
Friday, July 26, 2019

Gardens Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Gardens - Essay Example Many gardeners have forgotten what each row contains, since not many gardeners plan their gardens on paper. By using a classification with only three categories, gardeners only have to remember the type of plant sowed in one third of their garden. Root plants would consist of carrots, onions, potatoes, radishes, and other plants that are harvested for their roots. Top plants could be corn, blackberries, and other plants that are harvested above ground. Vine plants would be watermelon, pumpkins, cucumbers tomatoes, grapes, and other plants grown on a vine. By planting root plants first, top plants second, and vine plants third gardeners could easily know what they are harvesting. Root plans like carrots and onions have a distinct top. All a gardener needs to do is find an onion plant to know what third of the garden was allotted to root plants. Top plants like corn also have distinct stalks which would help the gardener know what third of the garden is for top plants. Vine plants grow on vines, so this part of the garden would be easy to spot. Classifying a garden will help gardeners harvest their crops more easily. By using the classification of root plants, top plants, and vine plants, a gardener could easily identify what is being

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