Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Best Approach You Need to Be Using for Tender Is the Night Essay Topics Revealed
The Best Approach You Need to Be Using for Tender Is the Night Essay Topics Revealed Discuss why the majority of the action occurs in Europe. Sports and games aren't mere bodily activities alone. In this instance, you should prove that it may be carried out into practice. Another crucial part of the American dream is it implies that financial success is a consequence of the tough work and nothing else. The major aim was to enhance access to technology to the people of the nation. Success needs perseverance since there is no shortcut to it. Though this definition is accurate, I think there are several various degrees of happiness that may be portrayed. The Tender Is the Night Essay Topics Chronicles You can be certain your essay is going to be tender notice how to compose written accordingly. You can acquire the very best custom essay help from us in a variety of topics. A proposal essay is quite straightforward to comprehend. Ten tips on writing an excellent essay. That's why proposal essays about students life are extremely common. Until then, you may use these great suggestions to help you compose the ultimate persuasive essay for your next college undertaking. Before writing your proposal you should do the next things. Here are the very best proposal essay ideas from the a variety of spheres. While the voices and perspective in the novel seem to get a terrific disparity, there's still many point of synchrony in the 2 texts. American literature is full of symbols and codes, whether the artist fully realizes what's being attempted. English is really the most demandable language on the planet from past many decades. List the dates mentioned in the novel, for instance, chronological age of the principal characters. A seasoned professional will make an error-free assignment very quickly and can help you boost your grades. We'll deal with them, and for a fair price, as we understand that students generally don't have a great deal of mone y to spare. It is not important to us, whether you're too busy on the job concentrating on a passion undertaking, or simply tired of a seemingly infinite stream of assignments. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about a coming deadline. New Step by Step Roadmap for Tender Is the Night Essay Topics The simple fact that has to be realized is that there's no definitive text for Tender Is the Night. You must study the book carefully to come across this specific word and its significance at that special scenario to comprehend the actual facts behind using it. Once you receive an idea, the practice of writing will be much simpler. Importantly in the introduction your reader needs to be extended a reason why they have to care about this issue you're presenting. Even should you need to purchase research paper done in 6 hours, you can depend on us. It is very important to mention that the idea doesn't need to be a good one. Within this place, it's every man for himself, and you can't think of others. Mrs. Jones was a smoker, smoking two packs each day for 30 decades and quit a couple of years ago. Lies You've Been Told About Tender Is the Night Essay Topics Clear writing is presenting information so that it's easy for all to read and understand. It became a real job. Students Assignment Help isn't just offering English essay topic help for free but at the very same time assignments help in various subjects is also offered. We've got Professional Essay Writers online working 24x7 to supply you the ideal assistance. Choosing our service, you are going to realize that studying can be simple if you gain from the help of competent experts. Participants in this workshop will start to grapple with these questions and hopefully discover some answers. The ways students ought to be taught about their wellbeing. The ways to boost the social responsibility of students. Whenever you opt to ask us for skilled help, don't hesitate to speak to our support managers. Our writers won't ever let you down and when you get great scores you will begin to appreciate our expert services. The procedure that Wiesel endures in order to reach the restoration of hope is simply hinted at, however. The best methods to set your business mission. The high life isn't so significant. The truth is that love is a daily option, one that's tough to make and even more difficult to fulfill. Ultimately, happiness is distinguished by several emotions in my personal life that range far and wide. The more involved a man or wom an is the more successful they are sometimes.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Teleological Argument For The Existence Of Intelligent...
The teleological argument successfully provides proof for the existence of intelligent design by utilizing intricate scientific data in order to demonstrate intent and purpose in the creation of the universe, as opposed to random and highly improbable occurrences. The purpose of the teleological argument is to present complex details of the universe as evidence that it was designed by an intelligent mind. It suggests that since the universe is so compound and full of fine-tuned intricacies, there must have been a designer who implemented these specific details in order to create a fully functioning and sustainable universe. These details have been found from a biological perspective, as well as from a cosmological scale. The teleological argument is commonly used to provide evidence for the existence of the theistic God, or at least an intelligent designer. In contrast, those who are against the teleological argument generally believe that the universe is a result of an accidental ex plosion. Although there are many theories that use the teleological argument to provide strong support for intelligent design, there are also well-developed theories that oppose the teleological argument. A philosopher who presents several contradicting arguments to the teleological argument is David Hume. In his writing, The Dialogue Concerning Natural Religion, he presents his critique of the teleological argument and expresses his opposition through the fictional character Philo. In one ofShow MoreRelatedExamine the Key Features of the Teleological Argument?1491 Words  | 6 PagesExamine the key features of the Teleological argument. The word teleological comes from the Greek word ‘Telos’ which means purpose. The teleological argument is a posteriori and like the cosmological argument, attempts to prove the existence of God. It claims that certain phenomena within the universe appear to display features of design and are perfectly adapted to fulfil their function. Therefore, if features of the universe are so perfectly designed, for example the structure and function ofRead MoreTeleological Arguments Essay849 Words  | 4 Pages The argument from design or the teleological argument points to the existence of order and direction in nature to a kind of purpose. The argument essentially proves the existence of God. A designer must exist because the universe and living things exhibit marks of design in their complexity. Design-type arguments are unproblematic when based upon things nature plainly could not or would not produce, like human artifacts. If designs entail a designer, and the universe shows marks of design, thenRead MoreWilliam Paley And David Hume1260 Words  | 6 PagesIntelligent by Design Written by Alexander Staggs-Vargas One of the most prominent philosophical arguments that remains today is the debate on the existence of God or an Intelligent Designer. This debate dates back a time of many Gods and deities during the era of Socrates, Plato and their students, including Aristotle. This discussion will focus on the differing works of authors William Paley and David Hume and I will argue that there is an Intelligent Designer for our universe. William PaleyRead MoreExplain the Teleological Arguments for the Existence of God Essay1268 Words  | 6 Pagesthe Teleological arguments The word teleological originates from the Greek ‘telos’ meaning end or purpose. It infers the existence of God from a particular aspect or character of the world, namely the presence of order, regularity and purpose, and thus, is most commonly known as the design argument; it postulates the idea of a designer for all that has been designed. As its name suggests, the teleological argument attempts to seek the ultimate end or purpose. Furthermore, the teleological argumentRead MoreThe Design Argument for the Existence of God Essay920 Words  | 4 PagesThe Design Argument for the Existence of God While theology may take Gods existence as absolutely necessary on the basis of authority, faith, or discovery, many philosophers have thought it possible to demonstrate by reason that there must be a God. The teleological argument, also known as the argument from design quite simply states that a designer must exist since the universe and living things display elements of design in their order, consistency, unity and patternRead MoreAquinas’ has five proofs for Gods existence. His first proof is an argument from motion. Nothing600 Words  | 3 PagesAquinas’ has five proofs for Gods existence. His first proof is an argument from motion. Nothing can move itself unless it was placed into motion. His second proof is an argument from efficient causes. We experience a series of efficient causes of things. I didn’t exist to my prior existence. Nothing before exists. Nothing can be caused by itself. The third proof is the argument from possibility and necessity. We find natural things that are possible to be and not to be. Things come in and out ofRead MoreEssay on The Existence Of God908 Words  | 4 PagesMost Popular Arguments For The Existence Of God The Ontological Argument One of the most important attempts to demonstrate the existence of God is the ontological argument of Saint Anselm, an 11th-century theologian. Anselm’s argument maintains that God, defined as the greatest being that can be conceived, must exist, since a being that does not exist would by virtue of that fact lack an attribute that contributes to its greatness. Critics have questioned, however, whether existence actually contributesRead MoreThe Argument Of God s Existence1737 Words  | 7 Pagesothers refute Gods existence altogether. However for this particular paper I will be taking the best explanations approach. What I mean by this is I do not have proof of God’s existence but the existence of God is the best explanation for the universe around me. With this statement in mind we will discuss arguments in support of God’s existence as well as philosopher H.J McCloskey’s article On Being an Atheist. Within McCloskey’s article he refers to three well known theist arguments as proofs theRead MoreEveryman1579 Words  | 7 Pagesbelieves that the existence of evil discredits arguments made in support of believing in God. There is not one single thing in this world that we can know definitively without looking at the evidence. You have to look at the whole picture. Just like in a criminal investigation, the crime scene investigators gather evidence they are not looking for just the bullets or just the body. They look and gather all the data before coming to any conclusions. We will discuss each of the arguments and some additionalRead MoreSummary Of On Being An Atheist1341 Words  | 6 Pageswith one another over the existence of a creator, or God. H.J. McCloskey published his thoughts on the matter in a journal article in 1968 titled â€Å"On Being an Atheist†. In his article McCloskey aims to discredit cosmological and teleological arguments for a creator an d he uses the existence of evil in the world as evidence that a divine creator cannot exist. McCloskey routinely refers to the cosmological and teleological arguments as believers’ â€Å"proof†of God’s existence; however, this is not an
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner - 878 Words
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is a poem by the English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Coleridge and his friend, William Wordsworth, put together a collection of their work called Lyrical Ballads. It contained Coleridge’s famous poem Rime of the Ancient Mariner. This collection is widely recognized as the initiation of the shift towards modern poetry and British Romantic literature. Although the poem’s deliberate use of antiquated language differed from romantic poetry’s use of modern language of the time, it is still considered influential within the romanticism movement (Green). The poem’s influence in British Romanticism affected later authors and other works, including Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley. Samuel Taylor Coleridge was born in England on October 21, 1772 (Poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge). Coleridge began his education with the pursuit of becoming a Clergyman, which was his father’s wish. He soon changed subjects in response to the influence of William Frend who held Unitarian beliefs. Later he became friends with Robert Southey, and they made plans to set up a commune in America under the belief of equal government for all. They both married, but soon afterwards Southey abandoned their plans to pursue law. Coleridge began building his writing career and he and Wordsworth published their collection Lyrical Ballads in 1798 (Poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge). The Rime of the Ancient Mariner tells the story of a sailor who narrates his account to a passing weddingShow MoreRelatedThe Rime Of The Ancient Mariner952 Words  | 4 Pagesredemption within his lyrical ballad â€Å"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner†. The themes that are developed throughout the text are rooted within the means in which poetic language draws attention to repetitions of words related to sight, thus allowing images of nature to becomes a focal point for the Mariner’s salvation and presenting a didactic message about humanity’s perception of the natural world. Through interactions with the natural world, the Mariner transitions from punishment to redemption resultingRead MoreThe Rime Of The Ancient Mariner1246 Words  | 5 PagesIn recent years, growing concerns over the state of our planet has increased. It has become increasingly apparent that humans leave a destructive impact on the world. â€Å"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner†uses a religious tone and symbolism to discuss the implications of human interference with nature. It is undeniable that humans leave a lasting impact on the world. The need to progress and improve has lead to the destruction of the environment. The catch-22 of humans need to progress is that theyRead MoreThe Rime Of The Ancient Mariner1669 Words  | 7 PagesThroughout Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and â€Å"The Rime of The Ancient Mariner†there are many instances where metacognitive thinking and knowledge are discussed and presented. The word metacognition comes from the root word meta which means beyond. The word metacognition can take many forms including knowledge and when or how to use certain strategies to learn or be used to solve problems. In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein we see metacognitive thinking throughout mainly through victor and the creatureRead MoreThe Rime Of The Ancient Mariner1891 Words  | 8 Pageswith the approach and structure of proposed implementation varying primarily based on ideology. â€Å"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner†by means of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and â€Å"Goblin Market†by means of Christina Rossetti, are perfect examples of ways human beings have always and could always be inclined to temptations due to the fact they re more potent than our will. In â€Å"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner†through Samuel Taylor Coleridge temptation is embodied inside the form of a chicken. The essentialRead MoreThe Rime Of The Ancient Mariner2966 Words  | 12 Pages Coleridge?s Hidden Journal: ?The Rime of the Ancient Mariner? Samuel Taylor Coleridge?s ?Rime of the Ancient Mariner? is a piece known to many in some vague way or another. An elderly sailor, a ghostly ship, and the killing of an albatross are all present in many people?s minds, although they may not entirely know the whole tale. Although well-known today, the most activity ?Rime? has seen was in its beginnings. It has its fair share of praise and criticism, praise given posthumously and criticismRead MoreThe Rime Of The Ancient Mariner944 Words  | 4 Pagesfantasy. When he was nine, his father died, and Coleridge was sent to school in London. Later, he went to Cambridge University. One of Samuel Taylor Coleridge poems was The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and there are a distinct three messages that are life learning. The first message in the poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge is not to kill innocent things. So the first message is not to kill innocent things. The reason why this is a message is because it happens everywhereRead MoreThe Rime Of Ancient Mariner1896 Words  | 8 PagesNikita Raval Professor: C .Thompson Date: 11/11/2015 Composition-1 The Rime of Ancient Mariner Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) is a lyrical poet, critic, and philosopher. The poem â€Å"The Rime of Ancient Mariner†was first published as a lyrical ballad in the year 1798. The poem recounts sailor who came back from long sea voyage. The poem is about three people who attend a wedding when a long gray -bearded and glittered eye person stops one ofRead MoreThe Rime Of The Ancient Mariner Essay1384 Words  | 6 PagesSamuel Taylor Coleridge’s â€Å"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner†details the story of a cursed mariner, framed in a conversation with a man on his way to a wedding. The Mariner’s tale truly begins when he thoughtlessly kills an albatross as his crew is sailing through the northern ice caps. Rising from Coleridge’s own experience, he ties in various themes exposing the reader to death, consequences of actions, and an interest in the unknown. By creating a clear connection between the physical and spiritualRead MoreThe Rime Of The Ancient Mariner1290 Words  | 6 Pages he Rime of the Ancient Mariner†shows many accounts of religious imagery which was used by Samuel Taylor Coleridge to add to the work as a whole. When Coleridge wrote ‘The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner, Coleridge s faith was going down hill and he didn t have a clear view of the path he wanted to go down. In this view, â€Å"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner†can be read as an analogy of the voyage of Coleridge’s search for a Christian God. By the end of the poem, it looks like Coleridge never findsRead MoreThe Rime Of The Ancient Mariner1484 Words  | 6 Pages Kemp 1 Zachary Kemp Mr. Hill English IV 20 April 2016 THE RIME OF THE ANCIENT MARINER: The Mariner The Albatross, and The Song The story the rime of the ancient mariner is a poem written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge and is his longest poem he ever wrote and in many people’s opinions, the best he ever wrote. The poem is famous for its religious
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cyberbullying, An Online Harassment Of Children By Others
Rather be Bullied or Cyberbullied Abstract: Cyberbullying is an online harassment of children by others. The works of Patchin, Shariff, and Willard, all prominent researchers in the study of cyberbullying. They found issues related to cyberbullying that can be understood. Most cyberbullying instances happen at home and is often brought to the school campus. School systems are left unsure of how to response to the bullying while balancing legal and ethnic responsibilities. Students across the nation are being bullied online and are bringing to school the residual effects of these personal attacks The issues include traditional bullying, teen social media use and cyberbullying. The issue of cyberbullying cannot truly be addressed unless it is approached reactively. It has become increasingly evident that the Internet has brought to our campuses another threat to student safety. It has come to the point where school districts have zero tolerance policies against bullying to case of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying by federal and sta te statue definition includes â€Å"bullying or harassment by use of an electronic communication device.†Why do people cyberbully? Have you ever been bullied and thought people just do it to get attention? You feel like everyone is looking at you because they know you have been bullied. A tear drop, drops down from your face as you run to the bathroom to hide and think is really worth living for. Some people say that cyberbullying can end up in aShow MoreRelatedThe Problem. Cyberbullying Is An Unforeseen Consequence1104 Words  | 5 PagesThe Problem Cyberbullying is an unforeseen consequence of the rapid increase of children’s use of technology. Cyberbullying is a specific kind of harassment that takes place on an electric device i.e. computers, smartphones, and tablets. The aggressor will use communication tools like email, texts, and chat rooms, as well as social media sources such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. Online harassment is different from a regular bullying because it is something that can happen twenty-fourRead MoreHarassment And Bullying On Social Media1568 Words  | 7 PagesHarassment and Bullying on Social Media What is the history of this topic? Since the beginning of time people have always had an instinct for the desire to survive. Through this instinct of survival comes competition, where people feel the need to surpass others to get what they want, which has not changed as humans have evolved (Donegan, 2012, p.34). The aspect of competition occurs in many aspects of our life including in our education, social and economic systems. In the U.S., capitalistic societyRead MoreOnline Bullying Is Still Bullying?1687 Words  | 7 PagesTyler Anzalone Professor Williams Research Paper 29 October 2015 Online Bullying is still Bullying For those who have been affected by the powerful outcomes of bullying, or have family, friends or peers who have been bullied, then it is known that it is a outrageous type of harassment. Bullying comes in all different shapes and sizes. It doesn t matter the type of situation it is still wrong. The issue of bullying has been discussed throughout schools across the nation and most of the timeRead MoreA New Form of Bullying: Cyberbullying1259 Words  | 5 Pagesin person; but, in this generation, cyberbullying is a new form of harassment that goes beyond the schoolyard. This way, individuals can be bullied all day and any day, but when you ask teens today, 81% of them think it is funny. (NPC) This shows that most teens do not think of cyberbullying as much of a threat, even though the rate in has gone up. In 2008–2009, the School Crime Supplement indicates that 6% of students in grades 6–12 experienced cyberbullying. (Stop Bullying) Six percent of theRead MoreCybe r Bullying Is An Act Of Harassment By Sending Or Posting Harmful And Embarrassing Information1527 Words  | 7 Pagesan act of harassment by sending or posting harmful and embarrassing information or images of a person using the internet and various social media sites; it can include a number of things such as: stalking the victim, sending threats, impersonations, and humiliation of the victim (Feinberg 10). Due to the fact that social media and technology are so prominent in student’s lives today, it is hard for them to escape becoming a victim of cyber bullying, especially at school. Cyberbullying impacts itsRead MoreIs Cyberbullying as Pervasive and as Dangerous as Physical Bullying?1028 Words  | 5 Pagesclassmates, posting secret photos online by colleagues, or even being slandered by strangers, these common experiences are types of cyberbullying. Lots of people have such cyberbullying experiences because it occurs more frequently than before. More specifically, c yberbullying is the use of the Internet, cell phones, or other electronic communication devices to spread harmful or embarrassing information in the form of text, photos or videos about another person. Cyberbullying is worse than physical bullyingRead MoreMorality - Cyber Bullying948 Words  | 4 Pagesotherwise targeted by person using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones by means of threats, sexual remarks, negative labels, ridicule, false statements or disclosure of personal data. it is sometimes referred to as cyber-harassment or cyber stalking. The methods used are limited only by the childs imagination and access to technology. Traditional bullying has been characterized by the following; an intention by the bully to hurt the target (emotionally or physically) an imbalanceRead MoreCyberbullying : Bullying And The Digital Age1672 Words  | 7 Pages(Whittaker, Kowalski, 2015) We’re all familiar with what bullying looks like in a traditional sense. Larger kids, picking on the weaker, usually do to something that makes the victim stand out as different. In Kowalski, Limber, and Agatston’s book, â€Å"Cyberbullying : Bullying in the Digital Age†they introduced some real life examples: Jack was small and somewhat immature for his age. For the past 2 years (since 2nd grade), Jack had been the target of jokes about his size. Most of the boys in his class calledRead MoreBullying Has Been A Big Problem In Our School System For1745 Words  | 7 Pagestechnology made it very easy to engage in cyberbullying, perpetrators used cell phones or computers to conduct this hideous behavior, hiding behind their keyboards to express negative feelings and or thoughts toward others. Using social media for senseless and unwarranted insults to intentionally cause harm and emotional pain. According to the Pew Research Center, approximately ninety-two percent of Americans own a cell phone, therefore, there are no escaping cyberbullying, due to the proliferation of theRead MoreCyberbullying And Its Effects On Society899 Words  | 4 Pageswitnessed bullying. Some cases more severe than others. One well known way is through social network. This is called cyberbullying. Cyberbullying occurs when a minor is targeted in some form-- threatened humiliated, harassed-- by another, and it is not to be confused with cyber-stalking or cyber-harassment, which involves an adult. Not limited to the internet cyberbullying can spread by cell phones or other digital devices (Surdin, 2009). Cyberbullying has caused many disturbances within our society
Cell Phone And Social Media - 2251 Words
The Use of Cell Phone and Social Media in the Workplace People are saying goodbye to paper and hardback books and hello to kindle, e-books, the internet, smartphones and social media. Small bookstores are losing money due to customers purchasing today’s hottest technology. In today’s society, it appears that modern devices and digital conveniences are at our disposal making us less able to concentrate and are destructible. Is this hurting our minds and hindering our thoughts? I must say it’s making people lazier and they feel as if they can do things at the drop of a dime with technology. The use of the cell phone and social media can be both harmful, and profitable, as small bookstores rely on social media and cell phones to expand their business by marketing. The rise of both the cell phone and social media has taken the world by storm. With the mobile phone being the most widely used pieces of technology in the world, it is said to be the most common of comput ers, media, and the internet. The cell phone seemed to have become popular overnight with billions of people worldwide utilizing them. Social media, on the other hand, is widely used as well. Social media now has influence over the way people around the world get and share information. Over 60 percent of people make use of the internet around the world. The world today focuses on the use of social media and mobile marketing to get their business up and running. Social media and mobile marketing were the new worldShow MoreRelatedCell Phones and Social Media1627 Words  | 7 PagesCell Phones and Social Media: Keeping in Touch with Everyone but Ourselves John Doe University/College 04 May 2014 Abstract Technology developed in the past decade has been life-changing. Cell phones have become the most quickly embraced consumer technology in history. Because of this boom and the monumental popularity of social media; have we lost the ability to communicate without this medium? Smartphones and pocket-sized mobile devices have allowed us to do things that were only dreamedRead MoreCell Phones And Social Media2317 Words  | 10 PagesCellphones and Social Media are Dangerous in the Healthcare Field What are some ways that cell phones and social media contribute to accidents, injuries, and violations to the nurses, faculty, and patients? Cell phones and social media are hazardous in our everyday lives, as well as the use of them in hospitals and nursing homes. Would you want a nurse to take care of you that’s on his or her cell phone laughing, grinning, and talking about or looking at Facebook while injecting a shot into yourRead MoreCell Phones And Social Media988 Words  | 4 PagesFrom the beginning of time man has had to deal with distractions of all shapes and sizes, but our current and future generations have a whole new and rather terrifying behemoth to deal with. In today’s world, it’s technology, namely cell phones and social media, that are front and center when you think of everyday distractions. For me however, this isn’t the case. It’s not that they aren’t a distraction, not by a long shot, but they are trumped by my own mind. I dont need any help getting distractedRead MoreThe Usage Of Cell Phones And Social Media1297 Words  | 6 PagesThe Usage of Cell Phones and Social Media in Healthcare In the past decade, we have seen smart phones and social media increasingly taking over our daily lives and becoming the â€Å"norm†. Our phones have become part of our daily use and are currently used as an alarm clock, obtaining updates on sporting events and news, weather updates, video chat and posting updates on any social media. Although phones have been providing exceptional ways for providers to keep in touch with one another it has alsoRead MoreTechnology On Romantic Relationships : The Internet, Cell Phones, And Social Media1964 Words  | 8 PagesKelsey Williams Bob Haas ENG 1103-13 15 November 2016 Technology in Romantic Relationships The internet, cell phones, and social media have become key actors in the life of many American couples. Of the 66 percent of adults who are married or in committed relationships use technology in the little and large moments. They negotiate over when to use it and when to abstain. A portion of them quarrel over its use and have had hurtful experiences caused by tech use. At the same time, some couples findRead MoreThe Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cell Phone And Social Media In Healthcare1107 Words  | 5 Pagesname it. These are all social media that most of us have or at least have one. As technology keeps getting more advanced, the riskier it is to pose a danger to others. It is everywhere, especially the popularity of social media has become a widespread in healthcare. Cellphones have become a necessity in healthcare. They are used as a way to communicate each other, access to medical information or check drug information (Attri, 2016). Dinh (2011) indicated that this soc ial media trend will eventuallyRead MoreSocial Media And Camera Ready Cell Phones During World War II Essay2161 Words  | 9 Pagesrestrictions on their day-to-day activities. In the military, soldiers adapt to a new way of thinking in order to allow themselves to become warriors. Currently, Americans must adapt to a life lived in view of everyone with the use of social media and camera-ready cell phones. Throughout the course of American history and into our present times, American citizens have depended on their ability to adapt, whether it be mentally, physically, and/or emotionally. It was imperative that citizens were adaptableRead MoreCell Phones And Its Effect On Society904 Words  | 4 Pagestechnology. Cell phones are one of the many ground breaking inventions that came out of this technological era society is in now. The technology of cell phones has come a long way since the first cell phone was made. Today they are much more than just a device to talk to someone. I n 2007 the first smartphone was released which was the iPhone and in 2008 the first android was released which allowed people to have access to the internet and apps. Smartphones have revolutionized the cell phone industryRead MoreNegative Effects Of Cell Phones1100 Words  | 5 Pagescreated the thing that runs the lives of many ---- a cell phone. For those living under a rock, cell phones are portable telephones that requires cellular network (ATT, Verizon and Tmobile) to make and receive phone calls. For the first time ever, a generation of kids are going through their adolescence with smartphones. As stated by Pew Research Center, â€Å"75% of 12-17 year-olds now own cell phones, up from 45% in 2004†(Lenhart 1). As cell phones advanced over the years, the increase of adolescenceRead MoreEffects Of Cell Phones1159 Words  | 5 PagesAre Cell Phones Destroying a Generation? The onset of cell phones has had a great impact in the modern society, and especially the millennials or the teens, and as such it has led to the destruction of a generation. It is apparent that what researchers call the iGen, people born between the year 1995 and the year 2012, depend greatly on their cell phones and their well-being majorly depends on their cell phones (Twenge 188). Researchers also prove that the iGen value their cell phones more that
Culture at the Walt Disney Company free essay sample
Lasseter, head of Disney’s animation studios and Pixar says, â€Å"What’s interesting is that he [Iger] actually said most of the time the big companies come in and influence little companies when they buy them. He, in fact, wanted the opposite to happen. †(Reingold, 2012). This acquisition changed Disney fundamentally: No longer was Disney the only way. Reingold, 2012). Disney also had to learn how to â€Å"loosen up†as Pixar is a very flexible organization in which you can bring your pet or child to work and you can also drink at the funky bars that the creatives have set up in their offices. (Reingold, 2012) Iger’s changes seem to be working. The Walt Disney Company made $40. 9 billion in revenue in fiscal 2011. (Reingold, 2012). The changes have increased efficiency with the employees; in some areas of the company they have implemented a flexible work schedule, so the employees don’t have to adhere to a specific schedule, in turn it allows them to spend ore time with family and loved ones. We will write a custom essay sample on Culture at the Walt Disney Company or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Iger increased capital spending during the recession as rivals cut back. Earnings driven by acquisitions have nearly doubled. The stock price has risen 80%, among other things. (Reingold, 2012). Although, overall the cultural changes are working for Disney, it doesn’t always work. Disney’s interactive division is losing money and the film division has had some bombs, which resulted in job loss. Some also believe that by not putting a lot of emphasis on the animation aspect that Disney is diminishing the company’s core brand strength and legacy. Iger says, â€Å"When you deal with a company that has a great legacy, you deal with decisions and conflicts that arise from the clash of heritage versus innovation versus relevance. I’m a big believer in respect for heritage, but I’m also a big believer in the need to innovate and the need to balance that respect for heritage with the need to be relevant. †(Siklos, 2008). I have recently gone through a cultural change at my last employer, AirTran Airways, Inc. , when we were acquired by Southwest Airlines. AirTran had always been the â€Å"low cost†air carrier that still wanted to be like the â€Å"legacy†carriers. We wore suit and ties, worked a specific schedule and had very little crew member appreciation events. When Southwest came in things totally changed. We could wear casual clothes to work, we implemented a Culture Committee in the station, which I started up and ran until my departure, and we had lots of fundraisers, station outings, and sporting tournaments for the crew members to get involved in. One thing you would always hear is that Southwest employees â€Å"OWN IT! †they are empowered to come up with ideas and carry them out. So if an employee wants to have a station outing they must â€Å"OWN IT†and put everything together, from talking with the restaurant/bar to putting out flyers to ensure everyone knows about it. This is not only for the â€Å"fun†things but also for process changes. Southwest has a whole department dedicated to their culture. For me this was a great change, however, for others they were reluctant to embrace the changes, even the station leaders pushed back. When Southwest first came in the picture people were scared, scared of change, losing jobs, changing roles, scares of just about anything. Performance dropped, and more accidents started happening at work. After a while everyone got used to the way things are done
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Characteristics of an epic hero Essay Example For Students
Characteristics of an epic hero Essay A hero is someone with the emotional capacity to alter significantly, the lives of others for the better. In some cases, physical accommodation is necessary as well. The epic, Beowulf, by an unknown poet, accurately portrays the characteristics of an epic hero. Strong and intelligent, the hero in the story, Beowulf, defeats many evils and pieces many nations back together. Frequently, Beowulf performs courageous tasks, which determine the fate of many nations, and his actions reflect heavy, timeless values. These characteristics are evidence of Beowulf’s heroism. Beowulf, who claims to be the mightiest warrior in existence, courageously destroys any monster in his path. As he converses with Hrothgar, king of a land terrorized by the evil monster Grendel, he expresses his power shown in the past. Beowulf tells Hrothgar, â€Å"I drove Five great giants into chains, chased/All of that race from the Earth,†speaking of his evil-fighting past (154-155). Raising justice against these monsters takes a lot of strength, which many men do not have. Beowulf, however, carries the necessary amount of power to complete these tasks. Later on, when Beowulf finally gets in front of Grendel, â€Å"He who had come to them from across the sea, †¦ had driven affliction/Off, purged Herot clean,†just as he has promised. Beowulf puts forth his best effort and kills Grendel, even with strength left in him (Lines 347-349). This is something no ordinary man can do. Beowulf carries such strength, which allows him to defeat almost anything and anyone. Beowulf’s feats almost always determine the fate of one or more nations. For instance, After Beowulf marvelously defeats Grendel, â€Å"Old and young rejoiced, turned back From that happy pilgrimage, mounted their hard-hooved Horses, high-spirited stallions, and rode them Slowly toward Herot again, retelling Beowulf’s bravery as they jogged along†(Lines375-379). The men of Herot are so happy that Grendel is gone and they can now live the lives of free men. Due to Beowulf’s might, they no longer need to fret about the destruction occurring all around them. In addition, after Beowulf practically came back from the dead and defeated Grendel’s mother, the Geats, â€Å"Thanked God that their leader had come back unharmed†(Line582). The actions of the Geats show just how much Beowulf’s actions affect them. They all cheer throughout the land. Because Beowulf heard of Grendel’s infamous actions and even witnessed them himself, he saved the lives of many men in different lands. Beowulf reflects many timeless values such as honor and having a strong will. Not considering the matter fully, â€Å" leaped into the lake, would not wait for anyone’s/Answer,†so that he may fight Grendel’s mother, at the end leaving her writhing in her home (Lines450-451). The fact that Beowulf takes himself into the lake with hardly a second thought, shows the amount of courage he carries. Wherever he may be, Beowulf takes on whatever challenge is in front of him, almost breaking the fetters of mortality. Beowulf holds endless honor; he communicates this with his telling to Wiglaf of the way he has saved his society. Lying in livid wounds, defeated, Beowulf says to Wiglaf, â€Å"’I can leave/This life happy; I can die, here,/Knowing the Lord of all life has never/Watched me wash my sword in blood/Born of my own family’†(lines 752-755). The honor Beowulf contains has saved his nation. As a mortal man, he helps many escape the wraths of monsters and live in riches, and does it all without completing a task, which is not noble. Overall, the mighty warrior, Beowulf, performs many actions which cannot be performed by any other men and which determine the future circumstances of many. When faced with a challenge, the warrior takes it on without issue. On behalf of the men whom he journeys with, Beowulf will do anything. Accurately, he fits every ancient aspect of a hero, in existence. Without a doubt, Beowulf has the capacity of many strong men together.
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