clothing worn by characters was only described for the females, it was always gowns with different colors, always handmade by the mothers of the household, and silk as very dressy and expensive. In histo ry, it was common for families to make their own clothing and women only really wore gowns, silk was of the most valuable cloth in this time frame as well (McKay, John As for the common diet of Italians in the thirteen hundreds, consisted mostly of bread, which was the most important staple of their diet and stews, made of whatever ingredients they could get.Houston wrote about what they would eat, they would always eat bread with olive oil, and Notation's mother would always have the best soups made from the best ingredients she could mind, which would have been correct for the time period and the wealth of the Aligner family. Between the pair of Antonio and Dante, when they were traveling they had a mule and horse, which only the higher class could afford since many poor pilgrims could only travel on foot which was accurate for the time too.The Nobility that Dante and Antonio stayed with also had a very descriptive lifestyle differing from the Aligner family. The upper class lived in large palaces or castles and had feasts very often, in which they ate exotic foods, crayfish, eels in plum sauce, asparagus, cheese tarts, green beans eked in almond milk, roast venison with garlic, partridge stewed with lentils and shallots, chicken cooked with pears and brandy, tiny spring lettuces dressed with olive oil and perceive, junket, strawberry tarts, and many other dishes.The nobility also had the ability to house many subjects they sought useful for their skills. There were two major patrons of Dante, lady Cluenice, and Can Grandee. In history little is known about the true paths Dante had taken, there is no account of him staying with a lady Cluenice, but there is documentation of him staying with Can Grandee for the reason of Can Grandee's interests in the importance and reasoning behind The Divine Comedy, that Dante was writing the evidence is found in the letter that Dante had written to Can Grandee explaining the books (Aligner, Dante).Dante Aligner was a famou s poet in the time period who had written many books the three parts that make up The Divine Comedy, Inferno, Purgatorial, and Paradise, all mentioned in the book plus his writings of other books, and The Banquet, although over fifty poetic works are known from Dante. Antonio was very fascinated by the large structures of the gigantic cathedrals in Paris, mainly Notre dame. She was very intrigued, and found peace amongst its' large mosaics held together by lead.This account was very accurate, Notre dame is famous for its' large mosaics, and it started its construction in 1160 and finished in 1345, well within Notation's lifetime. Kimberly Houston portrayed the lifestyles of different social groups very accurately throughout the novel. There was one common disease that multiple people contracted throughout the happening of the book, and it was malaria, a disease carried by mosquito. Antonio had contracted it, and during the time it was almost a death sentence (McKay, John P. , yet sh e survived through it.Antonio had experienced immense pain and was deathly ill, for a couple of weeks, then would endure eight hour long fevers and intense pain that would go away and return two days later. Antonio went through series of pains much like the actual symptoms which were, headaches, fever, lethargy, chills, abdominal pains, sickness, muscular pains, diarrhea, and coughing fits. Kimberly Houston had shown the symptoms characters were experiencing accurately as they would be in the real world. The common scientific beliefs of people in the novel were also of accurate details in the novel.Accurately for this time, people in the story believed in the Ptolemaic system. Which stated that the heavens rotated on big crystal spheres around the earth. This was the common belief until 1 543, when Copernicus published On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, which proved the earth was not at the center Of the universe (McKay, John Many of the events that took place in the book h appened in real life. In the book, King Phillips armies had harried Boniface VII to death, and engineered Clement V into office, and brought the papacy into France.While written accurately, the papacy was stationed in Avignon, France in 1309, in the time frame covered in the book, and in fact it was King Philip IV that that is responsible for both moving the papacy and bringing in a tradition of having French popes. Another event including King Philip IV of France is that there is a scene from the book where the Knights Template and everyone associated with them are being arrested for the Kings' benefit. What the book failed to mention is the reasoning behind Philip Avis' actions and motives of this action.King Philip IV was very much in debt to the Template, whereas in the novel had explained it s the ‘Template were engaged in unnatural and illegal activities offensive to god†¦ †(Houston, Kimberley Burton), which was not true since the Template Were a strictly ran group, by the pope, to be a religious army, but King Philip did have them arrested in real history for his own benefit. The Template, described by Houston, were very large, muscular men, with the knowledge of scholars, which is an accurate description of the way the Knights Template would have been since they were knights.Antonio along with the other women of the Beguine, had done work for the Template illuminating comments, which would have been against the code of the Template to have any contact with women (Temporarily. Com). Another event that took place was the newly elected emperor Henry VII, who in the novel was convinced by Dante Aligner to march on Florence to capture it amongst his empire and to hopefully redeem the Aligner name in Florence, Italy.The holy roman emperor Henry VII of Germany historically had the support of Dante, and did wage war on Romancer since they were part of the Gulfs, both Dante and Henry VII were Gibberellins (McKay, John P). Yet another event tha t occurred in he book happened in Verona, Italy, it was that the palace that Can Grandee lived in was frescoed by an artist named Ghetto, nothing is known of his work in Verona, Ghost's Personality in the book was that he was very enthusiastic and compassionate towards art, he also had a very high pitch girl laugh, Not much is known of his personality although he did work on many frescoes.In addition, the Aligner Family was forced to leave their hometown of Florence by cause of the dueling political parties, the Gibberellins and the Gulfs, which were actual groups at the time which either liked the pope's influence on everything or despised it.Lastly, the fall of Rome to the Byzantines and barbarians who began to construct huge basilicas with large mosaics on the interior, was mentioned towards the latter part of the book, the Byzantines had actually built these large basilicas although it was really the decline of the holy roman empire that brought in these Byzantines and barbarian s to influence Rome (McKay, John The options a women could take throughout their life was described in the book as, if they did not get married, they could use their dowry from their parents to join a convent and become a nun, join a Beguine, or become a requisite.This statement made in the book by Antonio is not completely true, not only could women become housewives, nuns, or prostitutes, but they could also work as servants or join a Beguine. In the book none of the younger people had known about Beguines, and even when Antonio had found out she only thought that they existed in France. Although many of the surviving Beguines exist in Belgium albeit there was one in France, and many of the ancient Beguines had existed on the outskirts of Paris, the Beguine described in the book, sounded like it was nearly in the center OfParis, because it was within a short walking distance to important areas like shops and Dante could be there quickly to visit, plus there were buildings they wen t to on both sides of the Beguine. The tools and procedures used by the different artistic professions were described briefly in the novel, it had listed the linoleum, what processes they would make paints and glues for frames, and the different layers in a fresco. The linoleum was a moon shaped knife meant for preparing parchment by scraping the excess skin and hairs off of pelts.This linoleum knife was actually seed almost exclusively for illuminating because illuminating required a special type of medium to be written on (â€Å"Illumination parchment). Antonio had known the preparation steps to make this parchment from learning it from Disco he uncle, who was an artist, one would take calf skin stretch it out, scrape the excess skin and impurities from it, then split it into separate sheets until of desirable thickness, and then scrape it again with the linoleum to get rid of any shiny surfaces.This process of manufacturing parchment was common through the middle ages and into t he Renaissance (Differences teens Parchment, Vellum and Paper. ). When Disco was working on the Masses;, an actual painting done in sienna by the real Disco (Disco Did Obnoxiousness, Masses; Altarpiece), him and his apprentices, would always be asking for egg whites from the girls to mix with pigments from plants, and asking for cheeses which they would use to make their glues to put together frames. Egg whites were in fact used to make the popular paint tempera during the Renaissance, and so was cheese used inn glues during this time period.The base layers of frescoes described in the novel, by Houston, was Ricoh, and intonation, these were the easiest and required the least artistic ability out of the whole Fresco process, and they were the top finishing layer and the base starting layer (â€Å"Categories Terms†. ). The author had gotten every detail right, when it came to the tools and procedures that had been used in the making of the artwork in the story. The river syste ms as described in the novel were the Aaron River of Florence, and the Adage River of Verona.The Main character Antonio had described the Aaron River as Very muddy and not very navigable whereas the Adage River in Verona was better navigable and as a result had more trade coming in. The Aaron River in Florence has many tributaries which makes it harder to navigate and the Adage River does not making it easier to navigate. In Conclusion, the author, Kimberly Houston, did a very good job in the development of Dent's Daughter. She had gotten about ninety-nine percent of the detail, events and people right in the development of this book.She had made the fiction life of actual characters very accurate and convincing for the time period. She had gotten the tools and procedures for certain artistic jobs right or the time frame, the correct people doing the right events in the right year, correct descriptions of travel and the river ways, the ways certain groups acted, the food they ate, t he clothes they wore, the ideology of the common people, the side effects of malaria, artistic terms, and even the existence Of certain characters and their connection in history.
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