Saturday, December 28, 2019
Essay on Queen Elizabeth I Changing the Course of England
The Tudor Monarchy is one of the most well known monarchies of English history. It is so well known primarily due to Henry VIII, all of his wives, and his desire for a male heir to the throne of England. Because of Henry VIII, England received one of its best monarchs, Queen Elizabeth. There were a great number of obstacles and unfortunate events that Elizabeth went through as a result of her parents. Although Queen Elizabeth I faced many difficulties, including both coming to the throne and during her reign, she was a great ruler with many successes that changed the course of England and its history. Elizabeth’s father was King Henry VIII. Many of Henry’s decisions and actions had an effect on what Elizabeth would be required to†¦show more content†¦He could never allow that. He desired to have a male heir in order for the line to continue its growth. A female provided too many risks. Henry fell in love with Anne Boleyn and decided that he wanted to divorce Catherine. He tried and tried to get the Pope to approve his divorce stating that because she had been married to his brother, the marriage was never legal. However, he had received permission from the church to marry Catherine. Therefore, the Pope found excuses to not permit the divorce for seven years (Ridley 20). Henry was determined to obtain the divorce, so he had Parliament cut down on the amount of power the Papacy had in England. Anne found out that she was pregnant in January of 1533. The knowledge of the pregnancy forced Henry to marry her. This caused a big problem. It was imperative that his divorce to Catherine happen soon. In May of 1533, Henry was granted permission to divorce Catherine. After they were separated, Henry was excommunicated, splitting England and the Roman Catholic Church. To the disappointment of the people, Anne was named Henry’s queen the following month (Ridley 21). When the people found out that Anne was pregnant, they were very excited and eager to find out the gender. Anne gave birth to the baby one afternoon in September. Henry was told it was supposed to be a boy. This caused him to make orders for a great event for when the baby came home. The birth of theShow MoreRelatedElizabeth I and Mary Queen of Scots1688 Words  | 7 PagesElizabeth I and Mary Queen of Scots During the sixteenth century there where many conflicts which occurred between Catholics and Protestants. The Kings and Queens of England especially kept on changing between both religions. This made it very difficult for the people of England to choose a religion because laws kept on getting changed in regard to practicing religion. When Elizabeth I became Queen she became the new defender of the faith, thus making Protestantism the official religion. 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Friday, December 20, 2019
The Price Of Persecution By Toni Morrison s The Bluest Eye
The Price of Persecution The plight of the weak against the powerful is one of the oldest and compelling stories that can be told, and it has always been the story of race in the United States. Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye is a candid look into the lives of African Americans in the early 1940’s, focusing on the drama surrounding the coming of age of young girls. The debilitating effects of racism, sexism, and classism on children and adults of different social statuses are explored through the stories of a number of families. By illustrating a society in which each class elevates itself by oppressing those below them, Morrison demonstrates how the cyclical nature of oppression can cripple a community and family for generations. The†¦show more content†¦Her son, forbidden from befriending children deemed too black and uncultured, initially longed for a connection with the boys whose â€Å"hardness†¦ and wild blackness†(87) he admires. However, he eventually internalizes the message that the shade of his skin renders him superior to his peers and he decides to avoid contact with them. Geraldine’s obsession with pedantic distinctions between different groups of black residents in Lorain leads her son and the whole next generation to preserve the biases of their parents. The maltreatment practiced by those of mixed race has a real impact on those they perceive as inferior. Maureen Peal is a wealthy mixed race girl that moves to Pecola’s school. She enters Pecola’s narrative by holding some boys intent on harrassing Pecola at bay and starts a friendly conversation with her. Soon after, she turns on Pecola and feeling her image being threatened yells â€Å"I am cute! And you ugly! Black and ugly black e mos. I am cute!†(73). Pecola, who had idolized Maureen for her cute looks and popularity, is devastated. The repetition in Maureen’s declaration mirrors the constancy of society’s message to young black girls li ke Pecola: she is not valuable, and it is because of her race. Maureen, as a person of mixed race, is hardly the model most white children would aspire to. She possesses only an increment of superiority over girls like Pecola, but that slight advantage allows her to show disdain to the lesser
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Come Around Sundown by Kings of Leon free essay sample
While anticipating the Kings latest album, there was a lot of debate among fans. Would they go back to their garage-country-rock roots or continue with the arena rock and pop hits of the last album? First off, lets talk basics. The album contains 13 songs and a couple extras and remixes if you get the physical copy. A good number of songs for the money. However, the actual musical quality, is debatable. â€Å"Come Around Sundown† begins with a depressed and unpleasant Caleb Followill whining/singing about â€Å"the end,†which is also the name of the song. It isnt completely  unbearable; there are moments of brightness. Hope rises as the singer croons â€Å"tell you that youre good enough, tell you that its gonna be tough.†The choruses are a little less satisfying, but Ill save that for another critic. After fading out with a bass-driven Southern twang, the next song begins. We will write a custom essay sample on Come Around Sundown by Kings of Leon or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Ah, this is better – old Kings style, I think. Well, that isnt completely true. â€Å"Radioactive†combines the arena style of â€Å"Only by the Night†with the Southern sound the Kings were raised with. I could live with that. The second to last track, â€Å"Mi Amigo,†is easily my favorite. Its bass-driven, easy-going melody rocks the song along with a calm unmatched by any other here. Followills performance is simply out of this world. It tells the story of a friend who helps Caleb stagger home one night after he has too much to drink. Its the sort of song you would like to sing to all of your â€Å"amigos.†Overall, â€Å"Come Around Sundown†is a neat album. It couples the old and new sounds of the band in all the best ways. One can definitely deal with the whining about being famous for all the gems that Kings of Leon produces. I would definitely recommend this album to anyone who has ever enjoyed the Kings and even to those who have never heard of them. Perhaps, changing their sound isnt such a bad idea after all.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Leadership for Advances in Engineering & Technology -myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theLeadership for Advances in Engineering Technology. Answer: A leader is a person who brings about the organizational change and helps the organization in identifying the long term objectives. It helps the organization in making careful decisions based on the organizational growth and sustainability. The movement of the organizations based on the requirements of the consumers is being facilitated by the effective functioning and decision making of the leader. The autocratic leadership helps in determining the changes that are being undertaken by the organizations. The most important phenomenon of the change is based on the requirements of the people. The concerned company for this discussion, AFFCO Holdings, which is a New Zealand based organization, manufactures consumer goods. To be more specific the company processes meat and supplies their stock based on the requirements of the people. The form of leadership undertaken by the company is based on their structure and the functions undertaken by the organization. The discussion is aimed at understanding the importance of leadership relating to the changes that are being required to be undertaken by the organization in order to ensure the improvements and thereby promote the sustainability of the organization (Avolio Yammarino, 2013). The discussion will hold views of the change and the manner in which the changes are being made by the leaders of the concerned company. The change that is being planned by AFFCO Holdings is based on the organizational requirements. The changes undertaken by the company is being based on the communication that is being undertaken by the organization (Alshaher, 2013). The rise of the information systems has helped the companies in making the most of the information to manage their structure and modify them. The basic requirements of the company in undertaking the change are to bring in modifications in their product offerings. Communication enables the integration between the different internal and the external departments of the organization (Bolman Deal, 2017). Therefore, in order to make improvements in the market, the company undertakes ways in which the change can be undertaken in order to enhance the undertaking of the business. The basic consideration undertaken by the company is based on the management of the resources and the manner in which the organization maintains a good stakeholder relationship. The strategic change that is being undertaken by the organization helps the organization in making their improvements in the market and thereby helps them in enhancing the competitive advantage. Efficient and autocratic leadership enables the organization in undertaking the relevant changes in order to cope up in the business environment (Northouse, 2015). Communication helps in enhancing the working conditions in the organization and therefore brings in team support. On the other hand, proper communication helps in maintaining good relations with the stakeholders of the organization. The type of leader determines the type of change the person is capable of bringing in the organization. The most important part of the role of a leader is to ensure the sustainability of the organization in the end. Therefore, the actions of a leader helps in determining the efficiency of the change undertaken by the organization based on the requirements of the people and the internal and external envi ronments of the organization. Making the stakeholders aware of the situation of the business on which they are investing helps the stakeholders in judging the organization (Cummings Worley, 2014). Moreover, proper communication helps in understanding the consumer needs based on the feedback that is being received. The feedbacks helps in developing the services and modifying them based on the requirements of the consumers. Therefore, in this respect the effective communication helps in improving the situation of the organization in the market. The strategies undertaken by the organization helps in achieving the organizational goal. The McKinsey model helps in determining the approaches that must be considered by the leader in order to make the considerable changes in the organization. The interconnected approaches help in bringing about improvement in the organizational structure. The implementation of the model helps in understanding the discrepancies that the organization might face in the continuous development process (Sotarauta, Horlings Liddle, 2012). The continuous development of the organization ensures the sustainable approach of the organization, and therefore it is an important step that must be taken by the leader for undertaking the improvement. The 7 s of the model emphasizes on the system, structure, strategy, skills style, staff and shared vision undertaken by the organization. It aims at modifying the basic factors of the organization in order to bring in the improvements in the market. The management of the human resource and the recruitment of the skilled labor force help in enhancing the qu ality of the functions undertaken by the organization. Moreover, the involvement of the skilled labor helps the organization in growing beyond the borders (Von Krogh, Nonaka Rechsteiner, 2012). The style of management also influences the structure of the organization. It helps ion determining the effectiveness of the functions and thereby make progress in the market. The structure of the organization affects the functions undertaken by the organization. It helps in determining the functions of the organization based on the requirements of the consumers. The structure of the organization constitutes of the internal and the external management, which helps the organization in its growth (Swanson Creed, 2014). The strategies undertaken by the organization helps the organization in making its progress in the market. The systems and structure that are being undertaken by the organization helps in undertaking the competitive advantage over the other companies. The leader must undertake steps in order to make improvements in the structure and the undertakings of the company. The changes undertaken by the company has helped the organization in a various ways to hold on to the market. The skilled workforce of the company has made the company viable to the definite requirements of the people. The efficiency of the functions undertaken by the organization is being enhanced by the companys norms and structure (Goetsch Davis, 2014). The leader must take steps in order to control the changes and keep the workforce motivated in order to outnumber the competition in the market. The market competition can be controlled through the activities of the leader and the autocratic decision s that the leader takes a in the favor of the company. The approach and the mindset of the leader is the most important factor that affects the growth of the company. The vMEME model helps in the understanding of the mindsets that a leader must possess in order to undert ake the changes in the organizational structure (Refer to Appendice 2). The sustainable approach of the leader helps in serving the long-term objectives of the organization. The management of the human resource and the promotion of the communication facilities in the organization help in determining the workforce efficiency (Shockley-Zalabak, 2014). The efficiency of the workforce helps in improving the conditions of the organization in the market. the leadership qualities of the management helps in undertaking the discrepancies and solving them in order to make improvements in the market. A Force Field analysis of the company helps in determining the change that is being planned v by the organization. It has got its positive and negative impacts on the management of the organization (Antonakis, 2017). However, it helps the organization in taking decisions that might help in the process of undertaking the change. The concerned company is looking for the change and the constraints to the change are being undertaken by the organization (Refer to Appendice 3). The analysis helps in determining the requirements of the consumers to which the organization must adhere. Moreover, it determines the requirement of the organization to increase the production based on the demand of the consumers (Robbins Judge, 2012). On the other hand, it describes the important constraints to the change that is being planned by the organization. It helps in determining the cost of production and the other expenses that the company must undertake in order to make the change profitable for the bu siness. It is more like a Big Data, which gives a clear view of the situation of the company and the reason behind the change that is undertaken. Therefore, from the above discussion it can be stated that a leader takes the most important steps in bringing about the change in the organizational structure. It helps in determining the objectives of the company and thereby helps the company in achieving the common goal. The changes that are required to be undertaken by the company are determined by the situation of the organization in the market. In order to improve the situation of the company steps are required to be taken by the leader. The changes help in undertaking the improvements in the organizations situation in the market. References Alshaher, A. A. F. (2013). The McKinsey 7S model framework for e-learning system readiness assessment.International Journal of Advances in Engineering Technology,6(5), 1948. Antonakis, J. (2017).The nature of leadership. Sage publications. Avolio, B. J., Yammarino, F. J. (Eds.). (2013). Introduction to, and overview of, transformational and charismatic leadership. InTransformational and Charismatic Leadership: The Road Ahead 10th Anniversary Edition(pp. xxvii-xxxiii). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Bolman, L. G., Deal, T. E. (2017).Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. John Wiley Sons. Cummings, T. G., Worley, C. G. (2014).Organization development and change. Cengage learning. Goetsch, D. L., Davis, S. B. (2014).Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson. Northouse, P. G. (2015).Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage publications. Robbins, S. P., Judge, T. (2012). Essentials of organizational behavior. Shockley-Zalabak, P. (2014).Fundamentals of organizational communication. Pearson. Sotarauta, M., Horlings, I., Liddle, J. (Eds.). (2012).Leadership and change in sustainable regional development. Routledge. Swanson, D. J., Creed, A. S. (2014). Sharpening the focus of force field analysis.Journal of change management,14(1), 28-47. Von Krogh, G., Nonaka, I., Rechsteiner, L. (2012). Leadership in organizational knowledge creation: A review and framework.Journal of Management Studies,49(1), 240-277.
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